Chapter 55
But this kind of sadness was quickly replaced by worrying about God-given things.

Now, her mind is full of the idea that she must preserve her god-given reputation.

"Okay, then I will accompany you for a walk tomorrow!"

Seeing that she was really just anxious and not sad at all, Duo nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

But in my heart, there was a feeling of relief.

"Okay, then go to bed early, tomorrow at ten o'clock in the morning, on the third floor of the Dihao Hotel... I never thought that I, Jiang Xiaohan, would be forced to meet my rivals today, and congratulate them fakely. Damn it pissed me off..."

Jiang Xiaohan said something bitterly, and was about to close the door.

Who knew, but the fool put one foot into the crack of the door, and said with some hesitation in his mouth:

"Jiang Xiaohan, just now..."

What happened just now is really just that I can't help it!

Believe it or not, I really didn't mean to.

Dumb really wanted to explain it to Jiang Xiaohan seriously.

At least let her know that he didn't deliberately take advantage of her just because he drank a little wine.

"Just now, what happened just now? I forgot..."

When the fool mentioned it, Jiang Xiaohan's face became hot again.

After a brief hesitation for a second, Jiang Xiaohan decided to pretend to be a fool and get around...

After all, when those things were put on the table, it was embarrassing for both of them.

"Then go to sleep."

Duo's face darkened, then he withdrew his feet and walked slowly towards his bedroom.

This night, once again became a sleepless night for the two of them.

After the initial frustration and embarrassment, Dumb saw that Jiang Xiaohan was actually indifferent to Qiao Fei's engagement banquet, and there was actually a hint of joy in his heart.

It turns out that the relationship between the two of them is not as deep as I thought before!
From this point of view, don't I have a chance now!
When he thought of this, he was immediately taken aback by his own thought.

How can this work? If he doesn't figure out his identity for a day, he can't let go of all his worries and doubts and pursue Jiang Xiaohan.

However, the idea of ​​being with Jiang Xiaohan became more and more determined, taking root in his heart...

So much so that he, who has always been stern and thoughtful, finally made a very risky decision.

Why not, first verify your identity, and then decide whether to continue pursuing Jiang Xiaohan.

At least after figuring out his identity, he still has a choice whether to throw everything away and pursue Jiang Xiaohan to be with her, or to go back to the original life trajectory.

Having made up his mind, Dumb decided to go directly to the police station after attending the engagement banquet with Jiang Xiaohan tomorrow to find his own life...

If he really had any unsolved crimes before, he would admit it too!

It's better than being so uneasy every day, letting his heart go up to the sky for a while, and go to the sea for a while, which can make him feel completely at ease.

What's more, if he really wanted to have a result with Jiang Xiaohan, he had to find something to prove his identity.

Otherwise, how can I marry her and live my whole life with peace of mind?

Thinking of this, he quickly got out of bed and found the "prince's suit" he wore the day he first arrived from the deepest part of the closet, planning to take it to the police station tomorrow.

As for going to the police station, it's better not to tell Jiang Xiaohan for now.

After I confirm that I have no criminal record, and I have never cared about my wife or girlfriend before, I will tell her...

And Jiang Xiaohan, who was separated by a wall, also didn't feel sleepy at all.

She sat on the head of the bed with her legs crossed, her mind seemed uncontrollable, and she kept flashing back to what happened to them on the sofa.

Every minute spent, every movement and look in each other's eyes, was like an old movie in slow motion, gradually appearing in front of her eyes.

"Ah, Jiang Xiaohan, enough is enough for you, why do you keep thinking of these boring things!"

Cursing himself softly, Jiang Xiaohan blushed, lay flat on his body, and deliberately covered himself with a quilt to cover his hot body.

Did you make a mistake, did you take everything that happened just now as ****?Why not only did I blush, but my body also became hot...

Jiang Xiaohan, you are going to die!
Jiang Xiaohan hammered his head vigorously, telling himself in his heart, go to sleep, go to sleep, all this is just a dream!

As long as we come together tomorrow, all of this can be treated as if it never happened!
But the more she warned herself, the longer those images lingered in her mind, never fading away...

In the end, she could only sit up dejectedly, and put the quilt on her back far away.

Well, you want to be right?
I let you think about it all at once!

I still can't believe that all your time tonight was wasted on these random thoughts.

But unfortunately, she really got what she said.

Because in the following time, not only did she still not feel sleepy, but she also went through every detail of the six days that she and the fool had known each other in detail.

From the indifference and vigilance of the idiot after waking up at the beginning, to his enthusiastic advice for her at the end, to personally designing the DM list for her, and painstakingly making up bloody stories for his "birthday gift"...

And in the amusement park, he looked at himself with bright eyes and said, "Don't be afraid, I'm here...", "I won't put you in any danger."...

And at that time, wasn't my heart beating like thunder, shy but full of joy!

God, did, did I really fall in love with him?

Jiang Xiaohan lowered his head and looked at the bracelet on his left wrist. It was a silver bracelet that the idiot had painstakingly obtained and put on for himself.

The fingertips of her right hand slowly touched it unconsciously. She raised her eyes and looked at the mirror opposite.

The ordinary girl in the mirror has an intoxicating blush on her face and an unconscious gentle smile in her eyes. She looks like she is in the spring breeze, like a girl who is just beginning to fall in love.

It seems that yes.

I really fell in love with the dumb guy unknowingly during these six days of contact.

Fall in love with that unknown man!
After Jiang Xiaohan was stunned by his own thoughts, a new trouble popped up again.

But he has no memory...

But soon, she, who is used to simplifying things, immediately found a reason to comfort herself.

Wouldn't it be better to have no memory?

I can be the only woman in his mind, isn't that good!
As for the future life, he can go out to study design, and then set up a stall by himself.

After you save some money, you can start a husband and wife team. It's as simple as that. Wouldn't it be nice to live an ordinary life!
(End of this chapter)

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