Chapter 69
Jiang Xiaohan took the package belonging to the idiot from the bar on the third floor - a package that was deliberately tied tightly with black garbage bags, and met him at the back door of the hotel.

"What is it, so light?"

Jiang Xiaohan weighed it with his hands curiously, and then handed it to the dumb guy.

Because she woke up too late in the morning, she hurried on her way in a panic, and she didn't have time to notice that the dumb guy was actually carrying such a light package with her.

Looking at it, people who didn't know it thought it was in the hands of the idiot, it was carrying a bag of garbage!

"It's nothing, just a little gadget... By the way, aren't you going to the advertising company to pick up the finished product today? Let's go, I'll take you to the bus stop ahead."

The dumb guy took the package, and while talking to Jiang Xiaohan, he strode forward towards the bus stop.

"You take me to the bus station? Why, don't you go with me?"

Jiang Xiaohan strode around in front of the fool, stretched out his hands to stop him, and asked in surprise.

"Me? I have something to do, so I won't accompany you in the afternoon."

The fool thought for a while, and said succinctly.

"What can you do?"

Jiang Xiaohan asked persistently.

" just let me keep it secret for now, and I'll tell you when I come back tonight, okay?"

The idiot replied with rare patience.

He didn't want to say anything about going to the police station just yet.

"That's it...well then, do you know the address of my home? My home is at..."

Seeing that the fool was so persistent, Jiang Xiaohan couldn't keep asking.

She could only pray that the fool must not forget the address of her home and never get lost again.

"I know. I have lived there for seven days, and I still don't know the address of your home. Do you think my brain is as useless as yours?"

The fool chuckled and interrupted her.

Although he looked relaxed, in fact, the fool at the moment felt a little uneasy in his heart.

If I was really a young and Dangerous boy, a gangster, as I investigated before when I lost my memory, would I be arrested as soon as I went to the police station this time, just to "fall into a trap"?
Or maybe, through the investigation of the police station, it was discovered that before he lost his memory, he actually had a wife or even a child?
Thinking of these possible troubles, the fool is also very upset.

But then I thought again, if I really want to be with Jiang Xiaohan forever, then I must first find my own identity, otherwise, it will be unfair to Jiang Xiaohan, and also unfair to my former lover...

Therefore, for Jiang Xiaohan, for them to be together for a long time, even if there is a dragon's pool and a tiger's den in front of him, he must go for it!

"What, if I'm smart, can I still show your ingenuity? How can you be so good when you get cheap?"

Jiang Xiaohan saw that the stupid man was talking about something that he was not thinking well, so he couldn't help laughing, and teased him.

"Yes, yes, anyway, what you say makes sense, let's go!"

Dumb smiled, and was not in the mood to bicker with her, but just held a black garbage bag in one hand, and held Jiang Xiaohan's hand in the other, walking forward naturally.

I don't know when, the movements and behaviors of the two people began to become intimate.

Being held by the warm and dry big hand of the fool, feeling the temperature and warmth of his palm, Jiang Xiaohan's heart suddenly jumped out of his throat with a "thump, bang, bang".

It's not like I haven't held hands with a fool before, but I was in a different state of mind at that time. I didn't realize that I had fallen in love with a fool, so holding hands didn't feel much.

But since he figured it out last night, Jiang Xiaohan's heart began to beat violently when he was holding him like this again.

Happy, yet nervous.

Shy, but full of sweetness!

Ahhh, Jiang Xiaohan, why is your face so hot?
It's too bad, your face must be red like a monkey fart now.Stock like ground!

If he is seen by a fool, he will definitely make fun of him again, right?
Oh, never mind, if he really asks, at worst he will admit that he likes him!

Anyway, liking someone is not something to be shy about!

What's more, the fool should be somewhat interesting to himself.

Didn't he still say that I belong to "his family", hehe...

Jiang Xiaohan was happily being held by the fool, while lowering his head and thinking wildly in his heart, there was a naturally happy and shy smile on his face.

For the opportunity to express her feelings to the fool, at this moment, she actually has some expectations...

Just as she was wandering into space, she suddenly found that the fool beside her suddenly stopped in her tracks.

Jiang Xiaohan was taken aback for a moment, then looked up at him in confusion:
"Why don't you go?"

But then, as if she had thought of something, she lowered her head shyly.

Because of my face, I must be blushing now and fart with that monkey.same stock...

"Wait for the green light..."

Dumb lowered his head to look at her face, but found that he could only see the top of the girl's head, so he also replied with some surprise.

What's wrong with this dead girl, she walked with her head down and didn't see us standing beside the zebra crossing!

It turned out that as long as you cross the zebra crossing in front of you, you will be able to reach the bus stop opposite.

Jiang Xiaohan let out a soft "oh", feeling a little disappointed in his heart.

It's almost time to reach the bus stop, but you idiot, you haven't seen your blushing face yet.

But if he didn't take the initiative to ask, how could he follow the topic and express his thoughts to him!

Ahhhhh, I'm so embarrassed!
Stupid, you are a man, can you take the initiative?

Aren't you really waiting for me, a girl, to take the initiative to confess your love?
Even if I have a thick skin and want me to take the initiative to confess my love, you still have to give me a topic first so I can get on with it!
Jiang Xiaohan shouted angrily in his heart...

The mood became anxious and nervous again!

At this moment, the familiar voice suddenly came from above her head.

Jiang Xiaohan's heart moved, and he immediately raised his head, looking at the fool's eyes with sparkling eyes, feeling both anticipation and apprehension in his heart.

Oh oh oh, he must have seen his blushing face...

"Jiang Xiaohan, why are your palms so sweaty?"

A dumbfounded voice came out of his mouth.

After finishing speaking, as if disgusted, he threw away Jiang Xiaohan's hand, and wiped it on his clothes by the way!

You you you, you stupid bastard, how dare you despise me!

I can have so much sweaty hands, isn't it because of you, because of nervousness?
Because seeing that the bus stop is just around the corner, if you don't confess your love to you, you are going to leave?


(End of this chapter)

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