Chapter 85 Unfilial Son

"Charm is..."

Just when Lu Zixuan was about to explain to him that Mei Se is a nightclub, Zhang Shulin stopped him in time:

"It's time to eat, it's time to eat. I don't know what it means to eat without talking or sleep without talking. Eat quickly."

After finishing speaking, he picked up a chopstick of food and forcefully delivered it to Lu Zixuan's mouth.

Lu Zixuan was speechless, he could only chew the food in his mouth, his eyes were full of unwillingness.

"Master, let's eat, can we talk about something after eating?"

Turning his head, Zhang Shulin looked at Lu Yuancheng with a smile on his face again.

"Okay, move your chopsticks!"

Lu Yuancheng sighed and stopped asking.

This little son really disappointed him...

Although he still doesn't know where Mei Se is, but looking at Lu Zixuan's unwilling expression, he can guess that it's nothing more than a place of fireworks, a place where women are crowded...

Hey, thinking about the decision to let him come back, I don't know whether it was right or wrong?
In the past, Lu Shaoyan had excellent grades and majored in business at Harvard. He originally thought that he would be able to help him manage the company after graduation and be able to take care of himself, but who knew that during the six months he came back, not only did he not work hard, but he often skipped work. Addicted to women, really...

Lu Yuancheng was both anxious and a little angry.

Seeing that his two sons are not successful, who should hand over his huge family business in the future?
I can't just watch my life's painstaking efforts gradually decline in the future because the dragons have no leader...

While eating, he simply dropped his chopsticks and left the table angrily.



Lu Zixuan and Zhang Shulin wanted to stop him at the same time, but what Lu Yuancheng left for them was a lonely and stubborn back.

"Hey, let's all eat, the master probably has no appetite..."

Zhang Shulin sighed and turned his head again.

"Aunt Lin, thank you!"

At this time, Lu Shaoyan looked at Zhang Shulin, looked at her with heavy eyes, and thanked her softly.

"Shaoyan, the whole family doesn't talk about each other, so thank you. Aunt Lin knows that it's common for men to play tricks every time. But, you have to take care of your body, and see your eyes turn red. Yes... I ordered my servants to prepare some nourishing soup for you, don't forget to take it with you when you leave..."

Zhang Shulin naturally knew that Lu Shaoyan thanked her because of what he had done to save him just now, so he smiled slightly and didn't care much.

"Aunt Lin, you are so kind to me!"

It took Lu Shaoyan a long time to talk to her emotionally.

"Silly boy, I'm your half mother. I'm not good to you, but to whom? Well, let's eat quickly, the food is cold!"

Zhang Shulin said lovingly.

The scene of "mother kindness and son filial piety" made Lu Zixuan secretly frowned and his face stretched.

It's just that this time, he ate his meal honestly, and didn't make any more cold eyes or ridicule.

The meal was very deserted.

After eating and resting for a while, Lu Shaoyan knocked on the door of the study on the second floor.

"Come in!"

A majestic and slightly old voice sounded in the study.

"Dad, if there's nothing else, I'll be leaving first!"

Lu Shaoyan leaned against the door of the study with his arms folded.

"Shaoyan, come in, let's have a good talk!"

Lu Yuancheng sat behind the large desk, frowned, but sighed softly, and said helplessly.

"Okay. What did Dad want to say to me?"

Lu Shaoyan closed the door casually, and sat on the sofa with a foolish look, opposite to Lu Yuancheng.

"Shaoyan, I've never been able to figure it out. Didn't you have both good character and academics before, and you were also a top student at Harvard? But why, what you're doing now... hey..."

Having said that, Lu Yuancheng sighed again.

He has been all-powerful all his life, invincible and invincible in the mall.

But he couldn't do anything about the headaches of his two sons, because neither of them was successful.

"Dad, I've already said it before. I'm not a material for business. You insisted on forcing me to come back."

Lu Shaoyan said indifferently, his face still had an ordinary look, as if what he said now was as common as discussing whether the price of vegetables is expensive today.

"Hmph, if it weren't for your elder brother's incompetence, I wouldn't force you to come back. Do you think I'm rare for you?"

Lu Yuancheng was used to being strong in the mall, but now hearing Lu Shaoyan's slightly provocative words, he couldn't help but retort.

"Yeah, I know you don't care about me. If you care about me, how can we let our mother and son spend so many years abroad without relatives and no reason... Over the years, if you think of me, it is probably Seeing that my eldest brother is useless, so I think of me second best..."

There was no anger on Lu Shaoyan's face, and his tone remained calm.


Lu Yuancheng stared at him, his chest began to heave.

"Dad, if there is nothing important, I will leave first! You are not in good health now, and I don't want to continue to be angry with you!"

Before Lu Yuancheng finished speaking, Lu Shaoyan stood up from the sofa, walked directly to the door, and opened it.

"Unfilial son..."

Before Lu Yuancheng finished his angry words, Lu Shaoyan had already closed the door of the study outside.

"Bang bang bang..."

Hearing the sound of broken porcelain coming from the study, and looking at the disappearing figure at the corner of the stairs, a sneer flashed in Lu Shaoyan's eyes.


This trick is really despicable and despicable enough!
But sorry, I already expected it!

Thinking of this, a vague smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he walked downstairs calmly.

After saying hello to Zhang Shulin, Lu Shaoyan left the Lu family with the nourishing soup she had prepared for him in advance.

"Mommy, why are you always being so polite to that bastard? Do you think it's necessary? I think it's a self-deprecation!"

In the hall, Lu Zixuan's disdainful voice came.

"Silly boy, no matter how you say he is your younger brother, you can't say that about him. By the way, where is Charming?"

Hearing the faint sound of footsteps coming from his ears, Zhang Shulin asked deliberately.

"Hey, isn't it a popular nightclub that has popped up in the past one or two years. The ladies in it are all carefully selected, and they can be said to be beautiful and beautiful. That brat has been running there every day recently, and he just stays there. All night... I heard he seems to have packed one in there..."

(End of this chapter)

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