Chapter 79
Kitty's initiative to approach and show her love made Lu Shaoyan, who was impatient just now, gradually calm down, and there was a hint of affection in his eyes.want……

He lowered his head, pinched kitty's chin domineeringly with one hand, and wrapped his arms around her waist with the other, smiling slightly:
"In a hurry?"

"Where is it? They saw that you were angry just now, so they want to make you happy..."

Kitty was a little shy by Lu Shaoyan's blunt words, and couldn't help but want to lower her head to avoid his deep eyes.

Helplessly, her chin was pinched by Lu Shaoyan, so she could only look away shyly, not daring to look at him.

In addition to being sexy, this kind of her also has a little girlish and shy demeanor.

Such a self, such an ambiguous environment, coupled with the previous foreshadowing, she couldn't believe that Lu Shaoyan didn't immediately rush forward and kiss herself fiercely?
Because of this trick, it has been tried and tested repeatedly by other men!

It's a pity that her wishful thinking will soon come to nothing...

Because what Lu Shaoyan said next was completely beyond her expectations.

He let her go, and just said lightly:
"Get your bags, let's go!"

Shouldn't you immediately pounce on me and kiss me fiercely?

Why is Lu Shaoyan's concentration so good?
But think about the more than a month they have been dating, every time this man has acted, which time is he playing cards according to common sense?
He is really different from other men.

However, the more calm and elusive Lu Shaoyan is, the more Kitty has a desire to completely conquer him...

"Where are we going now?"

After picking up the handbag, she tidied up her clothes and messy hair a little bit. Kitty, who had adjusted her mind, took Lu Shaoyan's arm, raised her head and asked him with a smile.

"Go to the hotel!"

Lu Shaoyan's voice was as calm as his expression at the moment.

"No, I don't want to go to the hotel, there are too many people about going to your apartment?"

Kitty shook Lu Shaoyan's arm coquettishly, and made her own request.

Going to Lu Shaoyan's house has always been her longing.

I have been with him for more than a month, and I went to places other than hotels and restaurants, and I have never set foot in any private area related to him.

She desperately wanted to go to Lu Shaoyan's house, as if she went there, as if Lu Shaoyan had already admitted that he was her girlfriend...

"my home?"

Lu Shaoyan frowned, and repeated it lightly.

"Yes, I can also make you a supper. The white fungus and lotus seed soup I made is a must..."

Kitty was afraid that Lu Shaoyan would refuse her request like before, so she tried her best to get him to agree to her.

"I don't have a sweet tooth!"

Lu Shaoyan's answer politely rejected her.

The somewhat disappointed expression has not faded from Kitty's face, she has obediently obeyed Lu Shaoyan's meaning:
"Okay then, let's go to the hotel!"

It is really an irrational choice to fight against him.

So the smart kitty immediately gave up on his previous proposal.

Anyway, it wasn't once or twice that he was rejected by him, kitty was almost immune.

"That's good!"

Gently pinching her tender face, Lu Shaoyan took out a beautiful necklace from his hand as if by magic and handed it to Kitty:

"This is a present for you."

"Ah, I like it so much. Thank you Shaoyan."

Kitty took the necklace in surprise, her face full of joy.

The little loss in my heart just now was immediately replaced by the present surprise.

To be honest, as a superstar, she is not unable to afford this limited edition necklace, nor is she a woman who is easily moved by these small favors.

For a big coffee in the entertainment industry, what valuable things have you never seen?

But Lu Shaoyan's ability to give her a gift shows that he really has his own in his heart!
This kind of cognition is the reason for Kitty's surprise now.

According to the usual practice, after the two walked out of the film and television city, they got into two cars in tandem, and then walked into the hotel in tandem.

In this way, the eyeliner of the paparazzi can be avoided...

Inside the Presidential Suite of the Royal Hotel.

On the plush carpet imported from Italy, clothes were scattered all over the place.

Mid-length trench coats for men, short furs for women, and sexy red underwear...

There is a unique hormonal smell in the air, which shows that there was once a raging and intense affair here...

"Shaoyan, you are really amazing!"

After a fierce love affair, Kitty collapsed into Lu Shaoyan's arms, exhausted, and praised sincerely.

This man not only has an outstanding appearance, but also has a net worth of hundreds of billions, and his physical fitness is also better than ordinary men...

How can such a man not make her love madly?

"Really? As long as you are happy!"

Lu Shaoyan lightly exhaled a puff of smoke from his mouth, with one arm around Kitty and the other holding a cigar.

"Shaoyan, are you not happy because of that girl tonight? I really didn't expect such a coincidence. As soon as her front foot came, your back foot arrived!"

Knowing that Lu Shaoyan has been unwilling to disclose their relationship to the public, kitty quickly explained.

In fact, the reason why she neither signed Jiang Xiaohan nor drove her away immediately was that Kitty had selfish motives.

She wished that Jiang Xiaohan could see herself and Lu Shaoyan together, and then their relationship could be revealed from this girl's mouth...

In this way, Lu Shaoyan's status as a "famous woman" has been known to the public, and those women who stare at Shaoyan all day should be a little bit jealous...

But who knew, that girl was a brainless nymphomaniac...

I don't know if she will tell what she saw tonight as she wished!

"I'm not unhappy. The reason why I don't want to disclose our relationship now is because I'm afraid it will affect your current position in the film industry. You also know that once an idol star has a partner, their fans will be very sad... ..."

Lu Shaoyan smiled slightly.

In fact, how could he not understand Kitty's little thoughts?
However, it doesn't matter if the girl publicizes the relationship between them, he has never cared about the outside world's evaluation and opinion of him.

The reason why he didn't want to take the initiative to disclose his relationship with kitty, Lu Shaoyan just thought it was unnecessary!

Because he knew very well that what attracted him to the woman in front of him was only her eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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