Chapter 63
"Then what do you want?"

Dumb lowered his head, looked at Ma Anna, who was about the same height as his chest, frowned, and asked in a cold tone.

"Anna, let them go..."

Father Ma's face drooped on the side, and his tone was also bad.

It was a good engagement banquet, but there were so many jokes, if they are not allowed to leave now, should they continue to mess around like this!

He has lost enough face today!
As for seeking "justice" for my daughter, hehe, it won't be too late to talk about it after the engagement banquet is over.

"No, Daddy, they humiliated me in public today, ruined my face, and ruined my engagement banquet. I can't just let it go! What's more, Jiang Xiaohan even slapped me all over my face!" Red wine! Daddy, Daddy, you have to decide for your daughter..."

Ma Anna was spoiled and domineering by Ma's father on weekdays, how could she let it go so easily...

"Why should I apologize to you! You accidentally knocked over the glass of red wine when you bumped into me. I didn't mean to splash you all over your face..."

Seeing that the truth of the matter has been revealed, Jiang Xiaohan's heart, which was still uneasy just now, has stabilized a lot.

Now, coupled with the fact that the idiot has been "making suggestions" for her and giving her several opportunities to defend herself, she was finally able to clear her "suspect" and return her innocence.

So now, her heart has gradually calmed down, and she is no longer as scared and flustered as she was at the beginning.

"Jiang Xiaohan, it's not your turn to speak here. Even if you want to say it, you can only say I'm sorry..."

Marana screamed and cut her off.

"She really wants to say three words to you, but it's not sorry, but you, no, worthy..."

The dumb guy casually replied to her in disgust, then reached out and grabbed Maanna by the collar, and with just a slight mention, Maanna's whole body was lifted to the side.

"You bastard, poor man, what right do you have to touch me with your dirty hands... You and Jiang Xiaohan are really stinky fish meeting dead shrimps, a couple of dogs and men working together..."


Just when everyone hadn't reacted, a crisp voice sounded.

It turned out that she had been uttering bad words all the time, even slandering Jiang Xiaohan's reputation, the idiot couldn't take it any longer, and without thinking, he slapped her in the face with a big slap.What followed was his voice that made everyone feel cold:
"Don't think I'm afraid to hit a woman!"

It's okay to scold him, anyway, he used to be a young and dangerous young man, so he probably got scolded a lot in secret, so what if he scolded him a few more times?

But if you want to scold Jiang Xiaohan, that's impossible!

"You, you dare to hit me? You... I'm going to fight you..."

Ma Anna was thrown several meters away by the force of his slap...

She covered her face in disbelief and looked up at the fool.

The next second, she was screaming, wanting to stand up and pounce on the fool, and fight back.

Selfish, willful and domineering, how has she ever been treated like this?

Today's dog couple not only swept her face in front of so many relatives and friends, ruined her engagement banquet, even slapped her in the face in front of everyone!

She couldn't swallow this kind of humiliation!
So she screamed and threw herself forward, cursing uncleanly, completely like a spoiled lunatic...

And Jiang Xiaohan, after a moment of petrification, bravely stood in front of the fool.

Anyway, it happened because of her, and she wouldn't be like a coward, hiding behind the fool and watching him fight for himself alone.

She wants to stay with him, even if the two of them seem so isolated and helpless facing the more than 40 relatives and friends of the Ma family, she will not be afraid!

Everyone subconsciously blocked Ma Anna, preventing her from rushing forward, so as not to escalate the conflict again.

As for the fool, he took Jiang Xiaohan by the back collar with one hand, and put her behind him again.

How could he let a woman stand in front of him, what a joke!
As for Jiang Xiaohan, he relentlessly grabbed his sleeve, thinking about continuing to protect the idiot...

For a moment, the entire banquet hall on the third floor was in chaos.

There were cries, there were curses, and someone yelled loudly:

"I can't let you fight alone..."

"Cousin, happy engagement! Hey, what's the matter?"

Among the noisy crowd, there was a burst of joyful congratulations, but immediately, the voice was full of doubts.

"Ma Jun, why are you still standing there, hurry up and call the security director!"

At this moment, Father Ma reacted immediately, and hurriedly ordered.

It has only been more than a minute since the time happened, and the him just now has not yet recovered from the shock.

A big man dared to beat his precious daughter in his territory!

This man is really impatient!
His nephew——Ma Jun, although he didn't understand what was going on here, he was taken aback when he saw the chaos in the banquet hall, which was accompanied by Ma'anna's cries and screams. Without even thinking about it, I turned around and ran out of the banquet hall...

"Enough, don't make trouble anymore! Our Ma family will definitely investigate this matter today! Anna, don't make trouble anymore, just look at what you are now!"

Father Ma frowned, fearing that his voice would be drowned out by the crowd, he grabbed the microphone on the stage and said loudly.

All of a sudden, the banquet hall was suddenly quiet.

Only Father Ma's harsh and slightly threatening words echoed in the banquet hall for a long time.

Maanna calmed down and stopped struggling and crying.

After everyone was stunned, they let go of their hands...

The crowd actively stood in two rows.

And at the end of the two rows are Father Ma and Duo.

Two men with the same serious face compete with each other with cold eyes...

For a moment, the entire banquet hall was eerily quiet.

"Jiang Xiaohan, and the man next to you, today, I will not let it go! I will sue you and go to jail, I swear!"

Father Ma said coldly.

"It's up to you, as long as you like it..."

Dumb folded his arms, and unexpectedly turned into an indifferent look again.

Jiang Xiaohan, on the other hand, pulled the back of his shirt nervously behind him.

Go to jail!
Oh my god, how did things get so serious!

She made up her mind in her heart that if the trouble really got serious, it would be a big deal for her to feel wronged and apologize to Ma Anna in a low voice.

No matter what, don't let the idiot go to jail!
(End of this chapter)

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