Chapter 70

Looking at the opposite side, the red light on the sidewalk is already blinking, and the green light is about to turn on...

No, I can't drag it on like this any longer, otherwise when the red light turns on, the fool will take himself across the sidewalk to the bus stop opposite.

And at the bus station, there are so many people waiting for the bus, it's not a good place to confess at all.

Jiang Xiaohan was quick to wit, and couldn't help but grabbed the fool's hand again, and asked loudly:
"Do you know why my palms are sweaty?"

"Why? Because you're hot?"

Dumb frowned and asked back, subconsciously looked up at the sky.

Although it is the midsummer season in July, today is a cloudy day, with strong wind blowing from time to time, it is obviously very cool, how can Jiang Xiaohan sweat so much?
Does she have a fever?

Thinking of this, he raised his hand, touched Jiang Xiaohan's forehead, and said to himself:
"I don't have a fever..."


You idiot, you stupid idiot who doesn't understand style!
Jiang Xiaohan secretly complained in his heart, and could only speak to himself:

"You are crazy, how could I have a fever, I am so young and strong... I, I am nervous."

What I said is so clear, fool, you hurry up and ask me why I am nervous, hurry up, hurry up!

Jiang Xiaohan glanced at the opposite traffic light from time to time, while anxiously waiting for the fool to follow his own words.

"Nervous? Is it because of what happened in the hotel just now? Don't worry, I can guarantee that Director Wang will never confide in the outside world, and the Ma family is even more eager to make it as if it never happened. So we fake Don't worry about the affairs of the Lu family, it will never be exposed!"

The idiot said firmly.


God, dumbass, how can you be so stupid!
What about your usual intelligence?Where is your wisdom?What about your resilience?
Why at this moment, your IQ is not as good as mine...

Jiang Xiaohan wailed in pain in his heart.

"Let's go, the green light is on..."

At this moment, Dumb took her sleeve again and walked on the sidewalk.

Ah, I can't go there, there are so many people over there, no matter how thick-skinned I am, I can't really confess my love in front of so many people!
Jiang Xiaohan stubbornly stood up straight, refusing to move forward.

All of a sudden, the idiot became curious:

"Jiang Xiaohan, are you okay? Why don't you just stand still? Hurry up, you still have to go to the advertising agency, and I still have things to do..."

It's a pity that Jiang Xiaohan didn't hear his words at all.

Because Jiang Xiaohan is doing the final struggle in his heart at this moment.

Say or don't say?

Oops, I have to say it for sure, I can't have a secret love at a young age, that's not my style!

But what to say?

I have already given that idiot countless hints, but that idiot just doesn't follow his own words.

Ahhh, do I really have to say the 4 words "I like you" directly?

But, how embarrassing!

Jiang Xiaohan was immersed in his little thoughts, with a troubled look on his face.

Seeing her like this, Duo simply let go of her sleeves, put his hands on his chest, and began to calm down, no longer in a hurry:
"Okay, do you have something to say to me? Tell me..."


Jiang Xiaohan looked up at him, his big aura eyes were full of hesitation and shyness.

A suspicious blush instantly appeared on the cute little round face.

But as soon as her eyes came into contact with the sharp eyes of the fool, she quickly lowered her head, a little afraid to face it.

Oops, what should I do, I'm still too embarrassed to say it directly!
"What are you talking about...Jiang Xiaohan, you're not really sick, are you? Look, your face is flushed from burning!"

Someone who didn't understand the style opened his mouth in surprise.

Hey, I have seen stupid ones, but I have never seen such stupid ones!

I'm really stupid too, how could I fall in love with such a man who doesn't understand the style!
Jiang Xiaohan mourned for himself in his heart, opened his mouth again and took a few deep breaths, then muttered silently in his heart to cheer himself up.

Time never comes, time never comes!
If you don't talk about it now, you have to wait until night...

at night?

Jiang Xiaohan's heart skipped a beat.

Yes, why am I so stupid!
There is no one at home at night, so I can confess my love any way I want!

I can say it directly, out loud, or even sing it, anyway, there are no outsiders!

Disgrace will only be lost between the two of us!

Thinking of this, the uneasy mood just now calmed down a lot.

Okay, let's talk tonight!

Jiang Xiaohan made up his mind instantly.

I will go buy some good wine and food in the afternoon, buy a few candlesticks, go home and create a romantic atmosphere, and then take advantage of the romantic atmosphere to confess to the fool, it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort, maybe under the dim light , we can go further...

Maybe after I confess my confession, the idiot will kiss himself like last night, hehe...

The more Jiang Xiaohan thought about it, the more beautiful he became, and the more he thought about it, the happier he felt, and couldn't help but giggle on the spot.

"Jiang Xiaohan, don't scare me! Do you have a fever? Forget it, I'll take you to the hospital now!"

Seeing that Jiang Xiaohan first stood there with a constipated embarrassment, then lowered his head as if he was thinking about something, and then started laughing like no one else...

In the fool's heart, he began to worry.

Is this girl really sick?

"Crazy, you're the one with a fever! Girl, I'm fine, let's go..."

Hearing his words, Jiang Xiaohan suddenly raised his head and returned to his usual normal appearance.

"Let's go. The green light just turned on, continue to wait! Hey, are you really okay? Just had a convulsion?"

Dumb stared at her dotingly, and said angrily.

This girl, when is it not good to have a convulsion, she just wants to have a convulsion when crossing the road!
"You're just convulsed, I just, just think of the Ma family's slumped look when I was in the hotel, I think it's funny..."

Jiang Xiaohan casually found some reasons to prevaricate.

The green light is finally on!

Duo once again held the black garbage bag in one hand, and took Jiang Xiaohan's hand with the other, and the two began to descend the steps of the street and walk onto the zebra crossing.

"Hey, dumbass, how can you be so calm today?"

Jiang Xiaohan raised his head and looked at the fool with bright eyes.

Following the prevarication just now, she really began to recall what happened in the hotel.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that Dumb is simply too powerful!
I have to say, at that time, he was really handsome and cool...

(End of this chapter)

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