Chapter 61 Blind
"Anna, Anna, what's wrong with you?"

As Ma Anna's best friend, one of the girls rushed up to pull her up.

Today's face, but a big loss!

If you don't take advantage of this to get it back, how can you mess around in the future!

She, Ma Anna, must report her flaws!

So after the yell of my best friend, after Ma Anna stood up holding her hand, she shed tears, looked at everyone with a pitiful face, and said aggrievedly:

"I, I didn't expect that Jiang Xiaohan would be so vicious. Not only did she push me, but she even poured red wine on me on purpose... Woohoo... Today is a day of great joy... She did it on purpose field..."

Maanna cried aggrievedly.

"What's going on? Who is Jiang Xiaohan? You stand up and tell me clearly!"

Father Ma stood up from the crowd at this time, frowned, looked around sternly, and then fixed his eyes fiercely on Jiang Xiaohan's face.

If Jiang Xiaohan doesn't say something clear and explain to him today, don't think about walking out of this door.

"I'm Jiang Xiaohan..."

Jiang Xiaohan weakly raised his hand on the side.

Although this dead old man was asking who Jiang Xiaohan was, his sharp eyes kept staring at him, obviously pretending to be confused.

Even though he poured Ma Anna's red wine all over his head and face, Jiang Xiaohan felt secretly refreshed.

But seeing the situation getting worse, she was surrounded by so many people at the same time who had never seen the market before, and she was frightened by Father Ma's vicious gaze!
So when it comes to speaking, it is obviously lack of confidence.

"Mr. Ma, why don't you let Miss Ma Anna, who is the party involved, explain this matter first? Let Jiang Xiaohan tell the story from the beginning, it is easy for everyone to have preconceived ideas and wrongly blame Miss Ma Anna. "

The dumb guy interjected casually.

"Yes, if she is allowed to speak, she will definitely add fuel and jealousy to say that she is innocent, let me say it first..."

Ma Anna, who was lowering her head and pretending to be aggrieved and pitiful, immediately raised her head and spoke first.

He didn't even have time to pay attention to who made the proposal just now.

"Yes, let's talk about Anna first..."

There was a voice of approval all around.

After all, the people present today are all close relatives of the Ma family and best friends of Ma Anna, so of course they are facing her.

"Okay, then you go first..."

Father Ma hesitated for a moment, then nodded and responded.

Originally, his plan was to let the other party tell the story first, regardless of whether she was right or wrong, in short, he would find the loopholes in her words, even if it was black, he would insist that it was white, and give his daughter a "justice" "!"
But who knew that Ma Anna would volunteer to tell the story by herself first.

Coupled with the fact that there were so many people watching around, Father Ma couldn't stop him for a while.

"The thing is like this! This Jiang Xiaohan has always admired Qiao Fei before, knowing that Qiao Fei and I are holding an engagement banquet today, so he deliberately came here to embarrass me and ruin our good things... Look, she is such a shrew. , not only pushed me to the ground out of love and hatred, but also poured red wine all over me..."

Like a Xianglin's wife, Ma Anna began to tell her grievances.

Although her words are [-]% false!

But even so, the people who were deceived by her still nodded their heads unanimously, sympathizing with her in their hearts.

That Jiang Xiaohan is really a terrifying woman!
She actually came to sabotage the engagement banquet after her courtship failed, what a psychopathic woman!

Only Father Ma gave Qiao Fei a red-faced red-faced stare immediately after hearing what Ma Anna said.

Let me just say, choose what a man wants to look good, and fuck all these romantic debts!
It's okay for him to be unlucky, but he even got his precious daughter involved!
Under Ma's father's glaring gaze, Qiao Fei lowered his head in guilt and embarrassment...

"Miss Ma, are you finished?"

Just as Maanna was showing people the red wine stains on her evening dress and the scratched palms when she fell, the fool asked lazily again.

"'s almost the same, that's probably how it happened!"

Ma Anna was taken aback by the dumb man's words, and then nodded resentfully.

"Then now, let's talk about another protagonist. Is the development of the matter really as Miss Ma said, Mr. Qiao Fei?"

The fool uttered again, pointing the finger at Qiao Fei.

Qiao Fei raised his head in surprise, facing many puzzled or contemptuous gazes, the corners of his lips twitched a few times, and whispered:

"Yes, what Anna said is all the truth! Yes, Jiang Xiaohan has been pestering me. I, I have made it very clear to her before... So, so things are like this..."

Qiao Fei, who has always been lively and cheerful, unexpectedly became unashamed at this time.

After all, what he said completely subverted the truth of the facts, and he only wanted to protect himself.

"You're talking nonsense, things are not what you said at all..."

Jiang Xiaohan's eyes widened in disbelief when Qiao Fei said that everything Ma Anna said was true.

Although she didn't know why Qiao Fei would suddenly choose Ma Anna and abandon herself, but that wasn't the point.

The point is, Qiao Fei is such a person!

For the sake of Ma Anna, in order to protect himself, he can turn black and white and pour all the dirty water on himself...

God, what kind of disgusting man is this!
While Jiang Xiaohan hated himself for being blind, he also began to refute.

"Jiang Xiaohan, don't get excited, you can take your time now and tell everyone the story of how you failed in courtship and turned to jealousy to ruin the engagement banquet..."

Dumb interrupted Jiang Xiaohan, and let her speak lazily again, letting her start to defend herself.

"Okay, let me tell you! In fact, it was Qiao Fei who took the initiative to pursue me before. We did have a relationship, but not for a long time. This can be proved by my good friend--Li Tianci! By the way, are you not As for Tianci’s classmates, you can also ask Tianci for clarification.”

With a glance in Jiang Xiaohan's eyes, he suddenly saw those Qiao Fei's classmates.

Those students were called by her name, they were taken aback for a moment, then nodded, and said in a low voice:

"We are classmates of Tianci and Qiao Fei! But, but Jiang Xiaohan, aren't you Li Tianci's girlfriend? What the hell are you three doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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