Chapter 58 Her True Identity
The engagement banquet between Ma Anna and Qiao Fei was short-lived, so the preparations were hasty, and the ostentation was not too big, basically it could only be regarded as a small parrt.

It's just to inform some close relatives and friends that they are together...

Because of this, not too many people came this time.

There are about 20 close relatives and friends of the Ma family, and there are about a dozen classmates of Ma Anna and Qiao Fei. In total, there are only more than 40 people.

Seeing Jiang Xiaohan's rude appearance of drinking heavily now, many people have started to whisper:

"That girl is so rude!"

"Isn't that right? I came here to attend someone else's engagement banquet, not to mention dressing formally, and I was late. I drank so hard, as if I had never seen such a good red wine in my life!"

"That girl is so young, is Anna's classmate?"

"Who knows, it should be. Didn't Anna go to talk to her for a while just now?"

"Tsk tsk, when did my family's Anna have such a low taste, she actually made friends with such a girl, it really lowered the figure of our Ma family..."

Ma Anna's aunt muttered dissatisfied.

Their discussion was heard by Father Ma who was standing not far behind them.

His face was ashen, with a hint of anger that he had not expressed.

To be honest, he was already very dissatisfied when Anna came back two days ago and inexplicably said that she was going to marry a man.

But after all, he is a veteran in the shopping mall, and he didn't get angry immediately, but suppressed his anger, and asked Ma Anna kindly, what do you like about that man?

Ma Anna said that he is handsome and has good academic performance. He will definitely stand out in the future and let himself live a comfortable life...

After these words, Father Ma couldn't laugh or cry.

This daughter of mine has never been in and out of society after all. The idea is too simple!

What "getting ahead" is simply wishful thinking!

That man's family is poor, and he doesn't have any rich or powerful relatives. Even if he studies well, he will be just a high-end wage earner after graduation. What can he do to make his daughter happy?
As for being handsome...

Hehe, handsome can be eaten as a meal!
Can it be used as a credit card?
So Father Ma politely rejected her.

But who knew, Ma Anna, who had always been spoiled and willful to the point of lawlessness, simply sat on the ground and burst into tears, and said that she had already slept with Qiao Fei, and that he was the only one who would not marry in this life...

If her father insisted on forcing them to break up, she would commit suicide!

Seeing his daughter crying and making noise in front of him, the loving father Ma had no choice but to agree to their relationship after a short thought.

But the condition is that it is impossible to get married, at least not for now.

If you have to get married, you have to wait until the two graduate from university and work for a period of time.

Ma's father used the strategy of "retreating to advance", thinking that after graduation and entering the society, after Anna Ma saw the true charm of a successful man, she would no longer have feelings for the impoverished Qiao Fei.

At that time, they will naturally end up breaking up.

Although Ma Anna was arrogant and self-willed, seeing her father finally let go, she didn't dare to continue messing around.

It's just that, while compromising, she also requested that even if she can't get married now, she must at least get engaged first, and the date must be within a few days.

On this point, no matter how Father Ma asked, Ma Anna never gave a reason.

In the end, because each of them took a step back, Father Ma had no choice but to agree to her request.

However, due to the lack of time, he intentionally made the "engagement banquet" very simple this time, and only invited a few friends from his family.Dear, I haven't revealed anything about it to the outside world.

Keep the known scope of this matter to a minimum as much as possible.

Anyway, the guests who came to this "engagement banquet" were all my family members, so even if the Ma family regretted their marriage for a few years, they would not fall into the shoes of outsiders.

As for Ma Anna's girlfriends and Qiao Fei's classmates, he naturally didn't pay attention to them.

It's just a group of older kids who will go their separate ways after graduation. Who will be in the mood to care about Ma Anna's remorse in the future?

It has to be said that Ma's father really took great pains for his beloved daughter, and thoughtful of everything for her.

As for Ma Anna, naturally she couldn't comprehend Father Ma's painstaking efforts.

She was just immersed in the joy and pride of finally chasing Qiao Fei.


She thought that as soon as she entered the school, she fell in love at first sight with Qiao Fei, who was one level taller than herself, tall and handsome, and launched a series of pursuits.

But who knows, her bold and brave show of love scares Qiao Fei enough.

Born in a family of teachers, he has never seen such a bold and bold girl, so he not only rejected Ma Anna's pursuit, but also persuaded her, saying that now that studies are important, everyone should be good friends!
Who wants to be friends with you?
Can there be true friendship between a man and a woman?

Ma Anna was noncommittal to his words, but also took a step back, pretending to agree to Qiao Fei's request, and became his "good friend"!
Originally, the relationship between the two had slowly become harmonious with the passage of time, and Qiao Fei also began to have some kind care and intimacy towards her.

There was already some ambiguity secretly between the two of them.

But just when Ma Anna thought that she and Qiao Fei were about to develop from "good friends" to "lovers", Jiang Xiaohan stepped in.

Maanna is not convinced!

She has worked so hard to pretend to be a "confidant" for almost a year, how can she just watch Qiao insist on empathizing with other women instead?

So, on the one hand, she remained calm and pretended to continue to play the role of a confidante to get Jiang Xiaohan's information from Qiao Fei's mouth.On the other hand, she secretly found a private investigator to investigate Jiang Xiaohan's affairs.

Her hobbies, her past love history, and what kind of men she has been with...

He thought that once he found the "black spots" in her life, he would naturally be able to restore Qiao Fei's heart!
But who knew, the private detective gave her information after investigating for a period of time, but told her that from the information, Jiang Xiaohan had never had a boyfriend before, let alone any "black spots".

Just as Ma Anna was disappointed, the private detective's next sentence gave her hope:

Jiang Xiaohan is not the daughter of a rich family at all, but a wild girl who grew up in the market!

While Maanna was puzzled by this information, she was also secretly pleased.

From this point of view, Jiang Xiaohan is naturally far inferior to himself in terms of family background, wealth and power.

(End of this chapter)

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