Chapter 75
"Okay, I'll try. But it's the first time I see Miss Kitty tonight. I wonder if she will agree to sign for me!"

Jiang Xiaohan quickly took off his overalls and put on his own clothes, while responding casually.

"I will definitely, Miss Kitty is great, she is super warm and friendly to fans. If I don't work the night shift tonight, I really want to go to the set to meet her in real life!"

As soon as she mentioned her idol, heartthrob Kitty, Fang Xiaoling's eyes lit up.

"Okay, I know you love your sister Kitty to death! I'll try my best. Okay, I'll flash first..."

Jiang Xiaohan threw the overalls in the closet, then waved at Fang Xiaoling, and quickly ran outside.

Going to work on the set as a handyman, this is the new part-time job she found recently to pass the night time.

There is no other way, since he has to raise a family and supplement Li Xiuling's "bottomless pit" from time to time, Jiang Xiaohan really wished that he could work 48 hours a day.

So much so that the restaurant here didn't get off work until five o'clock, and she had to eat bread and get on the bus to catch up with the job at Chengnan Film and Television City.

"Xiao Han, send this dress to the first studio."

"Hey, help me move that prop box over here."

"Xiao Jiang, when you pass by, check to see if Brother Zhang is there. We are still waiting for him to start the machine!"

Jiang Xiaohan, who had just rushed to Chengnan Film and Television City, didn't have time to catch his breath, and orders sounded one after another immediately around him.

"Okay, I'll go right now!"

Jiang Xiaohan hurriedly responded with a smile, and before he even had time to put down his bag, he took the clothes and ran to the first studio...

Another busy night has begun!

Although it is very hard to be a handyman on the set, almost all night is running errands.

Looking for people, moving things, serving actors and celebrities carefully, and helping them bring water and buy takeaways from time to time, but Jiang Xiaohan is very happy doing it.

Although this job is tiring, the pay is good, at least higher than her salary in a restaurant.

And more importantly, the busy work and life can make her brain have no spare time to recall some sad things...

"Brother Li, do you know which studio Kitty is in? Didn't you read the announcement yesterday, will there be her new play here tonight?"

Jiang Xiaohan, who had been busy for several hours, finally had the opportunity to take a break from his busy schedule, and whispered to Brother Li who was standing aside watching the filming progress.

Brother Li is a scene recorder with a super good memory and he is kind to people, so everyone on the set has a good relationship with him.

"It seems to be in the third studio. Why Xiaohan, do you really want to meet relatives, or go after stars?"

Brother Li turned his head to look at her, with a habitual smile on his face.

When he saw Jiang Xiaohan for the first time, he once joked with her that she and today's new heartthrob - Kitty, have a bit of similarity, especially those big eyes full of aura, bright and beautiful gorgeous.

At that time, Jiang Xiaohan laughed at himself, did he really look like him?
Then when she can see Miss Kitty, she must go to meet her relatives.

"Hey, what kind of relatives do you know? Isn't that a joke? Sister Kitty and I are in the sky and the other is underground, and we can't even hit each other... It's my colleague. She is a big fan of Sister Kitty. Please come and help me today." She wants an autograph!"

Jiang Xiaohan also smiled sweetly at Brother Li's joke.

In a place like this where good and bad people are mixed up on the set, it is necessary to see people laughing three-pointed!

What's more, what is the similarity between her and kitty?

Miss kitty is so beautiful and noble, but she is just a rude little girl in the market.

One is a lofty white swan, and the other is an ordinary and unremarkable clown duck.

"It turns out that I want to sign. Then you go, it's already twelve o'clock, if it's later, maybe she really has to leave..."

Brother Li raised his wrist to look at his watch, and quickly reminded him.

"Thank you Brother Li..."

After hurriedly saying these four words, Jiang Xiaohan grabbed his bag and ran towards the third studio...

While running, he quickly took out a pen and paper from his bag, planning to ask Miss Kitty to sign for him as soon as he saw her.

"Xiao Li, have you seen Miss Kitty?"

When I arrived at the third studio, I found that there was no sign of Kitty.

Could it be that he was late?
While Jiang Xiaohan was annoyed that he came too late, he quickly grabbed Ali, who was also a handyman, and asked anxiously.

Kitty, as a hot star now, can't keep up with the progress of shooting every day.

She will only come if she has a role to play.

In other words, I don't know how many days we have to wait for the next meeting...

"Sister Kitty, she's finished her role tonight..."

Xiaoli turned around and glanced at her in surprise.

"It's over, I promised to help my colleagues get autographs..."

Jiang Xiaohan stomped his feet angrily, but also had a helpless expression on his face.

She was so busy before, even if she wanted to come earlier, she couldn't spare the time.

"Hey, I just said that her role tonight is over, and I didn't say that she really left... She is in the high-end dressing room over there, and she is probably taking off her makeup. Hurry up, it's too late, I really can't catch up Oh!"

Seeing Jiang Xiaohan's annoyed expression, Xiaoli couldn't help but burst out laughing.

It turned out that she was playing tricks on herself!
While Jiang Xiaohan was relieved, he couldn't help reaching out to touch Xiaoli's face, and said with a smirk:
"Damn Xiaoli, dare to tease my sister... Okay, I won't tell you anymore, I'll treat you to a soda tomorrow!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Xiaoli to respond, she has already rushed to the dressing room.

Standing at the door of the advanced dressing room, Jiang Xiaohan calmed down and knocked on the door with a trace of uneasiness:

"Bang bang bang..."

"Come in!"

In the dressing room, a gentle female voice came.

With such a gentle voice, it must be Miss Kitty!
She is as expected in the legend, gentle and beautiful!
Jiang Xiaohan's heart, which was still uneasy just now, suddenly calmed down a lot.

She opened the door, and when she saw the legendary "kitty" sister, she was stunned by the woman in front of her.

Oh, it's beautiful!
A head of shiny black hair was pulled up high, revealing a round and small collarbone.

The clean makeup, coupled with her exquisite facial features, is simply eye-catching...

(End of this chapter)

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