Chapter 78 It's Not Him

And at this moment, Lu Shaoyan spoke again impatiently:


His patience has never been very good.

What's more, the other party is a completely strange woman!

Interrupted by Lu Shaoyan's impatient tone, coupled with the oppressive depressiveness exuding from his body, Jiang Xiaohan almost blurted out before he had time to think:

"I said... so handsome!"

Well, this is the only word she thinks can be related to the word "dumb" now!


Even Lu Shaoyan, who had a lot of experience and never changed his face when Mount Tai collapsed, thought he heard it wrong.

What nonsense?
This inexplicable woman pushed away Kitty who was lying between them, and looked at her with red eyes full of surprise and longing, because she was so handsome?
Isn't this neurosis?
"You... puff..."

Kitty, who was originally extremely angry and depressed, was also amused by Jiang Xiaohan's blunt explanation.

After working on it for a long time, although she is a nympho, she is also a brainless nympho, she is so sick!

Shaoyan fell in love with my family, and he said it so directly.

But when she said it so bluntly, Kitty felt relieved.

For one thing, this woman is not only lacking in beauty, she even has no brains, so she doesn't deserve to make herself angry at all.

Secondly, she knew that what Lu Shaoyan hated the most was this kind of woman who throws herself into his arms.

It's no wonder that Shaoyan doesn't dislike her being so direct and active!

So, with a gloating mentality, kitty took a peek at Lu Shaoyan.

It was found that he was still expressionless, but his eyes, which were no longer warm, showed that he had already developed great impatience and boredom with the woman in front of him.

Live it!

Kitty's heart was full of joy, and she looked at Jiang Xiaohan, repeating her words deliberately teasingly:

"Well, it's so handsome!"

Unexpectedly, what he blurted out just now would attract kitty's ridicule and Lu Shaoyan's indifference. Jiang Xiaohan was both embarrassed and regretful, wishing to bite his tongue off.

Let you speak without thinking, let you get used to blurting out, this time it's okay, everyone treats you as a nympho and crazy!
But the words spoken are like water poured out, which cannot be taken back no matter what.

So Jiang Xiaohan, who was unable to get off the tiger, could only blush and repeat it again.

It doesn't matter, if you lose face, you will lose face...

"Then you're not..."


Seeing that Kitty seemed to want to continue to entangle with this unknown woman, Lu Shaoyan opened his mouth coldly, preventing Kitty from continuing to tease Jiang Xiaohan.

To be able to achieve the position of today's superstar, kitty must also be an intelligent and pleasant woman, who knows how to stop when she is right and wrong.

So after hearing Lu Shaoyan's impatient stop, she changed the subject and immediately changed the subject:
"Just now you pushed me, I don't care about it with you, you should avoid it for a while, this gentleman and I have some important things to talk about!"


Jiang Xiaohan was still in an embarrassing position, but subconsciously responded.

But then he realized that he really just left?

I haven't figured out whether this man is an idiot or not!
"Come back tomorrow night to ask for an autograph..."

Before Jiang Xiaohan could finish what she said, Kitty had already interrupted her and pushed her towards the door impatiently.



Jiang Xiaohan still hadn't finished speaking, and there was already a deafening sound of closing the door.

Kitty has been dissatisfied with her for a long time, and now she has been hinted by Lu Shaoyan, so she hastily kicked her out of the dressing room.

Jiang Xiaohan, who had already lost his mind, looked at the closed door in front of him, feeling extremely conflicted.

Just go, not reconciled!
But if she were to knock on the door and go in again now, thinking about Lu Shaoyan's indifferent attitude, she would no longer have the courage...

Just when she was in a dilemma, Kitty's flattering voice came from the dressing room:
"Shaoyan, don't be angry, I've kicked her out!"


Lu Shaoyan's voice was as flat and cold as ever.

Listening to that tone, the four words "I don't know what to say" seem to be describing myself?
Jiang Xiaohan, who was standing outside the door, secretly clenched his fists.

Damn, you don't know what it means, and your whole family doesn't know what it means.

If it weren't for the girl, I haven't figured out whether you are my fool, so I don't want to take another look at you!

"Okay, who made you so outstanding? When these little girls see you, they are like bees seeing flowers. This is not the first time you have seen a nympho woman. My good Shaoyan, don't Are you angry about this kind of person..."

Kitty's flattering voice suddenly became soft and waxy, as if she was acting like a baby.

I bother!

I'm nympho?
Your uncle is a nympho!
I saw that he looked like my idiot, that's why I acted like this, okay?

Jiang Xiaohan's bewildered and uneasy mind at the beginning was suddenly turned into anger by the conversation between these two people.

In the dressing room, there was suddenly no movement...

Jiang Xiaohan was wondering why these two people didn't continue to speak ill of her, but suddenly heard a rustling sound from inside, and then, it was Kitty's soft panting and numb coquettish voice:
"Shaoyan, my good Shaoyan... Woooo..."

Her words stopped once again.

Immediately, there was another rustling sound inside.

Even if Jiang Xiaohan has never been in a serious relationship again, he has never eaten pork and seen pigs running.

So immediately, her little face turned crimson!

The two people inside seem, seem to be doing something "inappropriate for children"?

There was an unspeakable sadness in my heart.

Could this person really be his idiot?

No, no, absolutely not...

My idiot would not do this, let alone use such strange eyes and indifferent attitude towards him.

So, he's just two people who look a lot like Dumb?
Before the tears fell, Jiang Xiaohan had already bit his lips tightly, and hurriedly left the door of the dressing room as if fleeing...

In the dressing room, kitty closed her eyes, put her arms around Lu Shaoyan's neck, rubbed her head affectionately on Lu Shaoyan's chest, teasing her, and unconsciously let out soft panting sounds.

(End of this chapter)

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