Chapter 65 One by one
Now, behind the fool, Jiang Xiaohan, who has been petrified for a long time, stands on the left and on the right, and Director Wang, who is nodding and bowing in a "servant-like" way.

Gently blowing on the tea leaves floating on the cup, the fool took a leisurely sip, then raised his eyes, quietly looked at Father Ma on the stage, without saying a word.

But now, he exudes an extremely powerful aura all over his body.

It was as if an emperor looking down on the world was leisurely looking at his prey!
The cold sweat on Father Ma's body immediately spread all over his body.

He trembled his lips and wanted to speak several times, but under the scrutiny of the fool, he didn't have the courage to speak again.

This man's aura is really too strong!
Silence, oppressive silence permeates this banquet hall...

It wasn't until the fool put the cup in his hand heavily on the table next to him, made a muffled sound, and everyone shuddered, that he spoke leisurely again:
"Mr. Ma, didn't you say you wanted to call the police to arrest me? We've been waiting for a long time!"

"No, dare not! Second young master, it was just a misunderstanding just now. I hope you have a lot of adults, don't be as knowledgeable as us!"

Finally, when it was time to talk, Father Ma wiped the sweat from his forehead and kept begging for mercy.

This look of being terrified to the limit is completely different from the domineering him just now.

"Second Young Master, hehe... It seems that your relationship with me is not as close as it is now, right? What do you think, Mr. Ma?"

Dumb folded his hands on his chest, looking at him with deep cold eyes, but his voice was light and teasing.

"Yes, yes, yes, two... Oh no, Mr. Lu, I'm really sorry, I have no way to teach girls, and today there is such a misunderstanding, and Anna bumped into you..."

As soon as the helpless and fearful eyes met the other's cold eyes, Father Ma immediately lowered his head without any confidence, and continued to say in a whisper:

"And this Miss Jiang beside you."

"Well, that's what you said. Since the misunderstanding is caused by Miss Ma Anna, let her solve it. Miss Ma, do you have anything else to say?"

The fool's eyes slowly moved to Ma Anna's face.

Ma Anna was already blushing, and stood there with her head down, not knowing what she was thinking.

Seeing that person brought the topic to her now, she raised her head in embarrassment, looked at Father Ma, and then at the idiot, knowing that what the other party wanted now was nothing more than an apology from her, but Ma Anna And some are unwilling.

Why, why?
It was Jiang Xiaohan who spilled red wine on me, you slapped me, you two ruined my engagement banquet together, why should I apologize to you?
She has always been domineering, and whether she is young and vigorous, or in front of so many people, she can't save her face to apologize...

Seeing that although her daughter no longer contradicted her, she actually kept silent and let the silence continue...

Fearing that the situation would continue to deteriorate, Father Ma said a little nervously and hintingly:

"Anna, don't stand there stupidly, you should quickly apologize to Mr. Lu and the others!"

Anna bit her lips, as if she had made up her mind, she said quickly:
"Daddy, I don't know why I have to apologize to them. Isn't their Lu family richer than ours? As for us being so humble, we have to ask..."


A crisp slap sounded again, followed by an angry shout:

"Anna, quickly apologize to Mr. Lu and the others, this is my order, hurry up!"

It turned out that when his daughter opened his mouth, Ma's father rushed off the stage in three steps and two steps. Without thinking about it, he slapped Ma Anna's words in the face.

"Daddy, you..."

Maanna covered her face and was stunned!
In her memory, Father Ma has always loved her very much, he was afraid that he would fall if he held it in his hand, or it would melt if he held it in his mouth. He didn't even reprimand her loudly.

But today, he actually slapped himself in front of everyone...

"Anna, the Lu family is rich and powerful, and our Ma family can't afford to offend us... In their eyes, we are like ants, and the life or death of the Ma family enterprise is nothing more than a word from them. Anna, be good, at this time Don't play your temper with Miss anymore!"

Seeing my daughter looking at me with tears in her eyes, there was puzzlement, confusion, and injury in her eyes...

Father Ma's heart also softened.

This daughter, he usually wouldn't even touch her with his fingers.

But now it is the critical moment of Ma Shi's life and death, even if he is reluctant, he has no choice but to do it.

So, after slapping Ma Anna, facing her hurt expression, Father Ma could only cling to her ear, comforting in a low voice that only two people could hear.

"Daddy...Okay, let me say, let me say..."

At this time, Ma Anna's heart was ashamed.

She lost all face in front of so many people, coupled with Daddy's fearful and nervous expression, she had no choice but to succumb.


Looking at the ground, Maanna muttered in a low voice.

"Miss Ma, I'm sorry, my ears are not very good. I don't know what you were talking about when your lips moved just now?"

The fool spoke again at this moment, his mocking tone was self-evident.


As if in a fit of anger, Maanna suddenly raised her head, faced his direction, and said loudly.

"The person you are sorry for is not me, but her..."

Pointing at the back casually with his finger, the idiot signaled that the person she should apologize to should be Jiang Xiaohan.

"Uh, forget it... I, I don't need her to apologize!"

Jiang Xiaohan, who finally came back to his senses, whispered something behind the idiot's back with some guilt.

"Miss Ma, don't you understand what I'm saying?"

The dumb guy turned a deaf ear to her words, and looked at Ma Anna with an accentuated tone.

"Say it, tell me quickly..."

Father Ma stabbed Ma Anna in the waist, hinting anxiously.

"I'm sorry, Miss Jiang!"

Taking a deep breath, Maanna finally apologized loudly again.

"It's okay, it's okay! Since it's all a misunderstanding, let's forget it..."

Jiang Xiaohan waved his hands violently from behind, his face flushed with embarrassment as well.

Even she herself didn't expect how things would develop to this point!
"It doesn't matter, besides her, there is also him..."

The fool's finger flicked casually, and pointed at a person standing in the crowd.

Everyone looked in the direction of his finger, and not only were they all stunned!
The person he was referring to was actually Ma Jun!

It's strange, Ma Jun just came, how could he be involved for no reason?

(End of this chapter)

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