Happy Enemy: The Chief Dumb Wife of Amnesia

Chapter 86 A Moment of Gentleness

Chapter 86 A Moment of Gentleness
"Zixuan, you are not allowed to talk about your brother like that... Hey, master, why did you come down?"

Just as Zhang Shulin stopped Lu Zixuan's words in time, when he turned around, he seemed "surprised" to find that Lu Yuancheng had already stood at the corner of the stairs at some point.

The conversation they had just now obviously entered Lu Yuancheng's ears verbatim.

Sure enough, Lu Yuancheng frowned, ignored Zhang Shulin, and said coldly to Lu Zixuan:

"You mean, Shaoyan hired a woman there?"

"Sure, he often goes there recently. I heard that the woman looks good, she seems to be the number one lady there..."

Lu Zixuan scratched his hair and said emphatically.

"Then how do you know so clearly?"

Before Lu Zixuan finished speaking, Lu Yuancheng looked at him with a cold smile and asked back.

"I, I heard it from my friends. Dad, you know, I have a lot of friends..."

"Is it because you have a lot of friends? Hmph, neither of you can make me worry!"

Lu Yuancheng snorted coldly.

"Dad, I have changed a lot recently. You see, I go to work in the company in a regular manner every day, and I go home after work, and I don't go out to fool around with them anymore..."

Knowing that the old man was unhappy, Lu Zixuan quickly defended himself.

"Whether it has been improved or not, you know in your own mind...Hmph!"

Lu Yuancheng snorted again, stretched his face and walked directly to the bedroom.

After being so angry with Lu Shaoyan just now, his heart is not feeling well, so he has to go back to the bedroom to take medicine.

"Zixuan, you see that you are angry with your father again, go back to the bedroom with me to reflect..."

Seeing that Lu Yuancheng had gone far away, Zhang Shulin quickly found an excuse and went back to his bedroom with his son.

"Silly boy, no matter how much you hate that bastard, you can't show it directly."

In the bedroom with the door closed, Zhang Shulin lowered her voice and said coquettishly.

"Mom, that's the truth, but I really can't swallow it! You say he's a bastard, what right does he have to come back and compete with me for the company? Is he worthy? And the old man is too confused. Now that he knows I'm not in good health, so why don't you quickly drag me to the president's seat, and instead let that bastard come back... Oh, mom, these two people really pissed me off!"

Lu Zixuan hit the bed with his fist, his eyes full of dissatisfaction.

"Let's not talk about this, did you hear what they said in the study just now?"

Zhang Shulin rolled his eyes and asked the question she had been wanting to ask just now.

There were so many people talking in the living room, she really didn't have a chance to ask them carefully.

"It's not just the old sayings that were repeated over and over again. The old man asked him why he was so unsatisfied, and then the bastard just retorted or something... In the end, it seemed that the angry old man smashed something, and the bastard backed out by itself."

Lu Zixuan said lightly.

Anyway, he and Zhang Shulin were no longer strangers to such a conversation.

"So it seems that the bastard really doesn't want to inherit the company? But if he doesn't want to inherit the company, why did he come back? Is it really just because he wants to fulfill her mother's last wish before she died?"

Zhang Shulin frowned tightly, and asked herself softly.

Such Lu Shaoyan really made her unable to see through.

You say he has no ambitions, but he came back from a long distance abroad and followed the old man's orders to return to the company.

But if you want to say that he intends to compete for the company, what he has done in the past six months is so irresponsible.

Going to the company all day is either late, leaves early, or skips work to date female celebrities, and the women around me come and go frequently.

Although Lu Shaoyan is very low-key on weekdays, he doesn't like to show off.But he couldn't stand the fact that someone around him was "watching" him closely.

Therefore, Zhang Shulin was in full control of his every move.

"I guess he really wanted to fulfill that old woman's last wish... Didn't that old woman ask him to come back and restore the father-son relationship with the old man before she died? Oh, don't care about that. Anyway, I think he has no intention of taking care of the company It's over, a piece of trash."

Lu Zixuan scratched his hair impatiently.

"If he has no intention of competing with you for the best company, it will save me from wasting energy. But, if he dares to compete with you for the company, hmph..."

Zhang Shulin, who was always kind and kind, actually had a murderous look in his eyes.

"Okay Mom, I still have something to do today, so I'm going out first!"

Looking at the WeChat on the phone, the irritability on Lu Zixuan's face suddenly disappeared, replaced by a burst of joy.

Seeing the expression on his face, Zhang Shulin could only sigh slightly, and persuaded him softly again:
"Zixuan, it's not that Mommy wants to talk about you, now you have to grow up, and you can't act like you used to, you know? Your father..."

"I got it, I got it, Mom, then I'm leaving..."

Interrupting her words casually, Lu Zixuan grabbed the phone and walked out the door.

Hearing the sound of closing the door, Zhang Shulin sighed again.

Thinking that I am smart, I have done all the tricks in my life, and all my thoughts are for this son.

But my son is too unmotivated, he knows how to eat, drink and have fun all day long, and he doesn't use his mind on the right way at all.

It's really tiring to fight alone with such a self...

Since today is Sunday, Lu Shaoyan did not return to the company, but directly ordered the driver to drive back to his home.

Opening the door, looking at this small apartment, it is almost a world of difference from the luxurious and almost extravagant decoration of the Lu family.

But such a small home can give him a lot of peace of mind.

At least here, he is calm and stable, he doesn't need to be like a hedgehog, erecting his spines from time to time, to be wary of any enemy that may approach...

Turning to close the door, he opened the sealed box containing the soup in disgust, then poured the soup straight into the toilet, and threw the box into the trash can.

After doing this, Lu Shaoyan walked into the bedroom after washing his hands, picked up a photo frame on the bedside table, and stroked the photo on it with his fingers.

In the photo, a woman with smooth long curly hair looks fashionable, generous and unparalleled in beauty.

It's a pity that there is a emptiness and sadness in her eyes...

Lu Shaoyan looked at her in the photo, his eyes became gentle.

He murmured:

"Mummy, I'm back. Do you know? I got angry with that heartbreaker again today. I know that if you were here, you would definitely say that I shouldn't contradict him. But every time I look at When I see him, I will think of all these years, he has ignored us, ignored us... I have no way to forgive him. Mom, I'm sorry, I let you down again..."

 I don’t know if everyone will fall in love with my “Lu Shaoyan”, a man with flesh and blood, sad and sad past, after reading the high-ranking and omnipotent “President” articles...

(End of this chapter)

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