Chapter 72 He's Missing
Just when Jiang Xiaohan wanted to ask the nurse to help her to see the idiot in the next room, a woman's head popped out from the door of the ward.

Looking at her dressed in a white coat, no need to ask, she is also a nurse!
However, the "patient" in her mouth is...

Jiang Xiaohan tried his best to get up again, and asked anxiously:

"Miss Nurse, are you talking about the man who was sent in with me yesterday? Is he missing?"

"Yes, it was sent in the same ambulance as you, do you know each other?"

Following the sound from far to near, the nurse walked in quickly.

"I know him. Does he have short hair, good-looking, very temperamental, the kind of person who looks cold at first glance? Why did he disappear?"

Jiang Xiaohan was afraid that he and the nurse might be talking about each other, so he hurriedly asked again.

"Yes. He looks very noble and has a cold demeanor. However, I don't know why he disappeared..."

The nurse shrugged, also looking puzzled.

Although the man said that he didn't have any serious physical injuries, it was strange to leave so quietly. At least he had to wait for a full-body examination to make sure that there was nothing wrong before he was discharged from the hospital!
"How did this happen? Why did he disappear? The bathroom, the corridor? And every corner of the hospital, have you looked for it?"

Jiang Xiaohan suddenly felt that he could hardly breathe, and felt uncomfortable with chest tightness.

Goofy is gone!
But why did he disappear?

Did he go by himself, or was he taken away?
Or, was kidnapped?
No, no, he is penniless, how could someone secretly kidnap him?
Then he left quietly by himself?
But how could he be like this, how could he just leave without telling himself?
No, Dumb is not such an irresponsible person, he wouldn't just throw himself here and leave quietly...

Or, he didn't know that he was next door to him, so he went home first and waited for me?

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaohan immediately struggled and was about to walk out the door.

He didn't care about the long infusion tube on the back of his hand...

"Hey, miss, you can't do this, it's very dangerous for you to do this!"

The nurse grabbed her anxiously, squeezed her arm for infusion and shouted.

The nurse who came in later also hurried up to help:

"Don't worry, I just found out that he's gone. Maybe it's true, as you said, he went to the bathroom, or went to the garden downstairs to get some fresh air? We'll look for it right away, you go to bed and continue to rest!"

Jiang Xiaohan struggled and couldn't break free from the bondage of the two of them, so he could only be forced onto the bed by them again.

But in the struggle, she also heard the nurse's words, so her heart moved and she made a compromise.

"Okay, I'm not going, but I'm going downstairs to find him now!"

Stubbornly pulling out the needle with one hand, Jiang Xiaohan desperately wanted to rush out the door regardless of the wound on the back of her hand that was bleeding Yin Hong's blood because of her rudeness.

"Okay, let's take you downstairs to find it!"

Seeing her persistence and excitement, the nurses also knew that her body was only weak and not seriously injured, so they could only rely on her temporarily...

"Hello, the main station? Hurry up and broadcast in the hospital building. If the patient sent by 402 yesterday hears the broadcast, tell him to come back quickly."

A nurse reached out and rang the bell in front of the bed, and then the two supported Jiang Xiaohan, one on the left and the other on the right, and began to search all over the hospital.

"Stupid, stupid, where are you? Come out quickly..."

"I'm Jiang Xiaohan, you can't just leave like this and leave me alone..."

"Stupid, stupid..."

Jiang Xiaohan at this moment is like a crazy woman.

Her hair was disheveled, her little face was pale, and she couldn't stop screaming...

Every time she yelled, she had to stop to catch her breath, and took a few deep breaths before she could barely maintain her spirit and continue to yell.

Her persistence and her affectionate call moved the two nurses beside her.

They kept comforting:

"Miss, don't worry, maybe he will show up in a while."

"That's right, he's the same as you, he was just frightened, his body was not injured, at most there were a few scratches, nothing serious."

"By the way, do you have his home phone number? Maybe he just woke up and subconsciously went home?"

"go home……"

Jiang Xiaohan murmured along with her words, and smiled wryly.

Where is the fool's home? He doesn't even know. How can he have a home?


She thought about her previous thought again.

Maybe the fool really just woke up and found himself missing, so he rushed back to his "home" to find himself?

Thinking of this, she hurriedly wanted to get rid of the two nurses:

"No, I'm going home now."

"No, miss, you still have to do a full body check."

"Yeah, someone called the police when you were in a car accident yesterday. Now that you're awake, we have to call the police to come over and take your statement!"

"No, I want to go home, go home, go back..."

While struggling, Jiang Xiaohan suddenly felt that he couldn't hold his breath.

Her chest was stuffy and swollen. After saying the last word "Hui", her eyes suddenly turned black, her head sank, and she fell back hard again.

Fortunately, the two nurses around her quickly caught her, and called the onlookers around to carry her back into the ward.

After a careful examination, the doctor confirmed that she fainted again because of her anxiety and weakness, and she was fine!

Fortunately, this time Jiang Xiaohan did not remain in a coma for a long time.

After just over two hours, she woke up faintly again.

Only this time, besides doctors and nurses, there were two more men in police uniforms beside her.

"Miss, we are policemen from Bureau xx, here are our documents."

Seeing her open her eyes, one of them politely raised the tag on his chest.


Jiang Xiaohan immediately remembered what happened before he fell into a coma...

"Mr. Police, please go and help me see now, has the idiot returned to my house?"

Jiang Xiaohan seemed to have caught a straw in drowning, and excitedly grabbed the policeman's sleeve, begging.

"Stupid, your house?"

The policeman frowned suspiciously.

"The idiot she's talking about is the male patient who was in a car accident with her yesterday, and the man who suddenly disappeared in the hospital today..."

(End of this chapter)

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