Happy Enemy: The Chief Dumb Wife of Amnesia

Chapter 57 Engagement Banquet 2

Chapter 57 Engagement Banquet 2
What's more, I have another person in my heart now...

"Hehe, yes, he doesn't know. I used his phone to talk to you last night while he was taking a shower."

Ma Anna was also straightforward, and said with a calm face that she had secretly taken Qiao Fei's phone, and said it lightly.

"Oh, that's okay. Anyway, I can only wish you a happy engagement!"

Jiang Xiaohan's sanity finally returned.

Facing Ma Anna's provocation, she now has a calm face.

Cut, it's just a Qiao Fei, you can take it if you want, I don't care about girls!
"Jiang Xiaohan, you...why did you bring him here too?"

When Ma Anna was about to continue to sarcastically sarcastically Jiang Xiaohan, she suddenly saw an extra person beside them.

And that person was the idiot who just rushed over.

"Him? Do you know him?"

Jiang Xiaohan was surprised.

Could it be that Maanna knew the fool?
Thinking about it carefully, Ma Anna, who didn't even know herself before today, had a look of surprise on her face the moment she saw the fool.

Jiang Xiaohan was nervous.

I'm afraid that the fool really knew Ma Anna before he lost his memory.

In her subconscious mind, she has already decided that the dumb guy after amnesia is her own, and she doesn't want him to regain his memory.

Call her selfish or simple-minded.

In short, Jiang Xiaohan felt that after the fool lost his memory, he would be the only woman he knew in his mind.

She even hoped that the fool would bid farewell to the old him.

Don't be young and Dangerous anymore, don't fight and kill anymore, wouldn't it be better to live a simple and ordinary life with yourself!
"You know me from before?"

Not to mention Jiang Xiaohan, even the idiot who just rushed over was full of suspicion.

"Aren't you just..."

I don't know if it was because of the jealousy in my heart, but Qiao Fei, who had been silent by the side, also suddenly spoke.

And at this time, the host has already shouted on the stage:
"Now, let's invite our protagonists today—Mr. Qiao Fei and Miss Ma Anna to come on stage and say a few words... Let's applaud for this happy couple..."

"Let's talk later!"

Ma Anna hurriedly left a word, then with a smile on her face, she took Qiao Fei's hand and walked onto the stage.

On the stage, she was basically alone talking about how she fell in love with Qiao Fei at first sight, and how Qiao Fei pursued her romantically after learning about her thoughts...

In short, their combination is a process full of romance and sweetness.

And one of the protagonists, Qiao Fei, stood beside her, looking a little dull, as if absent-minded.

Of course, most of the Ma family's relatives who don't know him or are not familiar with him may only think that Qiao Fei is just a little shy...

Who doesn't know that Ma Anna is domineering and domineering on weekdays, but now she finds a man with a shy personality who she can control, which can be regarded as a complementary personality!
Therefore, there were not many people who were suspicious of the relatives of the Ma family.

Instead, several of Qiao Fei's classmates whispered:
"Hey, why do I feel that Qiao Fei is out of shape today?"

"Is it too nervous because of the engagement?"

"It's not like, he loves to be active when holding class reunions on weekdays. Qiao Fei doesn't seem like a reserved person. And don't you wonder why their engagement banquet is so sudden this time? I've never heard of it before. He dated Maanna..."

"That's right, I don't think so unless you tell me. It seems that except for a few of us, other classmates and relatives of Qiao's family didn't come here today."

"Yeah, let alone relatives, even Qiao Fei's parents didn't come."

"It's really weird... I've never seen an engagement banquet where there are only relatives and family members of the woman, but none of the relatives and family members of the man..."

"Hey, hey, stop talking, they seem to have finished talking!"

A clever little friend hurriedly and quietly stopped other people's discussion.

Sure enough, Ma Anna and Qiao Fei, who had finished speaking on the stage, floated off the stage after receiving everyone's applause and blessings.

The rest is the part of the buffet.

Jiang Xiaohan already had the urge to drag the dumb guy away when Ma Anna took the stage.

She didn't want Ma Anna to recognize the identity of the fool, and she didn't want the fool to recall the lost parts of her life because of her words...

She didn't want him to leave, and she didn't want him to return to the chaotic life of fighting and killing.

It's just that the idiot managed to seize such a small opportunity. It is possible that the woman would know his true identity, so how could he give up so easily?

So he was stubborn, standing in the hall, quietly waiting for Ma Anna to finish speaking.

Jiang Xiaohan could only stand beside him fearfully, praying in his heart, this was a misunderstanding!
Maybe Maanna got the wrong person?
It's true, judging by today's ostentation, her family can be considered rich!

In this case, how could it be possible to meet a little bastard!
Well, she must have admitted the wrong person, for sure...

Jiang Xiaohan comforted himself silently in his heart.

But even so, her heart was still fluctuating, uneasy...

After finally waiting for Ma Anna to float off the stage, the fool was the first to greet her:
"Miss Ma, is it convenient to talk further?"

"Just wait, wait until I finish clinking glasses with my classmates and relatives first."

Ma Anna seemed to be deliberately trying to whet their appetites, she lightly dropped a word, and walked around the hall like a courtesan.

Clink glasses with this one from time to time, chat and laugh with that one...

"Stupid, let's go. She was trying to tease us on purpose."

Jiang Xiaohan stepped forward and grabbed the fool's sleeve, trying to persuade him again and take him away.

As for Li Tianci's secret...

Well, she values ​​sex over friends, and she forgets righteousness when she sees sex, because she has completely forgotten about that!

"No, Jiang Xiaohan, this matter is very important to me, I can't give up any chance to know my identity!"

The fool looked into her eyes and said something faintly.

Before I regain my identity, how can I love you?

What qualifications do I have to pursue you and promise you a lifetime of happiness?
I thought silently in my heart, but the idiot never said these thoughts.

"I'm pissed off, I'm pissed off..."

Jiang Xiaohan tugged at the ends of his hair resentfully, and took a glass of red wine from the waiter who passed by.

Raising her neck and swallowing her throat, she boldly drank the glass of wine in one gulp!

She has no idea how rude and impolite her actions are in the eyes of others!
(End of this chapter)

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