Chapter 305 Disguise
Fu Lanqing loves red the most, and hates white the most, because Ci Jing loves to wear white clothes the most, followed by black.

Because he thinks black is not good-looking.

But sometimes, in order to hide my identity, I occasionally wear black clothes, such as now.

Fu Lanqing changed into a black robe and a bamboo hat, covering his face, and held a long sword in his hand.

He sneaked out of the county office over the wall, and went directly to a medical center in Dongcheng.

Jishi Medical Center.

This is the most famous medical center in Qinghe County. It belongs to the Valley of Divine Doctors, but it is only one of the peripheral forces of the Valley of Divine Doctors.

No one knows that the genius doctor Gu is the richest man in the world.

But this "richest man" is also hydrated.

Because Miracle Doctor Valley earns a lot of money, but spends more than it earns.

He belongs to the richest man who can't make ends meet, now that there are no wars, and disasters rarely happen, so Miracle Doctor Gu can still barely keep his capital.

Fu Lanqing is too lazy to set foot in the territory of fake immortals and hypocrites.

But there is no way, who let Fu Yi not be here.

If Fu Yi was here, there would be no need for such a troublesome disguise to grab the medicine.

Fu Lanqing stepped into the Jishi Medical Hall, exuding murderous aura all over his body, dressed like a cold-blooded swordsman.

When the staff at the hospital saw Fu Lanqing, he was so frightened that he trembled all over.

Although the shopkeeper is a little scared, but their medical center has the backing of the genius doctor Gu, it is not as exaggerated as the waiter's performance, and he has seen the world, so he directly cupped his hands at Fu Lanqing: "Dare to ask this young man, Come to my Jishi Medical Center, what is your business?"

"Grab the medicine!"

The cold voice made people shudder.

"What medicine are you grabbing?"

Fu Lanqing saw that the patients in the hospital were all running away in fright, and closed the door again.

It took a long time for three words to pop up: "An, fetus, medicine."

The face under the bamboo hat was already completely red.


Deathly silence.

a long time.

The shopkeeper came back to his senses and asked in a low voice, "Young Xia's wife is happy?"

His wife?

Obviously it belonged to Lin Wenyi.

It's not his.


Who has a wife?

Anyone can have a wife, but he won't!
Just ask, is there any woman in the whole world who can match him?
Not at all!
An outstanding person like him can only die alone, quietly and beautifully alone.

But in this case, it can only be defaulted.

Fu Lanqing's ears were red, and her indifferent voice was also stained with imperceptible shyness: "Mmm."

"Where is the young hero's wife?"

"how could I know?"

Fu Lanqing blurted out subconsciously.

The shopkeeper looked at him in astonishment.

Don't know where his wife is?
Fu Lanqing realized his slip of the tongue, and threw the long sword directly on the table, with a cold voice: "My... madam is inconvenient to come here now, and she prescribes medicine as soon as I ask you to. You shouldn't know, don't ask me about it! "

The shopkeeper trembled: "...Yes."

"Let that surnamed Su drive!"

Dr. Su is one of the signature doctors of Jishi Medical Center. He used to be a gynecologist who treated the ladies in the palace. Later, he retired and returned to Qinghe County.

"Yes Yes Yes."

Dr. Su is not here, but sorting the medicinal materials in the backyard.

Not long after, Dr. Su came over.

Dr. Su asked some questions, and he answered those who could answer them. Fu Lanqing was impatient and drew out his long sword to threaten those who could not. Prescribe some warming and tonic medicinal materials, which are excellent for pregnant women and fetuses.

(End of this chapter)

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