Abandoned woman from a poor family, she is addicted to wealth

Chapter 153 Making money and building a house

Chapter 153 Making money and building a house
Mrs. Zhao took a bite first, and found that the taste was exactly the same as Mrs. Sun's. She handed the half-bitten snowskin mooncake to Lu Dachun: "Boss, do you taste the same?"

Lu Dachun didn't dislike it either, he took a bite and nodded, "Same."

"That's fine!" Mrs. Zhao yawned, "I'm so sleepy, I'm going to sleep now."

"Why do you sleep, you lazy woman!" Lu Dachun slapped Zhao Shi again, and taught him a lesson: "There are still a lot of things here, you have done all of these, what if you forget later, do it well. Don’t even think about stealing mooncakes, you have to take them to the county town to sell them for money!”

The shameless words attracted the attention of the three people present.

Too shameless!
Lu Jiu didn't care, she wouldn't want anything that Mrs. Zhao touched.

Fortunately, they didn't give Mrs. Zhao many ingredients, so they could make a dozen or so at most.

After Zhao finished making these snowy mooncakes, she yawned and left with Lu Dachun.

"Jiumei, don't be sad."

"Third sister-in-law, I'm fine." Lu Jiu thought for a while, and said to Sun: "From today on, let's make more. If there are not enough ingredients, ask me for them!"

Although some ingredients are not available in this world, Lu Jiu never dared to underestimate the wisdom of the ancients. Sooner or later, someone will make this snowy mooncake, so they must seize the market.

Most importantly, this ice skin mooncake will not last long at all.

She also wanted to use the money earned from the snowy mooncakes to build the house earlier.

Sun made more than 500 snowskin mooncakes with ordinary fillings, and about [-] snowskin mooncakes with fruit fillings.

After making the mooncakes, Mrs. Sun was thinking about making breakfast for the two of them, but was stopped by Lu Jiu: "Third sister-in-law has worked hard, and third brother and I will just eat something on the road, you go to sleep first! "

Mrs. Sun was indeed a little tired. She didn't refuse Lu Jiu's kindness, but she still finished making breakfast for the old lady before going to bed.

Lu Sanqiu harnessed the mule cart, and Lu Jiu moved the finished snowskin mooncakes to the mule cart.

Just when the two were about to set off, Lu Dachun and his wife came together again.

Mrs. Zhao looked at the snowy mooncakes in the mule cart, and swallowed greedily: "Jiumei, take a piece with us!"

"There's no place, don't take it!" Lu Jiu didn't even bother to give them a look, and said to Lu Sanqiu: "Third brother, drive the car."


Lu Sanqiu drove the mule cart away, leaving Lu Dachun and his wife in place.

Lu Dachun and his wife are lazy, asking them to walk two hours to the county seat is no less than killing them.

"Master, what do we do now?"

Lu Dachun's face was a bit ugly: "Go to Lin Dagui's house to borrow a donkey cart."

Lin Dagui received Lu Jiu's favor, so how could he lend a donkey cart to Lu Dachun and his wife.

Aunt Lin even poured a basin of footwashing water into the yard, splashing mud all over Zhao's body.

"Blind your dog's eyes, didn't you see me here?" Mrs. Zhao put her hips on her hips and cursed directly, "You old bastard who can't give birth to a son, you deserve your Lin family to be extinct!"

Lin Dagui and Aunt Lin are not very old, they are not yet 30 years old, but their seniority is a bit older.

The Lin family is considered a big family in Xingfeng Village, and the couple are very affectionate. The fly in the ointment is that they have no child so far.

Many people say that they committed sins in their previous life, so they deserve to have no children in this life.

(End of this chapter)

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