Chapter 56 Engagement Banquet

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaohan giggled silly.

Jiang Xiaohan, you are so shameless!


Even the idiot hasn't said he likes you yet, but you have arranged everything for the future on your own initiative!

But it doesn't matter, even if he doesn't like you now, you can still work hard to make him like you!
What's more, judging from his performance tonight, he should have at least a little bit of meaning for you!

Just as Jiang Xiaohan was covering his face and giggling here, there was a soft muffled sound on the wall.

Immediately, a confused voice came from the next door:
"Jiang Xiaohan, have you been deranged by Qiao Fei's engagement banquet? Why are you giggling at night without sleeping? Are you mad?"

"I want you to take care of it, you can sleep in your bed!"

As if his little thoughts were seen through by a fool, Jiang Xiaohan responded with a shy and embarrassing sound.

"Okay, I'm going to sleep, you should go to bed early too."

"I know, I know, long-winded..."

Unknowingly, there was already a hint of coquettishness in Jiang Xiaohan's complaining voice.

By the time Jiang Xiaohan finally felt sleepy, it was almost dawn.

So when she lay down, it was as if she had passed out, sleeping without knowing the time at all.

So when she opened her eyes in a daze, the hour hand of the alarm clock on the wall had already pointed to ten ten...

"Stupid, stupid, hurry up...we're already late!"

Jiang Xiaohan shouted loudly at the idiot next door, while frantically grabbing the clothes on the side and putting them on.

Five minutes later, the two hurried out the door.

Fortunately, the Dorsett Hotel is only tens of meters away from Jiang Xiaohan's home, so when they hurried to the third floor, it was around 10:30.

From a distance, the host's voice could be heard in the banquet hall.

The fool is still storing his luggage at the bar on the third floor, and Jiang Xiaohan, who is carefree and innocent, has already pushed open the door of the banquet hall.

The layout of the banquet hall is an empty room of about 70 square meters, and the stage where the host is standing happens to be near the entrance.

So Jiang Xiaohan's push almost exposed her whole body to everyone's sight.

Seeing that the door next to the host suddenly opened from the outside, and an unexpected guest walked in, everyone's eyes were the same, staring at her curiously.

Facing these surprised or sneering eyes, Jiang Xiaohan, who was still anxious just now, immediately blushed.

What a shame!

Almost everyone present was well-dressed. The women wore long or short dresses, while the men wore uniform suits and trousers.

Looking back at himself and the fool.

Hey, jeans, T-shirts!
Also tmd is the cheapest thing!
You can see that there is no texture at a glance...

Everyone looked at Jiang Xiaohan first, and then looked back at today's protagonists——Ma Anna and Qiao Fei. A trace of doubt flashed in the eyes of most of them.

Can such a woman come to their engagement banquet?

Dressed so casually to attend such an important occasion, did he go to the wrong door, or did the Ma family actually know such a person who doesn't understand etiquette?

Ma Anna saw her when Jiang Xiaohan pushed the door and entered, her face was gloomy for a moment, but when she thought that today was her big day and there were so many relatives and friends around her, she immediately returned to smiling.

She raised her chin and signaled the host to continue.

And she herself held Qiao Fei's arm, who was a little stiff, and swayed over in seven-inch high-heeled shoes.

"Jiang Xiaohan, are you late on purpose? Are you here to make a joke for me?"

Ma Anna was aggressive when she opened her mouth, but she still had a gentle smile on her face.

The unidentified people just saw her smiling face and thought she was taking the initiative to greet this late guest!
"Tsk tsk, Miss Ma really has a measure! Not only was that woman late, but she also came here wearing such sloppy clothes. It didn't give her face at all. Look at her T-shirt, there are so many wrinkles on it. I don't even mean to burn the seal first..."

In the crowd, someone was already secretly expressing their opinions.

"No, that girl seems to be a God-sent girlfriend..."

A sharp-eyed classmate finally noticed that Jiang Xiaohan looked very familiar.

"Yeah, I seem to remember it when you said it. That girl seems to have attended several class reunions with Tianci."

"Didn't Tianci say that her uncle is sick, so now, she entrusts her girlfriend to give the gift?"

"It's strange, every time that girl comes to our dance, she always dresses up. Why is she so unkempt today? Tsk tsk, it's not like when her boyfriend walks away, she breaks the can on the back, right?"

Those who made the comments were obviously Li Tianci and Qiao Fei's classmates, and they had met Jiang Xiaohan a few times.

"Yeah, sorry, we overslept..."

Jiang Xiaohan bowed his head subconsciously and apologized to Ma Anna.

"Xiaohan, why are you here?"

Qiao Fei, who had been in a petrified state, suddenly seemed to wake up, and looked at Jiang Xiaohan with an incredulous gaze.

How did she know she was engaged today?
And how did you find it here?

Also, apart from a few good classmates who are present, I have not disclosed the news of the engagement to anyone else.

Even in order to cover up the wind and prevent Li Tianci from finding out about it, he even waited until Li Tianci finished the exam and got on the plane before telling these classmates impromptuly last night.


"No, Miss Jiang was invited by me. Why, do you have any objections?"

Ma Anna raised her eyebrows, tilted her head and looked at Qiao Fei.

Although she was still smiling, the fierceness in her eyes made Qiao Fei shudder for no reason.

Why did Ma Anna in front of her suddenly seem to be a different person?

A Maanna I never knew!
In his memory, the girl who always revolved around him was always gentle and understanding!
"Uh... so you don't know about this..."

Jiang Xiaohan was also stunned!
After a long time, the person who invited me to their engagement banquet was not Qiao Fei, but Ma Anna's idea!

But why would Maanna do this?

Seeing that everyone is embarrassed, she is happy!
Or do you want to use this to tell yourself to draw a clear line between yourself and Qiao Fei in the future?
Please, no matter what, Qiao Fei has become your fiancé now, girl, I don't even bother to be a third party for him...

(End of this chapter)

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