Chapter 9 Prince Suit

Li Tianci didn't sleep all night last night, but he really did his homework.

First, I thought of three ways to find out the identity of the man in my heart.

Then how to implement each method and how to get the answer the fastest, he spent almost a night searching and planning on the Internet.

In the end, the result was that the gatekeeper had the most say about the film and television city.

Because every day the crew enters and exits the stage, they have to go to him to report and sign.

As for the clothing stores that rent out costumes, he has also found out that all the stores of this type in the city are purchased from a large wholesale store.

So at this moment, they don't have to go wandering all over the street at all, but just go directly to the wholesale store in the suburbs...

When they arrived at the destination, the owner of the clothing rental saw them get off a luxury car, smiled immediately, walked quickly to the door and greeted them:

"Sir, miss, what do you need? We have performance costumes, Han costumes, stage costumes, and all kinds of custom-made..."

"Boss, I want to ask you something. Help me find out, is this dragon robe rented out by your store?"

Li Tianci was also straightforward this time, he took out his mobile phone, took out the photo of the dragon robe, and pointed it to the boss.

"Oh, let me see..."

The boss is a middle-aged man with thick glasses.

He took the mobile phone in Li Tianci's hand, looked at it carefully, and scratched his head in surprise while looking at it.

From time to time, I zoomed in on the photo with my hands, and my eyes were almost stuck on the screen...

"Why, it's not from your place?"

After waiting patiently for 3 minutes, Jiang Xiaohan finally asked impatiently.

Is it right? Isn't it just a word of effort?

As for the research for so long?

The boss looked at them carefully with a pair of eyes from above the glasses, then lowered his head again, and said in a muffled voice:

"Sir, are you joking?"


Jiang Xiaohan and Li Tianci asked in unison.


Who has time to joke with you?
The boss took a deep breath, controlled his emotions, and then moved his eyes from the phone to their faces with reluctance:

"You two, please come with me inside."

"No need... just tell me if it's from your place..."

"Sir, please!"

The boss suddenly stretched out a hand, regardless of whether they were willing or not, he grabbed Li Tianci's sleeve vigorously, and without hesitation, he brought him vigorously to the inner hall.

"Little San'er, close the door right away. By the way, you can also go out and wander around, and come back in an hour."

Seeing that things seemed to have changed, the atmosphere was very dignified. Both Li Tianci and Jiang Xiaohan stood in the inner hall with some embarrassment, not knowing what happened.

Isn't it just a costume? The boss's reaction is too big, right?
"Sir, miss, please take a seat and drink tea!"

The boss respectfully poured two cups of Kung Fu tea from the table and put them on the tea table.

"That... Boss, if you have anything to say, just say it directly. We feel very uneasy if you do this!"

Jiang Xiaohan swallowed, a little nervous.

Although he didn't know what the boss's intention was, Jiang Xiaohan still felt a little timid looking at his serious, even agitated and inexplicably ferocious face.

She grew up in the market, where has she seen such a formation?

As for Li Tianci, although he has more knowledge than her, he is only 20 years old after all. He is still a college student and has never really entered the society.

So he also felt somewhat guilty about all this in front of him.

"Since the two of you have this kind of goods in your hands, we might as well open the skylight and speak honestly. I wonder if you two can lend me this robe to have a look and touch it. I promise, I will never reveal it to the outside world. Half point!"

The boss rubbed his hands and smiled.

In the eyes, there is actually endless longing.

"Lend it to you?"

Li Tianci and Jiang Xiaohan's eyes widened at the same time, looking at the boss in a state of bewilderment.

I don't understand what he means.

But judging from his appearance, it seems that this dragon robe has a lot of background?
"Yes, lend me a look... This robe, according to my observation, should be the crown prince's robe of the Qing Dynasty... Priceless treasure, priceless treasure!"

The boss said with excitement on his face.

"What did you say?"

Jiang Xiaohan and Li Tianci were dumbfounded at the same time.

Crown suit?
Qing Dynasty?
Did they hear it right?
"I said, can I take a look at this robe and touch it? I promise, I absolutely... I just want to take a look, so that I can get closer to the real thing when I make costumes in the future..."

The boss's lips were moving up and down, spitting all kinds of promises and good words.

But Jiang Xiaohan and Li Tianci were dumbfounded at the same time, and could no longer hear any words in their ears.

Could it be that the man of unknown origin really traveled through time, as Li Tianci said?
Until the boss chattered for 10 minutes, seeing that the other party hadn't responded, he couldn't help coughing softly, and brought the two people who had been petrified for 10 minutes back to reality.

"Sir, look..."

"Hey, Boss, I think you have misunderstood! If I could have this robe, I wouldn't have come to your store to ask him where it came from?"

Li Tianci, who had come to his senses, gave a dry laugh to conceal his shock and guilt, and quickly put himself and the robe aside.

"Then this photo..."

The boss was stunned for a moment, and then recalled, it seems that they really came to ask about the origin of the prince's clothes with their mobile phones.

And I was too shocked just now, so I selectively ignored this matter.

Just preoccupied with seeing for myself the authenticity of this priceless treasure!

"We found this photo by accident on the Internet. We thought the style was pretty good, so we wanted to make one according to it..."

Li Tianci had an idea, and lies came out of his mouth.

"On the Internet, which website? Can you give me..."

Although the boss felt lost for a moment, he thought that maybe he could find some clues on the website, so he hurriedly asked.

"Boss, why do you say this is a prince's suit instead of a dragon robe?"

At this time, Li Tianci's sanity has also returned.

Shock is nothing but shock, he is even more curious about the origin of that man...

"It's easy to tell. The dragon robe is golden yellow, and the crown prince's suit is bright yellow. The one with five claws is a dragon robe, while the crown prince wears a python robe with four claws... Hey, why did you run away? You haven't told me yet. Me, on which website can I see this prince's suit..."

(End of this chapter)

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