Chapter 54
Engagement party?

Jiang Xiaohan heard his calm voice after a short period of brain blankness and lack of oxygen:

"Really? Congratulations! However, I have something to do tomorrow, so I don't want to come!"

Oh, how ridiculous!
A pair of men and women who were dating in name, the woman kissed another man inexplicably.

But the male is even more powerful, and now even the "fiancée" has appeared!

Jiang Xiaohan really didn't know whether he should laugh or cry!

This tmd is too bloody!
And it just so happened that I discovered these two things at the same time overnight!

"Don't come? Why don't you come? Don't you want to see with your own eyes the man you once loved and what kind of fiancee you found? Don't you want to see Qiao Fei go to a happy life from tomorrow onwards? Is it a broad road!"

Ma Anna's voice was full of urgency.

It seems that Jiang Xiaohan's not going to their engagement party is a very frustrating and disappointing thing for her.

"I'm not interested in knowing this. By the way, I wish you a happy engagement..."

Too lazy to entangle with her, Jiang Xiaohan has already made up his mind to hang up after finishing these words.

What kind of fiancee did Qiao Fei find, and does it have anything to do with her?
As for what kind of life he will live in the future, it has nothing to do with me!
"Wait, Jiang Xiaohan, don't hang up yet. Listen to me, if you don't come tomorrow, Li Tianci's secret will be known to everyone. You believe me, I have that ability, because we are A school's..."

Anna Ma seemed to have sensed that Jiang Xiaohan was about to hang up the phone, she articulated clearly, and spoke very fast threateningly.

Sure enough, Jiang Xiaohan paused with his hand that wanted to hang up the phone.

A few seconds later, she swallowed a mouthful of saliva, a little guilty:

"you dare!"

"Why don't I dare? Hehe... His Li family is just a middle-class family. He is on par with my Ma family. Am I still afraid of him? Jiang Xiaohan, you have to think about it. After Li Tianci Your reputation is now in your hands..."

Maanna said triumphantly.

Before he had time to think, Jiang Xiaohan blurted out:

"No, I'll come."

"That's right. Our engagement banquet will be at ten o'clock tomorrow morning. Don't be late at the banquet hall on the third floor of the Dihao Hotel, hehe..."

With a burst of contented laughter, Maanna hung up the phone contentedly.

Holding the phone, Jiang Xiaohan immediately dialed Li Tianci's number after being dazed for a second.

But the crisp female voice on the phone told her over and over again:
"Sorry, the number you dialed is turned off, please try again later..."

Jiang Xiaohan frowned, but suddenly remembered that Tianci's uncle fell ill abroad, he should be on the plane going abroad now...

It seems that we will not be able to contact him tonight!
Thinking of this, she could only send a text message to tell Tianci about Qiao Fei's engagement and Ma Anna's threats to her.

I hope that he can know everything that is happening in City A as soon as he turns it on.

After doing all this, Jiang Xiaohan began to remain silent for a long time.

How to do?
Tianci likes men, but don't let other people know!

Although he loves no one will hurt others, but in such a pure and closed space of the school, this kind of thing will undoubtedly make him a "heterogeneous" in the eyes of others, and he will definitely be ridiculed by others...

But how did Maanna know?
Many questions are now swirling in Jiang Xiaohan's mind...

"Bang bang bang..."

A slight knock on the door brought Jiang Xiaohan back to reality.

"What are you doing? I'm going to rest!"

Jiang Xiaohan responded loudly impatiently.

"You, are you okay?"

Outside the door, the dumb guy's hesitant but caring voice sounded.

"How can I be bad? You, did you hear what I just said?"

Jiang Xiaohan's heart moved, and he reacted sharply immediately.

This dilapidated house of ours is not soundproof at all!

Then there is no doubt that what I said just now should have reached the fool's ears.

"Well, what are you going to do? Are you really going?"

Across the door, Dumb didn't deny that he had heard every word she said.

"Of course I did. Wait..."

A thought popped up in Jiang Xiaohan's mind.

She turned around and quickly opened the door.

And the fool outside the door obviously didn't expect her to open the door suddenly, so his body and face were still leaning against the door.

All of a sudden, the distance between the two of them was very close again.

The face, only an inch away, was about to touch the strong and hard chest.

Thinking of the scene on the sofa just now, Jiang Xiaohan's face turned red again, and he subconsciously took a step back, but he still spoke out his plan on his own:

"Stupid, do me a favor."


Duo looked down at the top of Jiang Xiaohan's head, and the fragrance of her hair wafted from his nostrils. He found that his mood, which had just calmed down just now, was a little messed up again.

Stupid, what's wrong with you!

How could I be so unable to control my emotions!

What about your self-control, your integrity...

"Accompany me to Qiao Fei's engagement banquet tomorrow."

After calming down, Jiang Xiaohan said it in one breath.


The disordered mind finally returned to the right track following the business.

The fool's eyes were full of puzzlement.

To witness the engagement banquet between my former lover and another woman with my own eyes, Jiang Xiaohan, are you mad!

"I'm not going, Maanna said that she would announce the secret of the godsend. Well, you seem to know his secret, that is, it's about the man he likes..."

Jiang Xiaohan was stunned for a moment, but still told what Ma Anna threatened him just now.

"Secret? Jiang Xiaohan, are you sure that the secret that Ma Anna mentioned refers to that matter? Why didn't you ask clearly just now?"

The idiot who had regained his sanity immediately followed up with a thoughtful question.

"Besides this, what other secrets does Godsend have? So I don't need to ask, it must be this. By the way, will you accompany me tomorrow?"

"Jiang Xiaohan, you won't hug me and cry in public tomorrow, will you?"

Dumb frowned.

He didn't want his clothes wet when he was crying in public, it would be embarrassing and ugly!
"Nervous, I'm going to get married, why should I cry? I'm, I'm just a little guilty... You're tall and big, even if you don't do anything, I have a solid foundation in my heart by standing by my side!"

Jiang Xiaohan gave him a blank look.

Well, she had to admit that when she first heard that Qiao Fei was engaged, she was a little sad.

(End of this chapter)

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