Happy Enemy: The Chief Dumb Wife of Amnesia

Chapter 7 Film and Television City

Chapter 7 Film and Television City

"Tell me, how long is he going to be in a coma? He has not woken up like this, and I have always been uneasy. I am always afraid that the longer he is in a coma, the more money he will ask me when he wakes up."

Li Tianci's words almost made Jiang Xiaohan unsteady and fell to the ground.

"Li Tianci, you are so heartless! I thought you were worried about his body, but I didn't expect... Forget it, I shouldn't have too good fantasies about people like you..."

Jiang Xiaohan stood up straight, she was speechless to Li Tianci.

"Who said I have no sympathy? Isn't it because of him that I came so early? Of course, the most important thing is because of your safety, hehe..."

Looking at Jiang Xiaohan's eyes like a sharp knife, Li Tianci couldn't help laughing dryly, and quickly expressed his attitude.

"Forget it, don't keep it up, tell me, what's the matter?"

Jiang Xiaohan yawned, and sat on a chair with his buttocks tilted in a very disfigured manner.

"I went back last night and thought about it all night, but I still think this person's identity is too suspicious. So I came so early, just to check with you, what is his identity?"

"Check? How to check?"

Jiang Xiaohan looked at him suspiciously.

"First go to the scene of the crime and take a look around to see if his family members have gone there to find him. Then go to the film and television city and ask, is it true that he is an actor as you guessed? Or, Let's go to the shop that rents clothes and ask..."

Li Tianci wrung his fingers, and began to talk about the several solutions he had thought up last night without sleep.

"Come on, none of your methods are as effective as one method."

Jiang Xiaohan gave him a contemptuous look.

"any solution?"

"Send it directly to the police station..."

Jiang Xiaohan continued to yawn and said absently.

"Idiot, if you can send it to the police station, you did it last night... You are not afraid that this matter will become a big problem, and the police will arrest us? He was hit by us!"

Li Tianci suddenly approached her ear and reminded her in a low voice.

"Well, what if he still wants to call the police after he wakes up?"

As soon as this question was mentioned, Jiang Xiaohan's sleepiness just now was replaced by fear.

"So I said, let's wait until he wakes up! At most, I'll bleed a little more, and let him have a private relationship with us."

Li Tianci curled his lips and said with some distress.

"Okay then, everything is up to you."

Jiang Xiaohan didn't get enough sleep and his mind was confused, so he took advantage of Li Tianci's method.

"Then let's go."

He took out his mobile phone and took random pictures of the yellow robe on the sofa, then Li Tianci grabbed Jiang Xiaohan's hand and walked out.

According to the plan, they first came to the alley last night to check the situation.

However, it was found that there was peace as usual, as if nothing had happened.

The two looked at each other, knowing that there was nothing to be found here, so they could only carry out the second plan and go to the film and television city in the south of the city to check.

The film and television city in the south of the city is a large-scale comprehensive tourist area integrating film and television tourism, vacation, leisure and sightseeing, and is the main economic lifeline of the city.

It is rumored that 90.00% of the Republic of China dramas and costume dramas in the country come from here.

On the way to drive to Chengnan Film and Television City, Jiang Xiaohan frowned and took a bite of bread, chewing hard:

"After we pass by, how should we ask? You can't just ask everyone you see, hey, is there an actor who plays the emperor missing here?"

"Idiot, Jiang Xiaohan, was your brain eaten by zombies, or did you not have a brain when you came out of your mother's belly? You ask this, isn't it asking for trouble? You must ask the question secretly. Forget it, you better stop talking for a while, everything depends on me."

Li Tianci glanced at her eating appearance in disgust, and said with some dissatisfaction.

"That's just right, it will save me a lot of trouble, and I don't have to worry about it..."

Jiang Xiaohan took another big mouthful of bread without any image.

"Hey, Jiang Xiaohan, how can you become a real woman..."

Li Tianci sighed and stepped on the accelerator.

When we arrived at the gate of the film and television city, there were crowds of people everywhere, and there was an endless stream of people.

Among them, there are crew members, tourists, and many young boys and girls standing in twos and threes outside the city gate, hoping to be valued by the director, so that they can get a role for themselves to play.

In delusional thinking, you can become famous overnight!
"Tsk tsk, there are so many people here..."

Jiang Xiaohan tugged on Li Tianci's sleeve tightly and said with a sigh.

I was afraid that if I and Li Tianci accidentally got distracted, they would be scattered by the crowd.

"Nonsense, this is the most famous film and television city in the country. Have you never been here before?"

Li Tianci asked loudly.

"I've never been here! I'm so busy every day that I don't even have enough time to sleep. I don't have the time to wander here... Besides, I heard that the tickets here are very expensive!"

Jiang Xiaohan rolled his eyes at him, and looked at him sadly with a look of "it's not like you don't know my situation".

"Come on, let's go in."

This time Li Tianci didn't quarrel with her as usual, but bought tickets and took her directly into the film and television city.

As expected, there were far fewer people in the film and television city than at the entrance.

But even so, the two of them still felt like they were being carried away.

"There are at least 10 groups here every day, and at most there are more than 40 film, TV series and film and television commercial crews setting up scenes here at the same time, so there are a lot of people, you have to tighten my sleeves!"

Li Tianci bowed his head and told Jiang Xiaohan who was looking around.

"Then the boss is making a lot of money?"

Jiang Xiaohan asked absent-mindedly while following the surrounding scene curiously.

"The owner of this film and television city is the well-known Lu family in the south of the city, don't you know? Not only does their family own the world's largest film and television city, but also a series of subsidiaries such as hotel chains and supermarket chains under the company's name. ... Hey, Jiang Xiaohan, did you really listen to what I said?"

Li Tianci was so merciful that he wanted to popularize the history of this film and television city to Jiang Xiaohan, but he didn't expect that Jiang Xiaohan kept looking around and didn't listen to his own words at all.

"I heard it, I heard it... Hey, there seems to be a palace drama over there, let's go there!"

Jiang Xiaohan responded impatiently, then grabbed Li Tianci's hand and pointed in one direction.

Where there are palace dramas in the Qing Dynasty, there are "emperors"!
And if their "emperor" happened to disappear, then the man of unknown origin in the family might have a clue...

(End of this chapter)

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