Chapter 76 Is It Him?

Loose white short fur, a black slim short dress, and 7-inch white boots under the feet, the whole person looks noble and generous, it is simply glamorous...

This kind of Miss Kitty is more agile and beautiful than the one on TV.

When Jiang Xiaohan saw Kitty for the first time, besides the surprise at first sight, he couldn't help feeling a little inferior in his heart.

Where are you and kitty alike?

There is no comparison between a white swan and an ugly duckling!

I don't know what Li Ge's eyes are, but he can say that these two people who are so different have "spiritual resemblance"?
Come on, I think the only similarity between me and kitty is just gender...

"you are?"

When kitty saw Jiang Xiaohan for the first time, a hint of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

The originally smiling face also instantly returned to normal.

So, she turned around and sat back on the chair again, and carefully stroked her own eyebrows in front of the mirror, waiting for Jiang Xiaohan to take the initiative to explain the reason for her visit.

Unexpectedly, this dead girl has been standing behind her, silent for a long time.

So Kitty, who was waiting impatiently, could only reluctantly speak first.

"Oh, oh. Hello, sister kitty, my name is Jiang Xiaohan, and I'm a handyman here. I want you to sign my autograph, please? My colleague is your big fan!"

Jiang Xiaohan's scattered thoughts were brought back to reality by kitty's simple words.

She showed her trademark smile, and quickly explained her reason for coming.


In Kitty's elongated voice, there was obviously a trace of disappointment.

He thought she was sent by him!
So, she continued to paint her eyebrows in the mirror, but stopped talking, leaving Jiang Xiaohan standing behind her, neither walking nor standing.

According to the rumors, isn't kitty easy to get along with?

Isn't she treating her fans with warmth like a spring breeze!

But why, she hangs herself like this now, with a long face, but she neither drives her away, nor turns around to sign for herself...

After waiting patiently for 3 minutes, Jiang Xiaohan opened his mouth cautiously again:

"Miss Kitty..."

"Jingle Bell……"

At the same time, Kitty's phone rang.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaohan could only swallow the words he had already put on his lips.

There is no way, who asked for help now!

Let's talk about it after she finishes calling!
"I hate it, people have been waiting for your call all night..."

Kitty, who had just elongated her face just now, now has a happy and sweet smile on her face, and her gentle voice is even softer like water at this moment...

Tsk tsk tsk, as expected of an actor, he changed his face so quickly, and there is no flaw!
And her current voice really makes people's skin crawl, but for a man, this should be a very coquettish voice, right?
Jiang Xiaohan secretly slandered in his heart.

Judging by her current appearance and tone, the person on the phone must be someone very important to her, maybe her boyfriend?
But it seems that I have never heard of Kitty having a boyfriend...

Just when Jiang Xiaohan was habitually unconstrained, the kitty over there continued to say sweetly:

"Okay, I know you're busy, so it's impossible for people to really blame you!"

"Where are you, I guess? Damn, you didn't appear in front of me directly, did you?"

Kitty smiled coquettishly and quickly turned her head, a pair of beautiful eyes staring directly at the door.

At the same time, a tall and stalwart figure suddenly appeared at the door of the dressing room.


Kitty hadn't finished calling out a sweet name, but the person was already jumping and rushing towards the door.

Uh, he is so affectionate, it seems that he is really her boyfriend!
With the mentality of gossiping and not looking at the bastard, Jiang Xiaohan subconsciously turned around to see what kind of man the other party is, who can make the new star, Kitty, who is nicknamed "Glamorous", wait for him all day without any trouble. no complaints...

It's a pity that it was dark outside the dressing room. Standing in the brightly lit dressing room, she could only vaguely see two figures cuddling each other very intimately in the darkness.

He rubbed his eyes, squinted his eyes and looked carefully again.

Looking at the figure, it seems that kitty is tiptoeing and kissing each other's cheeks?
Uh, Miss Kitty, we are all women, can you be more reserved?

Just when Jiang Xiaohan slandered again, a slightly cold voice reached her ears:
"Okay, go get your bag!"

This short sentence made Jiang Xiaohan petrified in an instant, his mind buzzed, and he froze in place.

The original curiosity has turned into doubt and disbelief at this moment.

This voice is so familiar!

Familiar with her, it appears in her dreams almost every night...

But it's impossible for that person to appear here, and it's even more impossible for him to meet a big star like Kitty...

Misheard, I must have misheard!
During the process of her petrification, Kitty has already held the other's hand affectionately, leaned gently by his side, and slowly walked into the dressing room.

"This is?"

As soon as Lu Shaoyan came in, he found that besides him and Kitty, there was a third person in the dressing room.

And that person, with his head down, looked as if he was out of his wits...

He frowned and looked at kitty with displeased eyes.

Their relationship is not yet mature enough to be made public!
"I'm just looking for my fans who want autographs, Shaoyan, don't be angry, just give me a minute!"

In front of Lu Shaoyan, kitty returned to the image of the gentle and loving sister next door that fans said.

She walked up to Jiang Xiaohan quickly, and raised her hand:
"Miss, don't you want my autograph?"

"Oh, yes..."

Almost subconsciously, Jiang Xiaohan raised his head while responding.

Although the words were addressed to Kitty, her gaze immediately drifted to the tall man.

Looking at the past, Jiang Xiaohan instantly felt chest tightness and shortness of breath, and almost forgot how to breathe...

Deep and three-dimensional facial features, lean short hair, and——

That natural domineering and indifferent temperament, polite but alienated indifference.

Exactly the same cold and domineering temperament, exactly the same handsome face, if not him, who else could it be?
Jiang Xiaohan's tears squeezed into his eyes at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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