Chapter 8

The crews that are shooting here are almost all the same. Some crew members cleared the scene in advance and put up a cordon to prevent tourists or other irrelevant people from disturbing the on-site shooting.

As a result, standing far outside the crew, Li Tianci stood on tiptoe and looked into the distance.

Jiang Xiaohan was left scratching his ears anxiously, but he could only whisper:

"Why don't we just push over and ask, or as you say, covertly?"

"Idiot, do you still need to ask? Didn't you see that the person sitting on the chair and playing with his mobile phone is wearing a dragon robe? Let's go, this crew is useless!"

Li Tianci sighed, and then thought that Jiang Xiaohan was not tall, and it was impossible for him to see the situation in the crew through the heavy heads like himself, so he directly dragged her to the next costume crew.

And this crew, like the previous one, has already been cordoned off.

"What should I do? I can't get in..."

Looking at the dense crowd all around, Jiang Xiaohan couldn't help being upset.

These people are really, if they don't stay at home in such a hot summer, why come here to join in the fun?

This is a good time, and it delays those people who have serious business affairs!
Li Tianci dragged Jiang Xiaohan, squeezed several times but did not get close to the cordon, he frowned, then stretched it out again, grabbed Jiang Xiaohan's hand, and took it outside.

"Hey, Li Tianci, what are you doing? You don't want to know the answer?"

Jiang Xiaohan asked loudly while struggling.

"Idiot, I went home last night but didn't sleep all night, I did my homework... Follow me, I promise to get the answer we want as quickly as possible!"

Li Tianci said triumphantly.

Hearing his affirmative words, Jiang Xiaohan immediately gave up struggling, obediently took his sleeve, and followed behind him.

Li Tianci led her around, and finally returned to the gate of the film and television city.

In the side room at the gate, an old man was sitting in the house, listening to the opera sound from the radio with his eyes closed, smoking a cigarette and drinking saliva from time to time, he looked very comfortable like that.

"Hi sir, can I ask you something?"

Li Tianci stood up straight and said politely.

Jiang Xiaohan curled his lips secretly.

This kid, he changed his face really fast!

He just yells at himself, and when he sees outsiders, he immediately behaves like a dog, so polite!
The old man slowly opened his eyes, looked at the two young men in front of him, and said in surprise:

"what's up?"

"It's like this, sir. I want to know how many crews here are shooting at the same time recently?"

While answering politely, Li Tianci took out a box of cigarettes that he had already prepared from his bag, and handed it to the uncle.

When the uncle saw the brand of cigarettes, he immediately smiled.

He took a notebook, pointed to the crew name on it, and said slowly:
"In the past few days, there have been a total of [-] crews here. Eight of them are Republic of China dramas and nine are costume dramas."

Anyway, these are not confidential matters. For the sake of that pack of brand-name cigarettes, the uncle told the truth.

"Then which crews were working yesterday? It's best to start working at night..."

Jiang Xiaohan rushed to ask.

"Only three plays were started last night!"

After the old man answered the question casually, he asked the next question belatedly.

"Why, you also want to be extras?"

The old man regarded them as the group of boys and girls outside who wanted to become famous overnight...

"We, uh..."

Suddenly being asked such a question by the uncle, Jiang Xiaohan hesitated.

"This young man is tall and burly, so it should be easy to find a role... As for this little girl..."

The uncle opened his eyes wide and looked at Jiang Xiaohan, he hesitated to speak.

"Master, don't be shy to finish your sentence... I know this girl is very angry, and she must not be able to get a good role."

Li Tianci snickered aside.

Jiang Xiaohan was left staring at him desperately.

Li Tianci, what do you mean?
Dare to say girl I am ugly?

You are ugly, your whole family is ugly!
"No, that's not what I mean. Over here, there are too many girls who want to be extra performers. And this girl, although she is thin and small, has a pair of eyes that seem to be able to talk. Such a Come on, it's easy for her to steal the limelight from the heroine by acting as a group performer... Do you understand what I mean?"

"I see, sir, you mean I'm too spiritual, so the heroine won't like supporting roles like me too much."

Hearing the uncle's explanation, Jiang Xiaohan, who was still depressed just now, suddenly felt a little proud.

"Jiang Xiaohan, can you not put gold on your face? The uncle said that to comfort you, for fear of hurting your glassy heart."

"Get out! You are blind to gold and jade..."

Jiang Xiaohan glared at each other.

Damn Li Tianci, can't you let others praise me?

"You... Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk to you! Sir, do you know what were the three plays last night?"

Originally, the uncle was smiling and watching this pair of men and women bickering there, like flirting between young lovers.

At this time, Li Tianci suddenly changed the subject, and he didn't have time to think, so he took advantage of the situation and replied:
"The Legend of Zhen Huan's previous life, Gong San, and the crew from Korea..."

"So, among them, those who play the emperor are still those old actors?"

Jiang Xiaohan couldn't care less about fighting with Li Tianci anymore, so he asked.

Among her limited entertainment, watching TV series is one of them, because it doesn't cost money.

Therefore, she can know all the major TV series that are popular now.

"Isn't it? It's not that group... Ah, why are you leaving?"

Before the uncle finished speaking, he saw Li Tianci tugging at Jiang Xiaohan's sleeve, turned around and walked out the door.

"We still have something urgent, sir, I'll talk to you slowly next time..."

Li Tianci turned his head and smiled at him, and quickened his pace.

Walking out of the film and television city, Jiang Xiaohan couldn't help but punch Li Tianci's chest:
"Li Tianci, it's alright! You really found the answer in the shortest time! Tell me, how could you think of this way so cleverly?"

Isn't that right, let's not talk about whether you can get in touch with the crew smoothly to find out the answer, but in this huge film and television city, if you want to find so many crews, it may take a whole day of effort.

And now, in just ten minutes, they already knew all the answers.

Li Tianci's method is really great!

"Idiot, you are stupid, don't think that everyone else is like you! You don't know, why don't you ask Du Niang if you need anything?"

Li Tianci glanced at her contemptuously, and rubbed his aching chest from being hit by her.

(End of this chapter)

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