Chapter 82 Penny
Petunia narrowed her eyes and began to talk about the situation that day in detail.

That day, she was originally chatting with guests in the box next door, but suddenly heard some noise coming from outside the door.

Out of curiosity, Petunia opened a crack in the door and peeked out from inside.

All I saw in the corridor was a little old man with a red neck and a thick neck, making a look as if he was about to leave, while another group of middle-aged people blocked his way while persuading him:

"Brother Zhang, don't lose your temper. Isn't everyone here just to have fun? Look at this..."

And the little old man called "Brother Zhang" also looked very excited, and whispered angrily:

"Didn't it be agreed that I would just come out for a drink? Why did you call the accompanying lady? Aren't you trying to ruin my reputation!"

"Brother Zhang..."

It was because of this!
Petunia, who has been having fun for a long time, is used to seeing rich, potbellied but lustful men, but she has seldom seen a man as unfeminine, even staid, as him, so she can't help but look at him more A few glances.

Later, with everyone's persuasion and concessions, that brother Zhang reluctantly entered the next room.

Seeing that there was no good show for Penny to watch again, she closed the door again...

Afterwards, in the lounge, I ran into the young lady who was accompanying Brother Zhang in that box at that time, and she asked a lot, what happened afterwards?

The young lady looked aggrieved, and her eyes turned red instantly. She told Petunia that the man seemed to be Director Zhang of the Land and Resources Bureau. He held real power, but he was extremely difficult to get along with.

After seeing him for the first time, he left without saying a word.

After being persuaded to enter the box again for the second time, the Director Zhang looked at her, but said arrogantly and contemptuously, "Vulgar, vulgar, vulgar", and then let her leave with a cold face...

At that time, Petunia didn't think much about it, she could only sigh, and persuaded the little sister, forget it, in this line of work, it is commonplace to suffer a little grievance, if you are serious, you will lose and other comforting words...

"Look, let me say that this dead old man is not easy to deal with!"

After Penny finished talking about the day's situation, Le Zhenghong added something leisurely.

"No matter how difficult it is, you have to find a way to deal with him! The bidding meeting is scheduled for next month, so we must hurry up. We can only win this battle, not lose it!"

Lu Shaoyan accentuated his tone.

"I know, I know that you have worked hard for the past six months. You have to pretend to be incompetent and do nothing. What you are waiting for is a blockbuster opportunity. Don't worry, Shaoyan, no matter what method I use, I will definitely take care of him."

Knowing that he was sure to win the bid this time, Le Zhenghong also said affirmatively.

"Well, okay, thank you for your hard work, Masahiro!"

Lu Shaoyan gave him a grateful look.

"Thank you Maoxian, you are my ultimate boss, and you pay me a salary. Ah, it's almost 03:30, so I'll dodge first!"

Le Zhenghong laughed and joked, then looked at the watch on his wrist, then got up and said goodbye...

"Okay, you go first, I'll sit down for a while!"

Lu Shaoyan nodded, lit a cigar and smoked it carefully.

In the huge box, only Penny and him were left.

Amidst the smog, I watched Lu Shaoyan close his eyes tiredly, and lay himself on the sofa. The cigar in his hand was emitting white smoke, and was still slowly floating upwards...

Everything made him look so lonely and sad.

In an instant, a feeling called "distressed" suddenly surged in Petunia's heart.

I really want to go forward, hold such a cold and lonely him in my arms, and use my tenderness to warm his heart...

It's just that she didn't dare and knew she wasn't worthy!

So, she could only sit quietly beside him, accompany him, and peek at him, even if she didn't say a word, she still felt that this was a kind of happiness...

After squinting for about ten minutes, Lu Shaoyan suddenly opened his eyes, but met Penny's flustered expression and scattered eyes.

Because she was unprepared, Lu Shaoyan caught her peeking...


Lu Shaoyan thought for a while, and then slowly opened his mouth, his deep voice filled with apology.

"Shaoyan, what do you want to say?"

She was already familiar with his tone, so when he spoke at this time, although Petunia felt a little strange, she subconsciously responded.

"I want to say... Petunia, I'm probably going to marry someone else in a few months, so..."

Lu Shaoyan, who has always been ruthless, is actually a bit tactful when he speaks at this moment.

"I know, I will bless you. Shaoyan, don't worry too much, I know, I know I'm not good enough for you..."

Seeing Lu Shaoyan take the initiative to bring up this topic, Penny opened her mouth in a panic and interrupted him.

"It's not that you are not worthy of me, but that I am not worthy of you... You know, I am a man who will do whatever it takes to achieve my goal. To me, marriage is just a transaction..."

"Shaoyan, stop talking, I understand, I understand! Although I don't know why you hate the people of the Lu family so much, I believe that you must have your own reasons... Shaoyan, you should rest here first , I'll go out for a while!"

Petunia opened the door in a panic, and ran away.

She was afraid that if she didn't leave again, her emotions might collapse in front of Lu Shaoyan!

Although she always knew that it was impossible for herself and Lu Shaoyan, but when she confirmed it with her own ears today, she still couldn't accept it in her heart.

She had to go out to get some air and calm down before she dared to face him again...

Seeing her seeming to have known each other while holding back tears, Lu Shaoyan sighed a little guilty, not only recalling the situation when they first met.

That time, not long after he came to city a, he was invited by several business partners to have a social gathering.

Unexpectedly, when they were having fun, shouts and curses came from the corridor outside.

The good friend opened the door to watch the fun, and found a young and noble man with a blushing face grabbing a woman's arm, cursing in a dirty manner:

"Aren't you here to sell? Why, you still want to pretend to be pure and noble, and you want to play tricks in front of the young master? Just say it, how much does it cost? I can afford it ! Just make an offer..."

The woman whose arm was being held by him looked embarrassed, but she was still calm.

She just replied in a good voice:
"Mr. Liu, I'm really sorry, I've always just accompanied the wine, not going out with the guests!"

(End of this chapter)

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