Chapter 292 was used
Master Jia was as unlucky as the county magistrate who accepted bribes before. He insisted on provoking Lu Jiu, but Fu Lanqing dealt with him badly.

If it was the past, Fu Lanqing would not bother with such nosy matters.

Unless it hits him in front of you.

Fu Yi reminded again: "The Jia family and the Zhang family have been rivals for 30 or [-] years."

Fu Lanqing sat up suddenly, his charming face was covered with frost, and his voice was even colder: "Presumptuous, dare to hit my head on the head, I'm really tired of work!"

Although Fu Yi only gave a few hints, Fu Lanqing was too smart to make a good guess.

On the second day after Wang Yingying and Lin Wenyi got married, when Wang Yingying was out, she ran into the young master of the Zhang family.

After all, it was old lovers who met, and there was still a time before the two of them. Although they didn't break through the last line of defense, what should have happened happened, especially Wang Yingying was beaten all over by Lin Wenyi, which inspired the young master of the Zhang family. protection desire.

Not to mention, Wang Yingying is someone else's wife.

There is a saying that goes well, a wife is not as good as a concubine, and a concubine is not as good as stealing.

Stealing other people's wives and cuckolding others is a weird sense of accomplishment.

You come and go, and the two quickly hooked up secretly.

Wang Yingying showed weakness to Lin Wenyi and gained his trust.

From Lin Wenyi, Wang Yingying learned that the reason why he ended up in the present situation is because of his ex-wife - Lu Jiu.

The relationship between Lu Jiu and the county magistrate is very good. While Wang Yingying was jealous, she also came up with a poisonous plan.

A good strategy to kill two birds with one stone.

Wang Yingying knew that Lu Jiu made a lot of money from the snowy mooncake recently, and then more or less urged Lin Wenyi to get the recipe of the snowy mooncake to please Mr. Jia, and from then on, she rose to the top.

That idiot Lin Wenyi was really fooled, hired someone to block the way and robbed Lu Jiu's goods, and even got Lu Sanqiu on board.

Those robbers were hired by Lin Wenyi on the surface, but secretly they took money from Wang Yingying to hurt Lu Sanqiu on purpose, just to anger Lu Jiu.

As long as Lu Jiu gets angry, he will definitely sue the magistrate. Not only Lin Wenyi will be unlucky, but even Master Jia will be involved.

The fact is exactly the same, Wang Yingying's plan to kill two birds with one stone was a great success.

But in order to marry into the Zhang family, she started to build a good reputation, coaxed Lin Wenyi to make peace with her, and acted in many scenes, but she hated Lin Wenyi to the core and didn't want Lin Wenyi to have a better life in prison, so she bought Lin Wenyi's Inmates, let them help "take care" of Lin Wenyi on weekdays.

But it was a coincidence that two inmates happened to be released that day, and Fu Lanqing heard about it.

This aroused Fu Lanqing's suspicion.

Fu Yi was very sure that Wang Yingying would be in bad luck next time.

Who made her dare to put her mind on Fu Lanqing.

Using Fu Lanqing's hand, he helped her fulfill three wishes.

Get rid of Lin Wenyi.

Get rid of Master Jia.

Marry Young Master Zhang.

Fu Lanqing is a man who must take revenge, so how can he be a pawn that a stupid woman like Wang Yingying can play with in her hands?

"Fu Yi, you go..."

Fu Lanqing was about to give an order when he heard the report from the servant.

The county magistrate asks to see you.

Fu Lanqing didn't know what he thought of, and the corners of Yin Hong's lips curled up: "Biography."

The county magistrate has just taken office not long ago. He is a 32-year-old Juren, surnamed Zhao, from Qinghe County.

(End of this chapter)

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