Chapter 66
The second young master of the Lu family is too domineering, so feel free to blame others!
Suddenly, many people in the crowd were dissatisfied, but because of the indifferent and domineering temperament of "Second Young Master", no one dared to say a word.

"Ma Jun, right? Since your surname is also Ma, it seems that you are also a relative of the Ma family! In this case, do you think you should show us something?"

Looking at the ashen-faced Ma Jun, the idiot said leisurely.

Ma Jun is naturally much more mature and smart than Ma Anna. As early as when the idiot ordered Director Wang to close the door of the entire banquet hall, he knew that he would not be able to escape today!
Only praying secretly, the other party has not recognized him yet.

So he tried his best to squeeze in the crowd, shrinking his head and hiding himself in it.

But who knows, he will still be doomed.

"This, this, Jiang Xiaohan, I'm sorry!"

Ma Jun's voice came softly from the crowd.

He is very knowledgeable about current affairs, not as young and energetic as Ma Anna...

"Forget it, anyway, you have also received retribution, and your head and face are covered with blood..."

Compared to Ma Anna, Jiang Xiaohan hates him even more.

So she just frowned and said something in a low voice.

"Blood all over the face, retribution?"

These words made everyone present, except Ma Anna and Ma Jun, confused.

"Are you all in the fog right now and don't know what to say? Hehe, Ma Jun, come on, tell everyone about the misunderstanding between you and Ms. Jiang..."

Having made up his mind to stand up for Jiang Xiaohan today, the idiot simply "does not do anything, and does not stop". Anyway, the matter has reached this point, so he simply plays it bigger and let everything be solved at once.

"I...I have done some bad things to Miss Jiang before, so, so...Miss Jiang, I apologize to you again!"

Ma Jun pursed his lips and lowered his head to apologize again.

In front of so many people, he really couldn't tell what happened that day...

"Not a good behavior? Mr. Ma Jun, if you are embarrassed to explain your 'bad behavior' that day to everyone, I don't mind asking your father-in-law to come out and talk about it..."

The fool looked at the top of his head with a half-smile, but the threat in his words made Ma Jun tremble.

If the father-in-law knew what he had done, his status as the "son-in-law at home" might be lost.

Over the years, relying on the shade of his father-in-law, he has already gotten used to the life of eating hot food and drinking spicy food.

If you go back to the old days of cheating and cheating, you might as well die...

Thinking of this, he quickly raised his head to look at the fool, but unexpectedly, when he met the fool's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not a smile, he lowered his head timidly and guiltily:

"That day, that day, I did something very excessive to Jiang Xiaohan, and wanted to buy her with money, and let her be, be my mistress..."

The voice behind is getting smaller and smaller.

However, everyone understood.

Ma Jun's affection for Jiang Xiaohan is really too much!

"Mr. Ma Jun, don't just keep your head down and talk, look up at me, did you really fall in love with Jiang Xiaohan at first sight?"

Speaking of this, the fool actually laughed out loud himself first.

Thinking about it, that crazy girl besides himself would actually be favored by others, so he just wanted to laugh.

His laughter made Jiang Xiaohan roll his eyes from behind.

Stupid fool, you should stop joking around at such a time, okay?
No matter how bad I am, I am still a woman, with breasts and farts.It's normal for stocks to be looked at by others!

You say that, as if I deserve to be unloved by men all my life!
"I, I didn't!"

Ma Jun quickly denied it.

"Since you didn't fall in love with Jiang Xiaohan at first sight, is it love for a long time?"

The fool continued to tease.

"No, no! I can't go to the flower shop a few times a year, how could I, I will fall in love with each other for a long time?"

Ma Jun's head lowered lower and lower.

The fool's repeated questioning seemed like a sharp knife, digging out all his secrets one by one.

"Ma Jun!"

The fool suddenly raised the volume, and the cold voice made everyone's hearts tremble at the same time:
"If you are like a man, tell all the ins and outs in detail. Don't let me ask a question, you answer it. Don't you think this is ridiculous? I'm not your Chinese teacher. Xu Xu came here to teach you temptingly! I have given you enough patience!"

"Yes, yes, yes, I said, I said! It was Anna, it was Anna who accidentally knew about Jiang Xiaohan, oh no, Miss Jiang was working in my father-in-law's flower shop, so she came to me and said that Miss Jiang seduced her fiancé, She was so angry that she asked me to lie to Miss Jiang to go to bed, and then she could bring her fiancé to catch her in bed...Mr. Lu, I have already told everything, please don't go to me Father-in-law..."

Frightened by the stupid man's sudden turn of the face, Ma Jun was taken aback, and all the words were almost blurted out...

All of a sudden, everyone present looked at Ma Anna, including Qiao Fei who had kept his head down and dared not make a sound.

A look of disgust flashed across his eyes.

Ma Anna was embarrassed and embarrassed by everyone, she took a few steps back in a daze, and leaned against the wall.

Immediately, his body softened, and he slid down the corner of the wall, farting.After sitting on the ground, she simply covered her face and sobbed softly...

If there was a hole in the ground in front of her at this moment, she would just burrow into it without even thinking about it.

What a shame!

His dirty plan was discovered by everyone in such an open manner.

"Mr. Lu, I'm sorry, I have no way to control women, I, I..."

Father Ma, who hadn't spoken for a long time, spoke again out of fear.

Although it was embarrassing, but the fault was caused by his daughter, even though he was afraid, he had no choice but to jump out to excuse her.

"Shut up! It's not your turn to speak here!"

The fool turned his head and stared at him, and Father Ma's mouth immediately closed.

It's just that the fear and helplessness in his eyes betrayed his inner anxiety and uneasiness.

He was trembling all over, clutching his chest and panting heavily.

"Whose turn is it next? Qiao Fei, is it your turn?"

The fool suddenly changed his expression again, picked up the cup of tea next to him with a relaxed expression, blew a few mouthfuls of tea powder, and then said slowly.

"Jiang Xiaohan, I'm sorry! I..."

This time, before everyone looked at him again, Qiao Fei timidly let out a small trembling apology from the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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