Chapter 80 Restricted Area
And he would never marry her blindly and impulsively because of a pair of similar eyes!


Thinking of "eyes", Lu Shaoyan's eyes immediately reappeared that nympho girl whom he had just met at night.

Although she looks ordinary, even a little neurotic, her eyes are somewhat similar to the eyes in my dream...

"Shaoyan, I don't care if my idol star status is lost, and I don't care if others will know about our relationship. If you want, I can even announce my retirement tomorrow... as long as you say a word..."

Although he knew that Lu Shaoyan's so-called "for her own good" was just an excuse, but kitty's words still blurted out, which also interrupted Lu Shaoyan's contemplation by the way.

That's right, a woman who can be the man in front of her, why does she need to work hard in the film industry?
After following him, fame, fortune and status have not come one after another?

Before she could finish her words, Lu Shaoyan suddenly snuffed out the cigar in his hand, lowered his head, and looked into Kitty's eyes.

This move of his made Kitty a little stunned, and all the unfinished words disappeared between his lips and teeth.

What is he looking at, is he looking into my eyes?

Does he want to see the sincerity of my words from my eyes?

Thinking of this, kitty met Lu Shaoyan's eyes calmly, looked back at him fixedly, and wanted to let the other party see her determination from her unwavering eyes...

Unexpectedly, after Kitty looked at him calmly, Lu Shaoyan thought for a while, then bent down, and kissed Kitty's eyes lightly...

It's time to say the end, those eyes in my dream...

Before Kitty woke up from the shock, he had already picked up a sheet on the bed, wrapped himself up indiscriminately, then rolled over and got out of bed, and walked to the window.

This is a big floor-to-ceiling window. Lu Shaoyan just pressed the controller a little, and the two big curtains opened automatically, revealing a little bit of night outside the window...

Outside the window was the dimly lit night scene of the entire City A, and these blurred light-transmitting windows hit Lu Shaoyan's body, instead making his whole figure reveal an indescribable indifference and loneliness...


Kitty, who had come to his senses, called his name softly on the bed. In his gentle voice, there was a bit of ecstasy, but also a bit of bewilderment.

How could he not be shocked by his actions just now?
Everyone knows that Lu Shaoyan's lips are a restricted area, he will never kiss anyone actively, and he will never allow others to kiss him...

And just now, he actually, actually took the initiative to kiss his eyes!
His lips were soft and warm, completely different from his usual indifference.

Kitty who got this surprise was not only shocked, but also surprised...

Does such a move mean that he has officially admitted his status as his girlfriend?


The call again did not elicit a response from the other party.

Undeterred, Kitty simply stood up from the bed naked, nude, hugged his waist from behind, pressed her face tightly against his back, and whispered softly again.

But Lu Shaoyan did not respond to this.


The third time she yelled intimately, there was an added hint of coquettishness, and also a little bit of confusion.

What is he thinking?

Thinking so engrossed, like no one's land...

However, this time, her call still did not receive a response from the other party.

It's pretty unpleasant to be ignored, especially when it's a woman.body.bare.tightly clinging to a man's back.

This made Kitty, who had always been complimented by men and envied by women, feel a faint sense of frustration.

Reluctantly, she walked around in front of Lu Shaoyan, stood on tiptoe, wanted to kiss his lips, got his response, and tried to pull him back from the silence.

However, this time, Lu Shaoyan turned his face away quickly, and Kitty's lips just touched his chin...

Kitty was taken aback for a moment, and then the bitterness in his heart permeated.

It turns out that his lips are still his restricted area, and no one is allowed to get close to them easily...

Then what is it that he took the initiative to kiss his eyes just now?

"Stop making trouble, it's cold, go back to bed..."

However, after such a thing, Lu Shaoyan finally spoke again.

He took kitty's hand and led her to the bed.

As for himself, he began to put on his clothes.

"Shaoyan, are you planning to leave now?"

Biting her lip, Kitty felt desolate in her heart.

I thought I was different from other women, but now it seems that I am still the same.

He still only leaves after a crazy affair, and never stays to spend the night with him...

Such Lu Shaoyan, why did he fall in love with him?
Is it really just status and money?

Thinking of this, Kitty couldn't help but smile bitterly in her heart.

In fact, if he can be more gentle and lingering to himself, those extraneous things don't matter...

"Well, I suddenly remembered that there are still some things to do, you should rest here for a night..."

Lu Shaoyan put on his clothes by express delivery, put on the windbreaker, and then took out a pill from his trouser pocket and handed it to her:
"Eat it!"

"I... En!"

Reluctantly, Kitty took the pill in his hand, picked up the Evian mineral water beside the bed, and swallowed the morning-after pill in front of Lu Shaoyan.

Seeing with his own eyes that she had finished all the aftermath work, Lu Shaoyan opened the door with confidence and left.

Hearing the sound of the door closing, and seeing that Lu Shaoyan's back was separated by a door, Kitty couldn't control it any longer, her eyes were red from hugging the pillow...

With his hands in his trouser pockets, the cool Lu Shaoyan walked slowly in the corridor of the hotel.

He didn't walk out of the hotel until he felt that the camera lens of the hotel had captured himself clearly.

Now, the news about him dating a popular star can reach my elder brother's ears tomorrow...

Walking out of the warm hotel lobby, a gust of cold wind hits your face.

Yes, it is already December, and the weather is getting colder every day, just like my current state of mind...

Lu Shaoyan sighed secretly in his heart.

"Second young master, where are you going now?"

The driver who had been waiting outside the hotel door quickly drove up to him, opened the car door for him graciously, and asked casually.

(End of this chapter)

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