Chapter 62
Those students were obviously confused by the three people who spoke just now.

"So, she was originally Li Tianci's girlfriend, but she came to seduce my Qiao Fei again. Tell me, is she a shameless woman... By the way, besides Qiao Fei, she also has something to do with this man Hmph, I thought he wouldn't dare to bring this man here, but I didn't expect these two people to be so shameless that they dared to appear here in a grand manner."

Seeing Jiang Xiaohan start to talk about the truth of the matter, Ma Anna screamed, trying to change the subject.

"Haha, this young man's emotional entanglements are really messed up now..."

The people around frowned one after another.

"Miss Ma, you seem to be deliberately diverting the topic and bringing up new questions... It's not your turn to judge whether Jiang Xiaohan is a shameless woman. Jiang Xiaohan, go ahead..."

Dumb raised the corners of his lips coldly, interrupting Ma Anna's words.

His voice this time was different from the laziness at the beginning, but every word and every word was firm.

The cold and powerful aura unintentionally made Ma Anna shut her mouth consciously after glancing back at him.

"Huh... Since everyone is so interested in the affairs of the four of us, I'll tell you everything, which can be regarded as uncovering Qiao Fei's mask of a hypocrite... By the way, the person next to me is me. My friend, our relationship is not as complicated as Ma Anna thought..."

Jiang Xiaohan let out a long cry to stabilize his mind, and continued:
"I'm actually the best friend with Li Tianci, but it's not a boyfriend and girlfriend, but a relationship similar to an iron buddy. His girlfriend has been studying abroad, but at the same time, he was actively pursued by many girls in China. This made Tianci tireless, so when he had to, he asked me to pretend to be his girlfriend to deal with the girls who showed love to him... Qiao Fei and Tianci are roommates in the same dormitory. After the relationship, he took the initiative to ask Tianci to be a lobbyist for him, and wanted to associate with me..."

"I, under the persuasion of Tianci, I also agreed. That is to say, Qiao Fei and I have really dated for a while. Although the time is not long, we only met a few times during this period... May I ask everyone, just In such a short period of time, would I love Qiao Fei so much that I would go crazy and come here to cause damage? As for me!"

Jiang Xiaohan said at the end, he couldn't help but feel aggrieved.

What a tragedy I am!

Inadvertently, she was regarded as a psychopath, a nympho who couldn't make love!
"Then since you don't really like Qiao Fei, why are you here today? Don't you feel embarrassed?"

In the crowd, someone raised a small voice of doubt.

"I have to ask your Miss Ma about this..."

The fool opened his mouth once.

He looked at the flushed Maanna with a half-smile, and said teasingly.

"I, I don't know why she still has the nerve to come to us!"

Maanna lowered her head and murmured softly.

At this moment, she is still stubbornly refusing to admit that she invited Jiang Xiaohan to come here.

"Then what's going on with this? Isn't it Qiao Fei's phone number? There's also a specific call time on it..."

Dumb guy took Jiang Xiaohan's cell phone over, switched to last night's call log, and pointed the screen at everyone to let them take a closer look.

"This, this is not what I hit..."

Seeing that the fire was coming to him, Qiao Fei quickly raised his lowered head and argued loudly.

"It's not you. Could it be that the phone has become spiritual, and you want to call the ex-girlfriend you abandoned before the night before the master's engagement?"

The fool's mocking voice sounded again.

"Joe Fei..."

Father Ma gritted his teeth and let out a cry.

His face was extremely embarrassed.

If it weren't for the presence of other people here, he really wanted to punch him!
This future son-in-law really disappointed him!
Anna, the child's eyes, hey...

"'s really not..."

"Call me Ma, sir, sir!"

Father Ma has put aside his relationship with Qiao Fei in front of everyone...

Upon hearing him say such words, Qiao Fei was immediately ashamed and anxious.

In order to get Maanna, in order to enjoy the life of a master, he has lost enough.

Abandoning the woman he likes and not getting the blessings of his family, all this is just to please Ma's family, Father Ma and Ma Anna.

He couldn't just watch Father Ma continue to misunderstand him.

In desperation, he blurted out:

"Yue... Mr. Ma, I really didn't make this call... It was Anna who took the initiative to call Jiang Xiaohan to ask her to come to our engagement banquet while I was taking a shower. Ever since I decided to be with Anna , I have made up my mind that I will never..."

After saying this, he stopped his mouth in time as if he had reacted suddenly.

But despite this, everyone understood and looked at Ma Anna who had been bowing her head and blushing.

Things are now very clear.

It was nothing more than Ma Anna took the initiative to invite Jiang Xiaohan to come over last night, to show off her posture as a winner.

But because of their relationship with the Ma family, everyone could only secretly despise Ma Anna's somewhat self-satisfied style in their hearts, and they were embarrassed to say it.

"Everyone should have guessed what happened! The reason why Jiang Xiaohan came to this engagement banquet was simply because she was invited by Miss Ma Anna... As for why she kindly invited her fiancé's ex-girlfriend to attend the engagement banquet. The wedding banquet, hehe...the intentions are self-evident!"

Dumb sneered and made a closing statement.

"Yes, that's how it happened. Last night, Ma Anna took the initiative to invite me. Otherwise, how could I know that they are going to get engaged, and how could I find a place?"

Jiang Xiaohan added emphatically at the side.

"Okay, now everyone understands what happened, let's go...Jiang Xiaohan, let's go! Don't disturb everyone's pleasure anymore!"

Dumb took the initiative to hold Jiang Xiaohan's hand, and made a gesture to walk towards the door.

This time, Jiang Xiaohan has already poured red wine on Ma Anna's head and face, and Qiao Fei has seriously caused the dissatisfaction of his future father-in-law.

Presumably when this place is gone, there will be another bloody storm in the Ma family at night...

The fool sneered in his heart, and decided to accept it as soon as it was good!

"No, you can't just leave like this! At least, at least Jiang Xiaohan poured red wine on me, this matter can't just be left alone!"

Ma Anna, who was originally looked at by everyone, was a little embarrassed, but seeing Jiang Xiaohan and the others wanted to leave just like that, she naturally stretched out her two hands unwillingly to stop them.

If you don't apologize to yourself in public, how can you swallow this tone?
(End of this chapter)

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