Chapter 293 I am a good official
"The next official sees the county magistrate."

As soon as Zhao Xiancheng came in, he quickly knelt down and saluted.

Fu Lanqing didn't wake him up, and leaned lazily on the soft couch, asking casually, "What's the matter?"

"My lord, the purpose of coming here this time is to ask the county magistrate, when will the property shop of the Jia family, Zhuangzi, be handed over to Yaxing?"

Because the Jia family ransacked their home, all property was confiscated.

After all, Jia's family is a rich family of country gentry with hundreds of roots in Qinghe County, with a lot of property.

Under normal circumstances, some are digested internally, and then the rest of the property is handed over to the dental office for valuation and then auctioned.

The higher bidder gets it.

Fu Lanqing was busy with other things at the time, so he didn't deal with it.

Later, it was the Mid-Autumn Festival, and Fu Lanqing was unconscious again, so it was delayed until now.

Fu Lanqing looked at Zhao Xiancheng and immediately burst out: "You are so brave!"

Zhao Xiancheng was so frightened that he shuddered all over, and prostrated himself on the ground: "You should die, my lord, please spare me!"

Fu Lanqing didn't come with him for such nonsense, and asked directly: "Tell me! How much benefit did the Zhang family give you, let you eat the salary of the imperial court but help them do things!"

"Your officer is wronged!"

"Injustice?" Fu Lanqing sneered: "Don't forget, how did your ex get pulled down?"

Zhao Xiancheng was trembling all over, of course he didn't forget that the former county magistrate was dismissed and investigated for accepting bribes.

"The lower officials really didn't accept bribes, so I ask you to learn from me!"

Zhao Xiancheng kowtowed his head and made a loud noise.

Fu Lanqing saw that he didn't seem to be lying, and his tone was still very bad: "I'll give you a chance to explain."

"Xiaguan really didn't accept bribes, but Xiaguan has a friend who has taken a fancy to Jia's shop, but Jia's property has not been handed over to the tooth shop, so I came to Xiaguan to ask."

Zhao Xiancheng felt that the air-conditioning on Fu Lanqing's body had dissipated a little, and quickly wiped off his sweat, and said, "I thought about it, I just asked for help, it's not a big deal, so I agreed, who knows... Your lord, please forgive me. The officer will never dare again!"

"Who is that friend of yours?"

"Scholar Huang Ming."

Fu Yi suddenly asked: "Is Huang Ming's daughter betrothed to the young master of the Zhang family?"


Zhao Xiancheng's heart trembled wildly, and he hated Huang Xiucai in his heart.

The original fiancée of the young master of the Zhang family was Wang Yingying, but since Wang Quan was deprived of his reputation as a scholar, the Zhang family was divorced by the Wang family and became engaged to Huang Xiucai's youngest daughter.

Fu Lanqing looked at Zhao Xiancheng who was trembling with fright, the cold light in his peach blossom eyes faded a lot, he lay back down again, and said directly: "Tell the scholar surnamed Huang that if you want to buy a shop, come to me directly !"

"Yes Yes Yes."

Zhao Xiancheng heaved a sigh of relief, and finally got his life back.

"Go down."

"The subordinate retire."

After Zhao Xiancheng left, Fu Lanqing slowly ordered: "Go and liquidate the property of the Jia family, and keep the decent ones, and hand over the rest of the corners and rags to the dental shop for auction."


Fu Yi's head is very low, and it is all rags. Whoever spends a lot of money to auction it, I am afraid that he will have to sell it at a low price to find a buyer.

"As for Wang Yingying..."

Fu Yi listened carefully.

"As the saying goes, it is better to demolish a temple than destroy a marriage. As a parent official, how can I be such a bad person?"

The conversation turned.

(End of this chapter)

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