Chapter 71
"I'm not calm, the two of us can walk out intact today? Alright, look down at the road!"

Dumb lowered his head, and glanced dotingly at Jiang Xiaohan beside him.

I felt that her eyes were shining with admiration, and I couldn't help feeling a little proud in my heart.

"What are you afraid of, aren't you holding me?"

A certain person has already regarded the fool as his reliance.

With him here, do I still need to watch the road?
No need at all!

He'll always protect himself anyway, won't he?

"That's true... ah..."

The stupid guy wanted to nod proudly, anyway, that girl doesn't look at the road, doesn't she still have herself?
Will I put her in danger?
of course not!

But at this moment, a sound of galloping wind suddenly came from his ear.

Subconsciously raised his head and followed the sound of the wind, a terrible scene appeared in the fool's dark pupils:

An off-road vehicle without a license plate was driving straight towards me and Jiang Xiaohan at a speed of more than 80 mph...

Although it was the green light time, the car had no intention of stopping at all.

That means...

Before he had time to think about it, the fool took Jiang Xiaohan's hand almost subconsciously, and pushed her aside...

In Jiang Xiaohan's ears, only the loud cries of passers-by could be heard. Before she even had time to look back at them, she felt her body was suddenly pushed, and she flew out in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, there was another muffled sound in her ear.Then there was a burst of people's exclamations and screams, and at this moment, there was a sharp pain in her head, her consciousness began to blur, and her body became lighter and lighter...

In the final consciousness, her lips moved, opened and closed twice with great effort, and after uttering the "dumb" mouth shape, she tilted her head and closed her eyes...

after one day……

Jiang Xiaohan woke up from a burst of severe acupuncture pain.

She frowned and called out loudly, and then a surprised female voice came from her ear:

"you're awake?"

Nonsense, if I don't wake up, will you continue to hurt me?
Jiang Xiaohan slandered secretly in his heart, followed by slowly opening his eyes.

Hey, why is there a piece of white everywhere...

The white ceiling, the white walls, even the quilt covering her body is also white...

Where is this place?
It wasn't until her eyes noticed the woman in white beside her that her lax rationality gradually recovered.


This is a hospital, so everything is white!

Also, isn't that woman in white a nurse?

Looking down at her hand, I realized that there was a shining infusion tube inserted into the back of my hand...

It turned out that the sharp pain just now was due to the needle!

Well, it turns out that there is a reason for you to hurt me, so I will forgive you a lot!

Jiang Xiaohan looked at her, opened his mouth, and realized that his voice was so weak:

"Miss nurse, this is..."

Why did I wake up and come to the hospital out of nowhere?
After a while, she, who is ignorant, still hasn't remembered what happened yesterday...

"You, you hit your head on the steps of the street, so you fainted from the pain... Fortunately, there is no major damage to your body, but you haven't eaten for a day and night, so your body is still a little weak. Well, this is nutrition Liquid... After transfusing this bottle, and then do some routine checks, you can be discharged from the hospital!"

The nurse explained to her patiently, and pointed to the medicine bottle on her head by the way.

"Bumped into the steps?"

Jiang Xiaohan half-closed his eyes and began to try to recall.

She only remembered that she and the fool were walking on the zebra crossing, and suddenly her body rose into the air, followed by a sharp pain in her head, and she didn't know anything...

Wait, nerd, where's the nerd?

She started to get anxious:
"What's wrong with me? Why did I bump my head for no reason? And, what about my companion, that is, the man who brought me to the hospital?"

"Didn't you hit your head in a hurry to avoid a car accident? Also, what companion? You were brought here by ambulance!"

The nurse asked strangely.

"Car accident? Hit the head?"

Jiang Xiaohan repeated her words in amazement, and suddenly a light flashed in his heart.

Ah, I know what's going on!
It must be that when we were crossing the road, a car crashed over, and the stupid guy tried his best to push himself to the side in order to save himself, so his body suddenly flew up.

Then when he fell to the ground, he knocked his head and passed out...

But what about the idiot?
Since he pushed himself away at the critical moment, what about his own people?

Did he escape the car accident?
Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaohan immediately wanted to get up and go out to find the idiot.

"Hey, what are you doing? You can't stand up yet."

The nurse exclaimed, and stepped forward to stop Jiang Xiaohan's movements.

"Stupid, stupid, has something happened to the stupid?"

Half of Jiang Xiaohan was still lying on the bed, and half of his body was hanging under the bed.

Due to not eating for a day and a night, her whole body is still light and weak.

As a result, she struggled for a long time to stand up, but in the end she could only half sit on the bed.

"Who is the idiot? Oh, do you mean the man who was sent in with you?"

Seeing her keep mentioning this name, the nurse slapped her head and suddenly remembered.

"Yes, yes, how is he, is he injured, is the injury serious, where is he, I'm going to see him now..."

Jiang Xiaohan grasped the nurse's sleeve tightly and asked a series of questions.

"He's fine, you should lie down first, or the backflow of blood is very dangerous..."

Jiang Xiaohan's tense body suddenly relaxed.

And after this slack, she became even more powerless.

The nurse lifted her back onto the bed again and again, and then explained to her in a soft voice:
"It turns out that you are friends. I thought it was just bad luck. Passers-by who got into a car accident at the same time...Speaking of which, the luck of both of you is not bad. You knocked your head, and he was scratched by the car." Take a moment, although there are some scratches on the body, but it's not a serious problem. I guess I was frightened, or fainted, just take a rest! By the way, he lives in the ward next to you..."

"I want to go and see him..."

"Sister Zhang, did you see the patient who was sent in from the next room yesterday?"

(End of this chapter)

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