Happy Enemy: The Chief Dumb Wife of Amnesia

Chapter 67 The Gap Between Heaven and Earth

Chapter 67 The Gap Between Heaven and Earth
"Forget it, don't need to apologize! You and I are not in the same way. Since you chose Ma Anna, it means that she is the right person for you."

Before Qiao Fei could finish speaking, Jiang Xiaohan had already responded lightly.

In fact, when Qiao Fei poured all the dirty water on her to protect herself, she no longer had any old feelings for Qiao Fei.

Since there is no more old feelings, then whether this person is right or wrong has nothing to do with me!

So now she has already classified Qiao Fei as a "passerby".

"Jiang Xiaohan, do you have anything else to say?"

The fool turned to look at her.

Jiang Xiaohan shook his head lightly:

"Now that everything is out, I have nothing to say!"

"Okay then, let's go!"

Dumb stood up, turned around and took her hand, with a calm expression on his face.

It seemed that the majestic him who made everyone frightened just now no longer existed.

"Lu, Mr. Lu..."

Father Ma was clutching his chest and gasping for breath, but he still couldn't help opening his mouth, even though he was struggling to speak at the moment.

"Don't worry, since the misunderstanding has been resolved and my Xiaohan's innocence has been repaid, I will not do anything to you Ma Shi! Today's incident can be treated as if it never happened! There is no need to go to my Lu's house again." Come to the door and apologize."

Knowing what he was worried about, the fool just left a sentence and dragged Jiang Xiaohan to the door.

Of course, act as if it never happened!
Whether he is the second young master of the Lu family is still unknown!
Dumb said this, naturally leaving a way out for himself.

I hope that the Lu family will not find out about pretending to be "the second young master of the Lu family" today.

As for Director Wang, hehe, he has his own way to shut his mouth!

Hearing him say "My Xiaohan", Jiang Xiaohan smiled knowingly beside him.

My heart is full of sweetness.

Let me just say, the idiot is more or less interesting to me!

Otherwise, how could it become "his family"!
With this kind of sweetness, she naturally took the fool's hand, her eyes were full of unconcealable smugness.

"Thank you Mr. Lu, thank you, thank you..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard a muffled sound behind him, and then there were panicked voices in the banquet hall:
"Ah, uncle passed out."

"It's a heart attack!"

"Hurry up, hurry up and ask the driver to bring up the Suxiao Jiuxin Pill!"

"Okay, I'll go now..."

It turned out that Father Ma had suffered so much stimulation in one day, and at first he was enduring the pain of angina, and finally waited until the fool said that this matter had never happened, he finally felt relieved and could bear it no longer. I couldn't go down anymore, and I fell backwards in a daze.

Hearing the movement behind him, Jiang Xiaohan was taken aback, and couldn't help but want to turn around to have a look.

But the fool put one hand on her shoulder to stop her movement, and said in a low voice:
"It's your own fault, it's not worthy of sympathy, let's go!"


After hesitating for a second, Jiang Xiaohan finally listened to him.

Two people strode down the corridor on the third floor.

"Second Young Master, Second Young Master..."

Behind him, Director Wang's anxious voice came.

The fool frowned, and gently instructed Jiang Xiaohan in a voice that only two people could hear:
"No matter what I say for a while, don't interrupt, let alone speak."


Although he didn't know what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd, but now Jiang Xiaohan was [-]% obedient to him, and he agreed without hesitation.

"Director Wang, come with me!"

The fool's sharp gaze swept away, then he climbed onto Jiang Xiaohan's shoulders and strode towards the stairwell.

There, is an absolutely unmanned and hidden place.

Three people are standing in opposite positions.

The fool was still standing on the side with Jiang Xiaohan, and opposite them was Director Wang with a flattering smile on his face.

"Second young master, you are so handsome today! That Ma family, I am afraid, men and women are not good people! Fortunately, you are aware of the details, and you have already known the despicable purpose of these people..."

Director Wang saw that the second young master hadn't spoken, so he took the initiative to flatter him, breaking the dullness in the stairwell.

But at this time, the stupid guy opened his mouth leisurely:

"You did a good job today."

"Everywhere, this is what I should do. The main thing is that the second young master is amazing!"

Although he didn't know what he had done today, Director Wang was still humble, trying his best to flatter the fool.

"How did you recognize me? I thought you wouldn't recognize me if I wore this!"

Dumb smiled slightly, his eyes lightly swept over his cheap clothes.

"How could I fail to recognize you, Second Young Master? Although we were just meeting each other in a hurry that night, and under the dim light at night, how could I forget the domineering spirit of Second Young Master you!"

Director Wang continued to please.

"Oh? So, you didn't see me clearly that night?"

Pretending to be an unintentional chat, the fool continued to ask.

"That's right. That day I bent down to open the car door for you. When I straightened up, I could only see your majestic back! However, Second Young Master, your temperament is so unique, I believe that anyone standing beside you You can feel this incomparable arrogance all around you!"

Director Wang tried his best to use the compliments he could think of.

"Hehe, that is to say, you only saw my back that night?"

The fool chuckled and continued following his words.

Another possibility immediately came to mind.

Maybe my temperament and figure are very similar to that so-called "Second Young Master"?
So much so that the director Wang in front of him didn't even see his appearance, so he mistakenly thought they were the same person?

Of course, it is also possible that he is the "Second Young Master" in his mouth, but on this point, Director Wang's so-called "momentum" alone is not enough to fully prove it.

It seems that I really went to Lu's house to find out...

On the other hand, Jiang Xiaohan, although she strictly followed the order of the fool, dared not speak even if she was beaten to death.

But at the moment, her heart is full of mixed feelings.

From this point of view, the fool is really the second young master of the Lu family!
The gap between himself and him is simply the distance between heaven and earth...

Thinking of this, she, who was still full of joy just now, suddenly felt depressed. She even turned a deaf ear to the conversation between the two people next to her. She was only absorbed in her own wild thoughts...

(End of this chapter)

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