Chapter 152 Teaching Mooncakes
Mrs. Zhao squeezed over quickly, and said to Lu Jiu, "I can't even see the dark lights in the kitchen, Jiumei, lend me your oil lamp!"

"Didn't you just say that the sun is drying your ass, so why can't you see clearly?" Lu Jiu yawned: "No!"

"I think you are sincere, don't you?" Mrs. Zhao put her hips on her hips and said fiercely, "Aren't you regretting it? It's clearly written in black and white on the family separation document that you have to give this mooncake recipe if you don't! "

Lu Jiu squeezed her phalanges a little irritably, her brows and eyes were full of impatience: "Do you believe me or not..."

"Don't think about beating people, I'll tell you!" Zhao stepped back in fright, suddenly remembered Lu Jiu's force value, her face was pale, but she still said sternly: "Beating people is against the law, be careful, I will go to the Yamen Sue you, let you eat in prison!"

She is not afraid of being jailed, but she is afraid of being fined.

Lu Jiu is almost awake now, and asked directly: "Have you learned the recipe of snowy mooncakes, and you will never bother me again, how far can you go?"

Mrs. Zhao nodded: "...Yes."

"Okay, you go to the kitchen and wait for me, and I'll get you the oil lamp."

When Lu Jiu went out with the oil lamp, he found that it was still dark.

When did you see a lazy sister-in-law so active?
Lu Jiu took the kerosene lamp into the kitchen.

Lu Sanqiu was lighting the fire, Mrs. Sun was making preparations, not only Mrs. Zhao was in the kitchen, but even Lu Dachun was there.

It's really rare that the two people in the entire Lu family who like to be lazy and hide away get up so early now.

As soon as Mrs. Zhao saw Lu Jiu appearing, she quickly snatched the oil lamp from Lu Jiu's hand.

After the oil lamp was lit, Mrs. Zhao yawned, feeling sleepy.

"Master, hold it for me, I'm going to wash my face with cold water, I'm too sleepy!" Mrs. Zhao stuffed the oil lamp into Lu Dachun's hand, and said to Mrs. Sun: "Sisters and sisters, wait until I come back to start. Be right back."

Mrs. Zhao came back soon, with water still dripping from her face.

Sun frowned: "Sister-in-law, wipe your face clean first, otherwise it will drip into the basin."

"What a hassle!"

Mrs. Zhao wiped her face with her sleeve.

Mrs. Sun looked at Mrs. Zhao's black hands and the mud under the nails, and continued: "Sister-in-law, when we cook food for others, the first thing is to make it clean. Please go and clean your own. Wash your hands."

"I'm not going to get sick if I eat it!" Zhao said with a straight face, "Besides, it's not for me to eat, so I don't care if it's clean or not!"

"You wicked bitch!" Lu Dachun, who had been silent all this time, slapped Zhao Shi across the face: "The moon cakes are white, and if you touch them with your dirty paws, who would come to buy our things? Listen to your younger siblings, hurry up and get your hands dirty!" Wash your dirty paws!"

Mrs. Zhao was slapped by Lu Dachun. After all, she didn't dare to continue to be a monster, but went to wash her hands obediently.

There are two ingredients in front of him, one is Sun's and the other is Zhao's.

While Sun was doing it, he explained to Zhao. Lu Dachun helped hold the oil lamp to ensure that Zhao could see clearly.

It's not that Mrs. Zhao can't cook, it's just that the food they cook doesn't taste very good.

Besides, the method of making snowy mooncakes is super simple, except for Lu Jiu's kitchen killer, as long as there are enough ingredients, anyone can learn it.

Because it is related to the happiness of the rest of his life, Zhao's study is extremely serious.

Under Sun's guidance, Zhao quickly made the first snowy mooncake.

 Good night, there is a second watch at noon, please vote!

(End of this chapter)

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