Chapter 88 Scumbag!
Three black threads dripped from Jiang Xiaohan's forehead...

Just when she opened her mouth to deny it, a stern voice came from their side:

"Personal topics are not allowed during working hours!"

It's the boss!

It turned out that he had been paying attention to these two receptionists not far away for a long time.

Seeing Fang Xiaoling's beaming expression, the boss couldn't bear it anymore, walked over quietly from there, and reminded her.

What Jiang Xiaohan wanted to deny at first, suddenly swallowed it back into his stomach.

And Fang Xiaoling stuck out her tongue mischievously and lowered her head.

Neither of the two dared to say another word.

In the silent atmosphere, the time unknowingly moved towards 5 pm.

Jiang Xiaohan quickly changed into work clothes, and Fang Xiaoling also sneaked into the locker room in her busy schedule, and asked her with clasped hands:
"Xiaohan, you didn't get Kitty's autograph for me on Saturday, and you said you didn't have her show on Sunday, but you have to help me get it today no matter what, please, please!"


Originally, getting her an autograph was just a matter of little effort, but Jiang Xiaohan hesitated when he thought of Kitty's indifference and arrogance to him that night.

She doesn't want to face someone else's cold ass with her hot face anymore!

"Please, please! I'll give you something, here, here!"

While begging her, Fang Xiaoling took out two books from her changing wardrobe and stuffed them into Jiang Xiaohan's bag.


Jiang Xiaohan was still changing clothes and didn't have time to look at it, so he just asked subconsciously.

"Great tips, now is the time when you need them the most... This is..."

Fang Xiaoling smiled smugly and mysteriously, but before she could finish her bragging, a voice came from outside the locker room urging her to go to work.

"Here we come...Xiao Han, remember to ask for my autograph, I have lent you my ultimate magic weapon on the road of love...bye, remember to ask for your autograph..."

As Fang Xiaoling walked quickly to the door, she turned her head and did not forget to ask Jiang Xiaohan to help her get Kitty's autograph.

After changing her clothes, Jiang Xiaohan walked quickly to the door. During the walk, she curiously took out the two books and looked at them, and couldn't help laughing.

Because the titles of these two books are: "If You Want to Say No, You Are Welcome, A Man's Favorite", "How to Catch a Rich Son-in-Law"...

Oh my god, what an awesome title.

But thinking about Fang Xiaoling's innocent and fond of watching Korean dramas, these two books are really her "treasures".

In order to get kitty's autograph this time, Fang Xiaoling really spent a lot of money!

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaohan laughed uncontrollably again, sweeping away the previous depressed mood.

Hurrying to the set, Jiang Xiaohan started to get busy as usual.

She was busy until ten o'clock in the middle of the night before she could have a moment to rest.

Fearing that Kitty would leave early after filming her part, she took this opportunity to walk to the third studio.

Kitty's role has not yet finished. At this moment, she is standing in the studio, holding the hand of a popular male star, and said with red eyes:

"No, please, please don't leave me..."

Before the words were finished, a line of clear tears had already flowed down from her eyes.

Kitty's expression also became so miserable and helpless, her eyes were full of love and reluctance...

I have to say that Kitty's acting skills are really good, no wonder she has so many fans who love her now that she is in the front line.

Just when Jiang Xiaohan was amazed by Kitty's acting skills, comments from the onlookers also came from her ears:

"Tsk tsk, Miss Kitty's acting skills are really amazing, this year's actress must be her!"

"And have you noticed that Miss Kitty's acting skills are improving by the day? I remember that a month ago, she had to act in a crying scene and had to use eye drops..."

"Hey, have you heard that sister Kitty seems to be in a relationship recently, is this a fake show? That's why the expression of emotion can be so smooth and flawless?"


Following the discussion of the crowd, the director gave an order, and Kitty immediately let go of the actor's hand, with a professional smile on his face:
"Director, is this scene over?"

"Okay, that's really great! Sister Kitty, you acted really well in this scene, your true feelings are revealed seamlessly... Well, Sister Kitty, you can go to the dressing room next door to rest, the next group of people will be in place immediately! "

The director held the loudspeaker and said flatteringly.

Kitty nodded slightly on the stage and walked out of the studio.

But the sharp-eyed Jiang Xiaohan still found that her eye sockets were still red, and she sniffled her nose from time to time, as if she was deliberately suppressing her urge to cry...

So, Miss Kitty is really doing a fake show, using this scene as a tool to express her emotions?
Then the person who made her cry was the "Second Young Master of the Lu Family" who looked exactly like a fool?

Jiang Xiaohan stood there in a daze for a moment, and when she came back to her senses, she realized that there was no sign of Kitty in the studio...

When she hurried to the door of the high-end dressing room, she was about to reach out to knock on the door, but the sound of a man and a woman talking came from the dressing room.

Jiang Xiaohan froze for a moment, then subconsciously put his hand down from the door panel.

The calm mood at first was also jumping wildly because of the deep and cold male voice coming from the crack of the door.

That man, seems to be him...

In the dressing room, Lu Shaoyan sat leisurely on the large sofa with a calm expression on his face. His two long legs were casually crossed in front of the sofa, and his hands were placed on the armrests of the sofa. His movements are somewhat leisurely and domineering.

"Shaoyan, you finally came to see me! I've been waiting for you for two whole days!"

Seeing his sweetheart sitting in front of his eyes, kitty's gentle voice was a little more pleasant.

"So, that's why you came to my company?"

Lu Shaoyan habitually raised a hand to touch the bridge of his nose, and asked slowly.

"No, I just, just wanted to see you, so I sent someone to the company to look for you... Shaoyan, you suddenly blocked my phone and unblocked my WeChat. I don't know what else to do other than go to the company How to find you..."

In Kitty's voice of explanation, there was a little more unconfidence and grievance.

Tsk tsk, scumbag!

Typical people don't recognize people when they put on pants!

(End of this chapter)

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