Chapter 90

I searched back and forth on the set several times, and carefully recalled where I have been today, and the conclusion I came to made Jiang Xiaohan tremble.

Oh my god, I seem to have left my backpack at the door of the advanced dressing room...

After fighting between heaven and man for a long time, Jiang Xiaohan mustered up the courage to go to the door of the dressing room to take another look.

It's so dark now, maybe the other party didn't find his bag?
With this almost non-existent hope, she sneaked back to the door of the dressing room again.

But to her surprise, she found that the door of the dressing room was wide open, and the lights inside were brightly lit. Kitty was still kneeling on the ground with her back facing her, as if she was a pinned puppet, motionless.

Her back looks so lifeless...

Huh, Miss Kitty looks so pitiful!

Although she was treated coldly by Kitty before, the kind and scheming Jiang Xiaohan was full of sympathy for her immediately when he saw this scene...

Especially now that it's December weather, although the dressing room is full of heating, but the door can't be kept open like this, and the howling cold wind keeps whistling into the dressing room.

Kitty, on the other hand, was wearing a short skirt with a backless back.

Tsk tsk, now that I'm wearing a thick down jacket, I feel my hands are getting numb from the cold, and kitty's clothes are thin. She's prone to get sick if she keeps kneeling on the ground like this!
Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaohan involuntarily sighed for her.

Love can hurt people, the ancients did not deceive me...

"Who? Is it Shaoyan?"

Kitty, who seemed to have almost become a statue there, suddenly made a sound after hearing the soft sigh outside the house, and turned his head quickly.

In that instant, she saw the sneaky Jiang Xiaohan at the door.

The hope in his eyes immediately returned to despair again...

It's not him, he's really gone, don't want her anymore...

Jiang Xiaohan, who was discovered, did not leave, nor did she not leave. After a brief embarrassment, she could only smile and pretend to be stupid and walked into the dressing room:

"Sister Kitty, it's me, I'm Jiang Xiaohan."


The other party just turned his head and ignored her.

"Sister Kitty, what are you doing? Why are you kneeling on the ground? The floor is very cold, and you can easily get sick... Ah, I see, you must be preparing for the next scene, right? I want to practice in advance ? Kitty, you are so dedicated!"

Jiang Xiaohan deliberately pretended that he didn't know anything, and wanted to talk to Kitty and persuade her to get up.


The other party remained silent.

"Sister kitty, I heard that your crew will be filming all night today. You can't keep kneeling here to practice like this. If something really freezes up, it will affect your performance in the next scene. I'll help you up... "

Jiang Xiaohan stretched out his hand while talking, trying to help Kitty up.

Maybe it was because she had been kneeling for a long time, or maybe Kitty was really froze, in short, her body was a little stiff, and Jiang Xiaohan managed to help her on the sofa after a few times of hard work. She approved a coat.

"Sister Kitty, since you're still preparing for the next scene, I'll leave first, so I won't bother you!"

Although Kitty didn't speak sneeringly at her this time, Jiang Xiaohan was a little embarrassed by her appearance of not wanting to talk at all, so she planned to leave after doing good deeds.

Of course, when she said these words, her eyes had quickly scanned the dressing room once, and she didn't find her bag here.

Not here, nor outside, could it be that my bag was really taken away by Second Young Master Lu?
Jiang Xiaohan's words still didn't arouse kitty's reaction, so she could only turn around and walk out the door in embarrassment.

Just as she stepped out of the room, Kitty behind her suddenly spoke:

"Jiang Xiaohan..."


Jiang Xiaohan stopped in surprise, and turned to look at Kitty.

"Are you here to ask for an autograph again?"

Although kitty's words were directed at her, but his eyes passed her and looked out the door, his eyes were empty.

"Well, yes. But I see that you are so busy now, I am embarrassed to bring it up."

Jiang Xiaohan nodded quickly.

Apart from this reason, she couldn't find any other reason to explain why she suddenly appeared at the door of this dressing room.

After all, this is a high-end dressing room, and no one else is qualified to use it except Kitty herself.

"Bring it!"

kitty held out his hand to her.

bring it?

What are you getting?

I don't have anything now, and even a broken bag was taken away by the second young master of the Lu family. What else can I sign for you?
Jiang Xiaohan was stunned for a while!

"You didn't bring paper and pen?"

Seeing that she hadn't moved for a long time, and seeing her empty hands, Kitty was not only surprised.

"I...I want you to sign my clothes, so that we can prove that we are your super fans when we go out..."

After a few seconds of blank mind, Jiang Xiaohan had an idea and immediately thought of a countermeasure.

Well, just sign it on the clothes...

It's a pity that this dress can no longer be worn out in the future!


Kitty was amused by her words.

The depressed and desperate mood just now improved a lot in an instant.

Yes, even without that man, I still have so many fans who love and love me, in fact, this is enough, isn't it?
The career that so many women dream of, the kind of achievement that stands on the podium and is overlooked by everyone, isn't it enough!

Not knowing why Kitty said she was a fool, or why she suddenly laughed, Jiang Xiaohan was stunned again.

"take it."

Kitty's expression finally became normal.

She smiled and shook her head, as if she thought Jiang Xiaohan's silly look was cute.

Then he took his bag, took out a photo of himself, wrote his name on it with a brush, and placed it in the air, motioning Jiang Xiaohan to go and get it.

"Miss Kitty, thank you!"

Jiang Xiaohan took the photo with some surprise and carefully put it in the bag of the down jacket. He just raised his head to thank him, but found that Kitty's eyes suddenly changed again...

She lowered her head and looked at a necklace box in her bag, her eyes became empty and loose.

"Jiang Xiaohan, have you ever tried to fall in love with a man?"

(End of this chapter)

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