Chapter 64 Second Young Master

After the two men finished speaking, the entire banquet hall became quiet again.

An oppressive silence...

"Security Officer, come and take a look. That's right, today is my cousin Ma Anna's engagement banquet. I don't know why it happened like this..."

With a flattering voice from far to near, Ma Jun and a man in security uniform walked into the banquet hall quickly.

Jiang Xiaohan and Duo finally saw Ma Jun through the crowd in this quiet environment.

Jiang Xiaohan froze for a moment, his eyes showed deep hatred and disgust.

It was him!

No wonder the voice just now was so familiar...

As for Dumb, after seeing Ma Jun, he had a look of sudden realization on his face...

When the security director came in, he naturally saw Father Ma standing on the stage with a stern expression first.

He nodded and walked into Father Ma, his tone full of flattery:

"Mr. Ma, what the hell is going on? Isn't today Ling Qianjin's engagement banquet? Why..."

Father Ma looked at him condescendingly, and interrupted him:

"Director Wang, how can your hotel let some idlers in casually? You quickly call the security guards to catch them, and then call the police for me. I will sue them until they go to jail!"

After finishing speaking, his eyes once again looked fiercely at the idiots who were a few meters away.

"Yes, yes, what you are talking about is... who on earth is so short-sighted and dares to annoy Mr. Ma, I see..."

The security director complained in his heart, cut it, you won't call the police directly, why do you want me to come up and call the police for you?

You didn't open your hand?
However, considering that "the customer is God" and the reputation of the hotel, in line with the idea of ​​making big things into small things as much as possible, he said yes while looking at Father Ma's gaze:
"It's because you are blind to destroy...Second, Second Young Master..."

After the security director stammered and called out, he suddenly froze.

Second young master!
Although he only met the Second Young Master once, even because of the blurred lights of the hotel at night, he had never even seen the Second Young Master's face.

But the second young master's naturally domineering and indifferent temperament, as well as his polite but alienated indifferent back, still left a deep impression on him.

At that time, he secretly praised in his heart, the second young master looks so different from the eldest young master!
The future Lu family will definitely be dominated by the second young master...

This time, not to mention the security director was stunned.

Even everyone present was petrified!
When Jiang Xiaohan called him "Second Young Master", he looked up at the dumb face in disbelief.

In addition to shock, there was deep doubt in her eyes.

Am I dreaming!
The idiot is the second young master, the second young master of this hotel?
Then he is the second son of the Lu family in the south of the city!

Although I don't know anything about the "Second Young Master" of the Lu family, everyone in City A who has ears knows the name "Lu Family in the south of the city". It is a family that should not be underestimated!
Their family not only owns the world's largest film and television city, but also owns a series of subsidiaries such as international hotel chains, supermarket chains, etc...

In other words, his family's property has already spread all over the world, even in the Forbes rich list, it can be squeezed into the top five.

Such a character would have something to do with a fool?

Jiang Xiaohan felt like he was in a dream, as if he had a dream, his mind was so muddled that he had no idea what to do next...

Father Ma opened his mouth even more in shock.

It never occurred to him that the man in front of him with simple clothes, even poor, would be the second son of the Lu family.

No, how dare he, a small Ma family, go against someone on the Forbes rich list?
Just when everyone was too shocked to speak, Maanna screamed again tremblingly:

"Impossible, Director Wang, you must have identified the wrong person. I have seen this man sell wontons at a stall with Jiang Xiaohan at night. How could such a person be from the Lu family? Look at his clothes, look at him How could the women he brought with him be things that the famous Lu family could do?"

She didn't believe it, absolutely didn't believe it.

"Director Wang, this...are you sure you didn't recognize the wrong person?"

Father Ma also hesitated.

To be honest, he didn't believe that the man was from the Lu family, or the "Second Young Master" of the Lu family...

"Who is that, Director Wang, right? Why don't you pour me a cup of tea and move a chair over here? I've been standing here for so long, don't you have eyes! You are the only ones raised in our hotel A kind of waste that has no eyesight?"

At this moment, a cold voice came from the fool's mouth.

Obviously, he had acquiesced to his "identity" in front of everyone.

As soon as these words came out, everyone present turned pale, and there was a faint feeling that a catastrophe was imminent...

To be honest, when Director Wang called him "Second Young Master", the idiot himself was stunned!
Am I not the "young and Dangerous boy" and "little gangster" that Jiang Xiaohan said!

how come……

But then he frowned, and decided to make a mistake and settle the matter in front of him first.

As for whether he is the so-called "Second Young Master" in his mouth, I will come to find out slowly after a while.

As early as Ma Anna and Ma's father raised the possibility of him admitting to the wrong person at the same time, Director Wang himself was also confused...

Because, he really didn't see the facial features and appearance of the second young master clearly, there was only a one-time relationship between them.

But the domineering and alienated temperament exuded by this man is so similar to the second young master.

Then, is he the real "Second Young Master"?

Just when he was wondering if his memory was wrong, he suddenly heard the words ordered by the fool.

Subconsciously, he nodded and bowed in response:
"Yes, Second Young Master..."

Regardless, Director Wang has made up his mind at this moment, in short, he would rather believe what he has than believe what he has not. What if he is really the second young master?
In the battle between the "Second Young Master" and the Ma family, what is more important, it is simply a no-brainer to think about...

After making up his mind, he decided to please the suspected "Second Young Master" in front of him first. Director Wang immediately moved a chair for him graciously, and poured him a glass of good Biluochun.

After ordering Director Wang to close the door of the banquet hall, the fool sat recliningly on the chair, with his long legs crossed casually, in that way, there was a bit of leisurely laziness and domineering like a king...

(End of this chapter)

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