Chapter 89 Have You Loved Me?

Jiang Xiaohan secretly sighed outside.

Immediately, he began to admire himself a little, for being able to think of these things in the mood at this time.

Shouldn't you be sad!
Never mind, who knows if he is my "dumb guy"?

Maybe he isn't!

If he wasn't, wouldn't he be able to watch the show for free now, oh no, listen to a show?
In the dressing room, Lu Shaoyan's voice was as cold and calm as ever:
"I made it so obvious, kitty, you are a smart person, you don't know why?"

"No, don't do this, Shaoyan, don't leave me, don't abandon me... I love you, I can even leave the film and television industry for you, as long as you say a word... Shaoyan, if I do something wrong , I'll change it, can't I change it? You don't like our relationship being made public, and I'm willing to cooperate with you... less..."

Although she had vaguely guessed the truth of some things, when the answer was revealed on the spot, Kitty still couldn't accept it.

At this moment, she stared wide-eyed at the man she loved in front of her, despair and unwillingness flashed on her beautiful face...

"A check for 2000 million, a movie with a famous director. Is it enough?"

Lu Shaoyan's faint voice interrupted Kitty's crazy begging.


Although the conditions he offered were mouth-watering, Kitty, who was in despair, still wanted more unwillingly.

For example, his person, his feelings...

"I'll give you 30 seconds to think about it. If you still don't agree after 30 seconds, then I'm sorry, the conditions I just raised will be taken back one by one. One, two, three..."

Lu Shaoyan counted slowly, as if he was playing a very fun game.

From Lu Shaoyan's eyes, kitty could see his persistence and mockery.

She who was full of grief and despair just now suddenly calmed down.

After all, she is a woman who has been in the entertainment industry for decades. After she calmed down a little, she immediately analyzed her current situation intelligently.

Since it is impossible to think of getting his people and feelings, then, let's ask for some practical benefits!
So, when Lu Shaoyan counted to "25", she interrupted Lu Shaoyan with red eyes:

"Okay, I promise you."

A clear smile hung on Lu Shaoyan's face, as if all this had already been expected.

He got up slowly, picked up the coat placed on the sofa:
"Since the conditions have been negotiated and no debts are owed, then tomorrow I will have someone transfer the money to your account..."

"Wait a minute. Shaoyan, I have one last question, can I ask you?"

Kitty unexpectedly interrupted Lu Shaoyan's words, her eyes were scarlet with the last trace of longing.

Lu Shaoyan paused and looked at Kitty's face.

There is no woman who has the courage to bargain with herself like this...

But when he saw that although the other party's face was covered with tears, and although her eyes were still full of timidity and despair, her slightly tightly pursed lips seemed to be trying to grab the last straw in despair...

Such a complex expression of despair but full of hope made Lu Shaoyan's heart suddenly soften.

He nodded, although his voice was as indifferent as ever:
"Okay, you ask!"

"Shaoyan, have you ever loved me during the past month or so?"

He stared at Lu Shaoyan's expression carefully with his eyes wide open. There were too many complicated emotions in Kitty's eyes:
Reluctant, Sad, Desperate, Unwilling...

A trace of unknown emotion rose in Lu Shaoyan's eyes.

But soon, this emotion flashed by, so quickly that even Kitty, who was close at hand, didn't notice...

He nodded and said in a low voice:
"I loved..."

Before he could finish speaking, Kitty had rushed towards him excitedly, wanting to enjoy the warmth of his arms again, even if it was the last time.

He loved me, that's enough...

"your eyes!"

Lu Shaoyan coldly pushed away Kitty's body that was rushing towards him, and added in a tone of no emotion.

Yes, I have loved, but unfortunately, what I fell in love with is only your eyes...

Kitty was stunned, even after being pushed away by Lu Shaoyan, she staggered a few times and fell to the ground, she still had a puzzled and confused expression!

What, he loved only my eyes?

Taking advantage of her moment of stupefaction, Lu Shaoyan has already passed her side, and walked quickly to the door.

As soon as he opened the door, he heard rustling sounds from outside, and then a figure flashed past him out of the corner of his eyes.

On the doorknob, there was a black thing dangling.

When I took a closer look, I found that the black thing was just a large black canvas bag.Looking at the bulging appearance, there are quite a lot of things inside.

Someone eavesdropped on their conversation just now, is it the paparazzi?
With such a conclusion, Lu Shaoyan subconsciously took the bag in his hand and took it away.

Kitty was left slumped on the ground, touching her eyes, and muttering to herself in a low voice:

"What he fell in love with was only my eyes, my eyes...hehe..."

Is such an answer, for me, lucky or unfortunate?

Fortunately, it is because of it that I have the chance to be with Lu Shaoyan...

Unfortunately, it was also because of it that I provoked him, and I was so sad, desperate and unwilling...

Jiang Xiaohan was depressed and stood alone on the bus platform kicking stones, waiting for the last bus back to the city.

Damn, that second young master Lu, why is there no sound when he walks?

There was no movement before opening the door, and without saying anything in advance, the door was opened so abruptly!

Unprepared, I wanted to turn around and leave, but because I was in a hurry, my backpack was hooked by the doorknob.

At that time, she had a subconscious sense of shame because of panic, fear, and because eavesdropping on other people's conversations was an immoral act.

So at the moment when the backpack was hooked, her mind was almost blank. She was only thinking about how to get out of here quickly, but she didn't even notice that the backpack was hooked...

It wasn't until she escaped to a safe place, and even went to the set for a few rounds, that she suddenly remembered that the bag she had been carrying seemed to be missing...

(End of this chapter)

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