Chapter 84
Doing the math, the two have known each other for almost half a year...

During this period, Penny also curiously asked Lu Shaoyan, why did he dare to stand up and challenge the son of a high-ranking city official?
Don't you know that the poor are afraid of the rich, and the rich are afraid of the rich?
Who knows, Lu Shaoyan just smiled slightly, and said in a low but domineering voice:
"In Lu Shaoyan's dictionary, the word 'fear' has never existed!"

After a long time of contact, Lu Shaoyan also had a new understanding of Petunia.

Although this girl is in the entertainment venue, she is still clean and she will never go out with guests...

In other words, she only sells her smile, not her body!

And although she endured a lot of hard work here, she had to grit her teeth and continue to work because of the medical expenses of her seriously ill mother...

Her mind is no longer pure, after all, she is a woman who has been around for a long time, but it is rare for her to still maintain a pure heart.

Loyalty, empathy...

This is also the reason why Lu Shaoyan gradually began to trust her later.


With a leisurely puff of smoke, Lu Shaoyan pulled himself out of his memories.

Although harm is inevitable, it's better to know sooner rather than later. In this way, it can be regarded as reducing some of the harm I did to Petunia...

Let her no longer be deeply trapped, no longer have illusory fantasies about herself, and let her be freed from this fruitless "secret love" as soon as possible...

Petunia has been out for a long time this time, so Lu Shaoyan has more time to think about what to do so that he can approach Liu Mengqi without showing any traces.

The time unknowingly points to 07:30 in the morning.

After drinking the ginseng tea that Petunia made for him, Petunia put on a windbreaker for him.

Although her eyes were still red and steamy, she still smiled and told him:
"Shaoyan, it's cold outside, wear more clothes. Also, you must protect yourself. Although I don't know what you have experienced these years, your heart is full of contradictions and hatred. However, if you can put this If you let go of everything, you will be happy..."

"Well, thank you, I will consider what you said."

Lu Shaoyan looked at Penny holding back tears, and although he was noncommittal to her words, he unexpectedly agreed.

Saying goodbye to Petunia, walking out of Charm, looking at the mist at eight o'clock in the morning in the deep winter, Lu Shaoyan sighed softly.

If some hatred can be easily let go, what is it called "hatred"?

Petunia, you don't understand, once some wounds are inflicted, even if they are scarred, they still have scars...

The driver had already received Lu Shaoyan's text message, so while he was sighing, he had already opened the car door for him not far away, and said flatteringly:

"Second young master, we should go back."

Lu Shaoyan didn't talk nonsense, just nodded lightly, and got into the car.

That's right, today is Sunday, and it's time to go back to Lu's house and have breakfast with that disgusting family...

The Lu family's villa is located on a hillside in the south of City A.

And the entire southern part of the city is almost within the sphere of influence of the Lu family, so they are nicknamed "the Lu family in the south of the city" by outsiders.

The hill they live in now is bought by the Lu family, so there are no neighbors around, only a lonely European-style building here, although it is deserted, it is still a quiet and elegant place.

The car stopped firmly in front of the gate of the villa.

Lu Shaoyan didn't go out in a hurry, but sat in the car and waited quietly, looking at the villa coldly.

Through the majestic gate, he saw the almost extravagantly decorated exterior of the villa, and sneered in his heart.

No matter how rich it is, the family is not a cold place...

It's almost gone!
Lu Yuancheng, oh Lu Yuancheng, you abandoned your wife and son, gained wealth and glory from a very poor body, but lost your family and lover. Is it really worth it?
The housekeeper, Uncle Lu, had already seen them coming back from the monitor in the villa, so after the villa door slowly opened, he ran out of the car in a hurry, and opened the door for Lu Shaoyan:
"Second Young Master, you are finally back, and the whole family is waiting for you!"


Lu Shaoyan responded lightly, got out of the car, and walked towards the villa.

Lu Yuancheng had already sat on the chairman's seat. Although his temples were graying, but with his sharp eyes and sculpted features, it was not difficult to see that this person had a very good appearance when he was young.

Lu Shaoyan's temperament and appearance are [-] to [-]% similar to his.

Beside him, sitting his first wife, who is also Lu Shaoyan's stepmother, Zhang Shulin, at this moment, she is looking at Lu Shaoyan with a smile, her face full of love.

And then, it was my cheap big brother - Lu Zixuan!

"Yo, busy man, you are finally back. Our breakfast has been postponed from eight o'clock to 08:30..."

Before everyone could open their mouths, Lu Zixuan was already sneering.

"Zixuan, shut up. Shaoyan, come and sit down!"

Zhang Shulin turned his head and glared at Lu Zixuan, then turned his head with a kind smile and greeted Lu Shaoyan cordially.

"Dad, Mom, Big Brother!"

Lu Shaoyan was not annoyed, but walked quickly to his seat.

"Hmph, you are very busy..."

At this moment, Lu Yuancheng, who had been looking at him coldly, finally snorted coldly.

Before Lu Shaoyan could reply, Lu Zixuan gloated and said with a smile:

"Dad, why don't you ask Shaoyan, where did you go yesterday? I know, he ran out of the company before it was time to get off work..."

"Zixuan...Butler, serve the food!"

Zhang Shulin stopped Lu Zixuan's words again, then changed the subject and called the butler to serve the food.

"Where did you go last night?"

Lu Yuancheng frowned slightly, and cast his sharp eyes on Lu Shaoyan.


"Dad, do you still need to ask? You can tell by his red eyes that he didn't sleep all night last night. You said that a big man would stay up all night because of something, anyway, it can't be because of business..."

As soon as Lu Shaoyan opened his mouth, Lu Zixuan took the lead again.

"I didn't ask you. If you talk too much, go to the small hall to eat by yourself."

Lu Yuancheng finally got angry, he glared at Lu Zixuan, and the latter closed his mouth knowingly.

"Yesterday afternoon, I went to Chengnan Film and Television City to inspect, and then I went to Meishi..."

Lu Shaoyan opened his mouth and said lightly.


Because Lu Yuancheng has lived in seclusion for the past few years and is in a "semi-retired" state, he doesn't know much about the name of the current nightclub.

(End of this chapter)

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