Chapter 87
"By the way, Zhang Shulin pretended to be in front of me again today. She really acted like a good wife and mother. In that family, she was the only one who seemed to be good for me on the surface. But, in fact, I know that all this is just an illusion, just Just to confuse me..."

"There is also that Lu Zixuan, my cheap brother, I will definitely not let him have a good time... He hurt me back then, causing me to lose seven days of memory, I will definitely settle the debt with him slowly Yes. When that day comes, no one will be able to escape..."

"Mom, I've been doing nothing in the Lu family, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. What I'm waiting for is an opportunity to make me a blockbuster. Just watch, that opportunity is coming soon... At that time, I will be the president of the Lu family. Then the company will be emptied and destroyed. At that time, the old man will be so angry that he will vomit blood on the spot when he sees his hard work over the years being destroyed. Hehe, I really look forward to that day coming sooner. ..."

"Mum, I miss you very much. I haven't seen you for half a year. Are you over there, how are you..."

While muttering to himself, Lu Shaoyan put the photo on his chest, and slowly closed his eyes.

He, who hadn't slept all night, finally felt a deep sense of sleepiness...

A new week is here again.

Jiang Xiaohan has been absent-minded for the past two days, and often makes mistakes in doing things, so that Fang Xiaoling, who is on the side, finally couldn't help but touch her forehead after helping her out for the nth time:
"Xiaohan, are you sick?"

"Sick? Ah, no..."

Jiang Xiaohan followed her movements blankly, and touched his forehead as well, as if he had just woken up, suddenly realized.

"If you're not sick, why do you always look listless and out of your mind? Look at you, it's been like this since yesterday. Either you took the customer to the wrong place, or you remembered the last name of the old regular customer. If you continue to behave like this , be careful to get fired!"

Fang Xiaoling looked around and reminded in a low voice.

Fortunately, yesterday was the weekend, and the boss was too busy to watch them as usual.

"Okay, I get it now!"

Jiang Xiaohan answered absently again.

"Xiaohan, what's the matter with you? It's been like this since you went to work yesterday. You haven't had a fever or been sick. It's completely different from the usual you. Aren't you very energetic before?"

Fang Xiaoling glanced at her worriedly.

"I... Hey, I'm fine!"

Jiang Xiaohan hesitated to speak.

The confusion and incomprehension in her mind were about to explode her whole body!

Even though she had been on the phone with Li Tianci all night after leaving in a hurry that night, the advice Li Tianci gave her on the phone was to let her pretend she didn't know anything:
"Jiang Xiaohan, you are stupid! There are only two possibilities now. Either, he is an idiot. But why didn't he recognize you immediately? It shows that people don't want to talk to us poor people at all. Or, it's them It's really two people. So my advice to you is to stand still, and it's best not to provoke each other. After all, the power of the Lu family covers the sky with only one hand, and neither you nor I can afford to provoke..."

"But the idiot doesn't look like the kind of person who dislikes the poor and loves the rich, and who sees people as inferior!"

Jiang Xiaohan was still subconsciously making the final defense for the idiot.

"Jiang Xiaohan, I still say the same thing, didn't you bring your brain out when you were born? Did you forget how he disappeared? He left on purpose, okay? Before he left, he knew to take his That prince's robe. Forget it, don't think about him anymore..."

Li Tianci sighed leisurely on the other end of the phone.

Jiang Xiaohan was immediately speechless after being pushed back with one sentence.

Well, what Tianci said is absolutely right!

The idiot who disappeared that day for no reason, judging from all the signs, he really left premeditatedly...

Since people want to leave, why should I still bother thinking about things here!
Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaohan could only cough unnaturally, and then changed the subject:
"By the way, will you come back during the Chinese New Year?"

"Sure, I have to come back to see my parents! I am temporarily staying abroad, and I am not sold here."

Li Tianci agreed quickly.

In July, Li Tianci's uncle was seriously ill, and the Li family went abroad to visit him.

Although an operation was performed later, his uncle's life was able to continue, but it left serious sequelae, both legs were amputated and he was unable to walk.

Although he has the money to hire servants and nurses to take care of him 24 hours a day, after all, the family members are not at ease. In addition, the overseas branches also need to have an uncle to take care of them there, so he cannot go back to China directly, so after the whole family discussed it, the Li family, Li Tianci was simply suspended from school, allowing him to take care of his uncle while learning to manage his business.

"Then don't forget when you come back, you still owe me a birthday present!"

Jiang Xiaohan said pretending to be relaxed.

"Got it. I'll give you some supplies when I get back. How can anyone ask for gifts so simply and rudely like you? How shameless! Okay, let's not talk, I have to push my uncle to a meeting. Talk back."

Li Tianci smirked a few times over there, and was used to joking with her as usual.

"Well, talk back!"

Jiang Xiaohan responded softly, and hung up the phone...

"Is that because Auntie has made you angry again?"

Fang Xiaoling asked in a low voice, bringing Jiang Xiaohan's thoughts back to reality from the memories.

Although I don't know what Jiang Xiaohan's mother Li Xiuling has done, but Fang Xiaoling knows that Jiang Xiaohan's troubles every time are probably because of her...

"No, it's not for my mother this time!"

Jiang Xiaohan shook his head, sighed, then looked down at the notebook on the bar in a daze.

Seeing Jiang Xiaohan's distraught and sighing, hesitant to speak, Fang Xiaoling's eyes rolled, and then she seemed to have suddenly realized.

She patted Jiang Xiaohan on the shoulder excitedly, with an innocent smile on her face:

"I see. The things that can annoy us innocent girls are not having no money to buy new clothes, or falling in love with a man and not knowing how to speak, right?"


Jiang Xiaohan was startled by her pat on the shoulder at first, and then he opened his mouth wide when he heard her say such words, unable to recover.

Have a crush on a man?
But is he still the original him?
Seeing her mouth wide open and speechless, Fang Xiaoling immediately raised her head triumphantly, and said with a smile:
"I guessed it, right? It's okay, I have my love expert here, I guarantee you can catch him, tell me, what's the situation now?"

(End of this chapter)

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