Chapter 83 Relief
And they were already surrounded by a large crowd of onlookers, among them a man dressed as a manager was also flatteringly explaining:

"Young Master Liu, Petunia is really just here to accompany drinks, everyone knows this, look..."

"Look at your mother, do you know who I am? Actually..."

The man was still swearing and swearing that he couldn't achieve his goal.

"Hey, isn't that man Secretary Liu's son?"

In Lu Shaoyan's box, sharp-eyed people have already discovered the identity of that person.

"You mean Secretary Liu of the Municipal Party Committee?"

Someone in the box picked it up immediately.

"If it's not him or someone else, I heard that his son is rebellious and behaves outside all day long, relying on my being a high-ranking city official..."

"Tsk tsk, I think that little girl is miserable, she will definitely be eaten up tonight..."

Someone gloated and laughed softly...

I don't know what kind of mentality it is. Lu Shaoyan, who has never liked to meddle in other people's business, got up after hearing their chat, walked directly to the door, and looked at them coldly with arms folded. This farce.

In Mr. Liu's mouth, he was still swearing:

"If you're a bitch, don't pretend to be noble...Since you came out to do this business, you should have expected the day when you would sell it..."

"Shut up!"

Petunia, who had been barely calm all this time, suddenly changed her previous attitude of saying good things, and actually refuted it loudly.

"Shut up, if you are a bitch, you must accept..."


A crisp slap sounded immediately.

No one expected that the woman who had been explaining so nicely before, and could even be said to have a humble attitude, took advantage of Mr. Liu's inattention and slapped him on the face with her backhand.

Everyone gasped.

The situation is developing towards a white-hot state...

Sure enough, Mr. Liu, who has always been high and mighty, was a little bit overwhelmed by Penny's slap at first. He never dreamed that he would be beaten by a woman, and that woman came out alone." selling!

So, when he came back to his senses, he immediately raised his slap in anger, and was about to slap Petunia's face.

Everyone's hearts are tense at this moment!
As for Petunia, because Mr. Liu grabbed her other arm, she couldn't escape, so she could only close her eyes that were holding back tears...

Time seems to be frozen at this moment!
The waiting slap did not fall, but there was a chuckle in Petunia's ear:
"Why, Mr. Liu, I just came out to play, why should I be so serious?"

It was an unfamiliar male voice, but it was also an extremely magnetic voice.

Penny opened her eyes in surprise, but found that a man had appeared in front of her at some point.

I only saw him wearing a black shirt and black trousers. His handsome facial features were tough, giving him a somewhat cold and aggressive feeling.
However, he has a cold and aggressive appearance, but there is a faint smile on his face. This kind of him is even more unpredictable...

And his hand was also held high in the air, easily grasping Mr. Liu's raised arm...

Who is he?
Is he doing himself a favor?
But God knows, there are so many people standing around here, but everyone is just watching the joke, why would he come forward, isn't he afraid of offending the son of a high-ranking city official in front of him?
Or, he doesn't know the other party's identity?

Didn't I indirectly harm him?
For a moment, the kind-hearted Penny immediately became worried about the man in front of her.

But who would have thought that Mr. Liu would also start to sneer after a brief surprise:
"Stop meddling with rats, do you know who I am?"

He secretly wrestled with the man's hand a few times, only to find that the other's hand was like an iron strike, and his hand was so strong that he couldn't break free at all, so Mr. Liu could only still raise his arm high and yelled.

"Are you...why, do you still want to make things worse? Communication is no less developed than before. Aren't you afraid that what you did today will spread out and embarrass your father? As far as I know, This year, it's going to be a different event..."

In a simple sentence, Lu Shaoyan deliberately said it unclearly, but it could make Mr. Liu understand his situation immediately.

The him just now was indeed impulsive after drinking for a while. For a son like him who is rich and powerful, is he afraid that he won't find a woman to open a room with?

Why bother to affect my father's reputation for the sake of a happy woman, not to mention that the man is right, this year the municipal committee will soon face a change of term...

Petunia watched helplessly as the man just whispered a few words in Mr. Liu's ear, and Mr. Liu's face turned green and red for a while, and he was stunned.

It seemed that he had some handle in the other party's hands.

Then, the other party threw away Mr. Liu's hand, just lowered his chin slightly, turned around and said to Petunia:
"Miss, why don't you hurry up and apologize to this gentleman. He just drank too much tonight, so his behavior is a bit out of line... I hope that the big things will be made small, and the small things will be nothing..."

These words not only relieved Mr. Liu over there immediately, but also hinted that Petunia would quit as soon as she was good, anyway, she had already been slapped and angry.

Petunia has been around for a long time, so how could she not know that this man is for her own good.

So after she took a deep breath, blinked, and wiped away the tears she was holding back just now, a professional smile appeared on her face:

"Mr. Liu, what happened today is that Petunia is wrong, please be generous and spare Petunia this time..."

"Hmph, my adults don't count the faults of villains..."

Mr. Liu snorted coldly, threw away Petunia's hand, and walked out the door angrily.

A farce was resolved just because of Lu Shaoyan's two words...

The spectators dispersed, and Lu Shaoyan walked slowly towards his private room because things were over.

"Sir, thank you for your outspokenness today. Don't know your name yet?"

Behind him, Petunia cried anxiously.

"Lu Shaoyan!"

The man left the three words without looking back, then walked into the box, and then closed the door...

Lu, Shao, Yan!

From then on, these three words were like a mark, deeply engraved in Petunia's heart.

From then on, whenever she knew that Lu Shaoyan would come to Meishi to entertain, she would take the initiative to ask Ying to accompany Lu Shaoyan, and the two of them naturally became familiar with each other.

(End of this chapter)

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