Chapter 60
This girl is wearing a famous brand dress with a full set of love series engraved with the Cartier logo.

Roughly calculated, the whole body of her outfit will not be less than 100 million!
This is a potentially big fish!
So, Qiao Fei deliberately found the right opportunity to go forward and strike up a conversation with Jiang Xiaohan.

Li Tianci happened to go to the corridor to answer the phone at that time. Jiang Xiaohan, who was bored by himself and felt that he was out of place here, was very glad that someone could come to talk to him and pass the time.

Although at that time, she was still a little uneasy.

I don't know if my conversation will make a joke, or if I will lose the face of God, so she always has a shy smile on her face, trying to talk less and listen more!
And it just so happened that she left Qiao Fei with an image of being knowledgeable, courteous, gentle and generous.

In front of those spoiled and willful young ladies, such a gentle Jiang Xiaohan deeply attracted Qiao Fei.

Such a girl has money in her family, looks good, has a quiet personality and is educated, isn't she the best partner I have dreamed of!

So, after this gathering, Qiao Fei would often ask Li Tianci about her intentionally or unintentionally...

After asking too many times, Li Tianci is naturally not an idiot. He understood that Qiao Fei was interested in Jiang Xiaohan, so he took the initiative to tell her about asking her to pretend to be his girlfriend, hoping to make it happen.The beauty of people.

Jiang Xiaohan's current family situation is not good, and he has a mother who is holding back Li Xiulin. If he can get the care of a high-achieving student Qiao Fei, it will be the best thing for Jiang Xiaohan.

Then, under his persuasion, Jiang Xiaohan agreed to date Qiao Fei.

In order to cover up her dirty purpose of wanting to be a philistine, Qiao Fei never asked about her family in front of Jiang Xiaohan.

Because he took it for granted that Jiang Xiaohan, who can wear famous brands and luxury goods, and her father is a family friend with the Li family, so her family must be the same!

As for Jiang Xiaohan, at the beginning he had the intention of trying it out, so he didn't immediately explain his situation.

The two of them interacted in such a muddled manner, neither of them knew the details and thoughts of the other...

It wasn't until Ma Anna came to tell Qiao Fei that Jiang Xiaohan was not a rich girl, but a wild girl who grew up in the market, that he suddenly realized.

That's right, it's been so long, and I haven't really understood her family yet!
With a hint of doubt and disbelief, he finally followed Ma Anna to Jiang Xiaohan's wonton stall...

At that moment, he felt his belief collapsed!
There is a bitterness spreading in my heart...

Because during the short time together, he felt that he really fell in love with the pure and simple Jiang Xiaohan.

But when he saw her wearing a whitish T-shirt, jeans, and an apron standing by the stove cooking chaos for the guests, he felt that this kind of Jiang Xiaohan was very strange, and he was far from his ideal life partner. Too far……

When Ma Anna invited him to drink in the upstairs bar, Qiao Fei, who was in great pain, had actually made up his mind.

Forget it, stop searching.

It's time for Maanna!

Among the girls she dealt with, her family was the best!
Because of her family background, she is really clear about the wealth and rights she will have in the future.

So, taking advantage of his drunkenness, he deliberately slept with Ma Anna, and the raw rice was cooked into cooked rice...

And for this "engagement banquet", he actually played a role in fueling the flames.

Thinking about the wealth of the Ma family and the fact that Ma Anna has many suitors in private, if she doesn't grasp it well, she may even lose this pawn...

"Of course I went to say hello to your old lover. Why, are you reluctant!"

Ma Anna's dissatisfied voice rang in his ears softly, pulling Qiao Fei back from his chaotic thoughts.

"Anna, what nonsense are you talking about again? What is an old lover?"

Qiao Fei looked at the man next to Jiang Xiaohan, not in a good mood.

"Why, did I say something wrong! Didn't you date her before! Qiao Fei, I'm warning you, you already have me as your fiancée, so don't get distracted. Otherwise..."

Ma Anna's face darkened, and she said something darkly.

This sentence made Qiao Fei speechless, so he could only smile wryly, and followed her.

What a joke!

Ma Anna, who pursued her at the beginning, although she also had a spoiled and willful performance, in the final analysis, she can be regarded as a good girl who is "understanding".

Otherwise, why would I choose her among so many spare tires?

But who knew, once the raw rice was made into cooked rice, Ma Anna, who thought that the overall situation was settled, would no longer hide it, and showed her domineering and selfish nature at a glance.

Not only is she domineering and selfish, but she also has a strong desire to control, and she doesn't even allow Qiao Fei to look at other women more.

It ranges from crying softly, to severe ones crying and making noise in public, without saving any face for myself at all...

Hey, this is the price I have to pay for climbing a high branch and being a master.

Qiao Fei sighed inwardly.

Now that this is the case, does he still have a choice?
Because of going to bed with Ma Anna privately, deciding the date of marriage hastily, and the unmarried "daughter-in-law" being so self-willed, arrogant and unruly, Qiao Fei's honest and dull parents who have been teachers all her life, After persuading him to no avail, he kicked him out of the house in a fit of anger, and even refused to attend the engagement banquet in a fit of anger.

When things got to this point, Qiao Fei could only obey Ma Anna, but he didn't expect to get nothing in the end...

Even though they were unwilling to face Jiang Xiaohan and the man beside him, in the end, Qiao Fei and Ma Anna slowly walked up to them.

Jiang Xiaohan and the others stood in a remote corner tactfully because their clothes were incompatible with the people here.

The dumb guy opened his mouth, just about to ask about his own affairs, but was preempted by Maanna.

When there was still a distance of one meter away from them, Ma Anna had already taken the lead, and whispered coquettishly:

"Jiang Xiaohan, do you usually drink too much wonton soup, so you have never seen red wine? Is there anyone who drinks like you!"

Her tone was very gentle, but what she said was so bitter...

"What wonton soup?"

Jiang Xiaohan's eyes widened, still holding the red wine glass, he didn't react for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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