Chapter 207 Residential Site Selection
Lu Jiu also thought that she and the old lady would not be able to live in the second house, but people in ancient times had a strong sense of belonging to the house. It would be fine if there was no family separation, but now that the family is separated, I am afraid it will not Agree to live in.

"If the third brother is worried about money, then you don't have to worry about it." Lu Jiu said solemnly: "I made an agreement with the third sister-in-law at the beginning. She will help me make snowy mooncakes, and she will share [-]% of the money she earns, and [-]% of the money. Brother helped me deliver the goods for so many days, and he was paid."

Before Lu Sanqiu refused, Lu Jiu blocked his mouth with the previous words: "Brothers have to settle accounts clearly, if the third brother is not willing to take this money, then I will not ask the third brother for anything in the future."

Lu Sanqiu was completely speechless, so he could only murmur: "I'll listen to you."

"This is my good third brother."

Lu Jiu glanced at the old lady and found that the old lady had no objection at all.

If anyone took advantage of her old girl before the change, she would have knocked over the roof of that house.

The old lady didn't understand the look in her daughter's eyes, so she just ignored it.

The old girl is moving out now, just the two of them, what if bad guys come?
It's good to be a neighbor with the third child, bad guys dare not come, even if they come, the third child will stand in front of them.

The most important thing is that the old girl is alone now, and she is easily bullied if she doesn't have a brother to help her, so there is no need for her to hurt the hearts of a few children for so much money.

Of course, the most important thing is that life is better now, and the old lady has also seen it a lot.

The third child is planning to build a house, and the fourth child must not be missed.

Lu Sidong is twenty today, and building a new house is also a good wife.

Because Lu Jiu directly said that he wanted to build Erjin's house.

If you want to be neighbors with Lu Jiu, you can only build a second house.

But the third and fourth brothers have always had a good relationship, and they don't mind living together, so the two brothers can enter one by one, and no one can hinder the other.

It doesn't cost much to build a second house in the countryside, at most 100 taels.

Of course, this is just the money to build the house, not the homestead.

Both Lu Sidong and the Sun family have a cooperative relationship with Lu Jiu, so Lu Jiu is asked to pay the money first, and when the general account is calculated in the future, more refunds and less compensation.

After this matter was settled, the site selection began.

There are only three homesteads in Xingfeng Village.

One is at the head of the village, one is in the middle of the village, and the other is at the foot of the mountain.

The land at the foot of the mountain is quite large, about ten acres. If you choose the other two places, you will not be able to be neighbors at all, because there is not enough space.

There has never been a second-entry house in Xingfeng Village. If it is at the head of the village or in the village, it is difficult to get along with neighbors.

The final choice is only the homestead at the foot of the mountain.

The homestead is twice as expensive as the usual land. Lu Jiu asked for a total of six acres of homestead, which cost a total of 120 taels of silver.

As soon as he got the title deed, Li Zheng said that someone had taken a fancy to Lin Wenyi's house and asked him to inquire about the price. After all, it was the place where the original owner died, so there was no use for Lu Jiu to keep it, so he simply sold it directly, and finally sold it for 20 taels price deal.

Because the homestead cost too much money, the brothers only planned to build an ordinary house. After all, they were ancient people and could not accept Lu Jiu's "weird" house.

Lu Jiuming obediently agreed, but the construction method was still according to her plan. Anyway, it would not be obvious after it was built. It is warm in winter and cool in summer, so it is very comfortable to live in.

 Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhly !
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(End of this chapter)

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