Chapter 208 Mature County Magistrate
The next day.

As soon as the sun came out, a carriage arrived from the Lu family.

This is the arrival of the person sent by Manager Zhao of Baiweilou to pick up the goods.

Because of the accident of being robbed, four strong and strong guys came this time.

Since Lu Sanqiu was injured, Sun did not do many today, only about [-].

The guy who picked up the goods handed the money to Lu Jiu, and then he said goodbye and left.

Seeing so much silver through the crack of the door, Mrs. Zhao was still a little unwilling.

With so much silver, it would be great if it was all hers.

Mrs. Zhao thought for a while, picked out the cleanest clothes from the pile of clothes and put them on, took another basket, put a lot of good things in it, and went straight out of the house.

Lu Jiu finished writing the investment promotion advertisement, and was planning to go to the county town to promote it and attract more sponsors and franchisees, but someone from the Lu family came to the door again.

The person who came was none other than the coachman who brought Lu Jiu back yesterday.

There must have been new developments in the case.

Regarding Lu Sanqiu being robbed, neither Lu Sanqiu and his wife nor Lu Jiu planned to explain to the old lady, even the matter of the mule cart was prevaricated by Lu Jiu.

Lu Jiu talked to the old lady and left with the driver.

The road in the village was too bumpy, so Lu Jiu walked to the village before getting into the carriage.

On the way, Lu Jiu also asked the coachman what happened.

But the coachman only said that Fu Lanqing asked him to pick up Lu Jiu to go to the county government office, but he didn't say a word about other things.

When he arrived at the county government office, Fu Lanqing poured Lu Jiu a cup of Yunwu tea, and said slowly, "Do you know who the owner of Wangji Pastry Shop is?"

Lu Jiuxin said I don't know.

But if it had nothing to do with her, Fu Lanqing didn't need to ask such a question at all.

Wang Kee.

The surname is Wang.

Should she know Wang?
Lu Jiu tentatively asked, "Lin Wenyi?"


Fu Lanqing smiled flirtatiously, charming all living beings.

Lu Jiu ignored the beautiful scenery in front of her and asked directly, "You came here for this crap?"

"Breaking... breaking things?"

Fu Lanqing was sluggish, is this called shit?

"You are the county magistrate, you can judge as you please, don't ask me about everything!" Lu Jiu said with a tense little face, expressionless: "You are already a mature county magistrate. Learn to judge for yourself!"

I would like to do it myself, but it will cost money!
Simply out of sight and out of mind, he directly dumped this shit on Fu Lanqing.

The immature county magistrate: "..."

According to Donglin's law, instructing others to block the road and rob is at least three years in prison.

Lin Wenyi finally spent money to atone for his sins and was released from prison, and now he is going to jail again.

As far as he knew, Lu Jiu hadn't had time to attack Lin Wenyi yet, and now he was about to go in again.

It has to be said that Lin Wenyi really has an indissoluble bond with the prison.

Isn't Lu Jiu taking revenge?

Seeing Lu Jiu's expression of not caring about Lin Wenyi, Fu Lanqing suddenly felt indescribably at ease.

Forget it, when the time comes, he will ask the cell boss to take good care of Lin Wenyi.

Lu Jiu suddenly asked: "Calligraphy competition, who did you invite to be the judge?"

"Master Lin from the county school, and Shan Zhang from the other two academies."

It's all according to what Lu Jiu said, the more famous the better.

These three are quite famous in Qinghe County, and many people want to worship them as teachers.

Lu Jiu asked again: "Pedantic?"

"This..." Fu Lanqing was stopped by Lu Jiu's question: "I'm not sure."

(End of this chapter)

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