Chapter 306
"Young man, your wife's medicine." Dr. Su put the medicine in front of Fu Lanqing, and said carefully: "Take it two quarters of an hour after meals, decoct it in three bowls of water for eight minutes, three times a day, this is three days If there are no adverse reactions, you can continue to take the medicine."

He has no wife!
Fu Lanqing blushed with embarrassment, but she still wanted to maintain her aloof personality.

In short, no one can doubt his identity.

Dignified... the county magistrate went to the clinic to give women anti-fetal drugs. If others found out, how would he have any face?

Fu Lanqing picked up the large package of medicine, without asking the price, and directly slapped a silver ticket on the table.

The shopkeeper looked at the denomination of the banknote and said to Fu Lanqing, "Young man, you don't need so much money, do you have any broken silver?"

"Not much!" Fu Lanqing blushed: "This is a hush money, I don't want anyone else to know about it except the two of you!"

Fu Lanqing now looks very much like an innocent boy whose girlfriend is suspected of being pregnant and who went to the pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test stick for his girlfriend for the first time.

No, my girlfriend is suspected to be pregnant, how can she still be called "pure love"!
In other words, it should be the innocent boy who bought a condom for the first time.

"It's what it should be, don't worry, young man."

The problem is we haven't even seen your face.

"hope so!"

With a hush, Fu Lanqing broke through the window and went out.

"Dare to ask the young hero Gao's name..."

Before the shopkeeper asked, he found that Fu Lanqing had long since disappeared.

Doctor Su is quite open-minded: "Just keep the account."

It is common to have too much consultation fee, but the medical clinic will not embezzle it privately, and will save the money to do good deeds, otherwise, Miracle Doctor Valley will not get poorer and poorer.

Fu Lanqing returned to the county government office like a thief, and quickly took off his black clothes. Because of the use of internal strength, his internal injuries were a little dull, and it took a long time for him to heal.

Fu Lanqing looked at the black robe on the ground, his face flushed for a while, he snorted, took out the torch, and burned the dress.

Destroy the corpse.

It's enough to do such a shameful thing once!
Fu Lanqing put on a bright red robe, quietly opened the door, and walked in cautiously.

Clothes were scattered on the ground.

Fu Lanqing suddenly had a very bad premonition in his heart.

No one broke into his room and did something wrong to Lu Jiu, right?

Although that girl has good fist and kick skills and amazing strength, but now she still has a small hind legs in her stomach, and she is not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

Fu Lanqing hurried forward to take a look, but it made him blush with shame.

Really shameless!
The girl fell asleep peacefully, her two tender white lotus arms were exposed, and the scarlet brocade quilt covered the part below the collarbone, revealing a touch of tender skin.

But her fair calf was also exposed, and even her socks were taken off.

Such a beautiful picture, it is easy to make people imagine.

That heart attack feeling came again!

Fu Lanqing held her restless heart and choked for breath.

He suspected that those clothes on the ground were taken off by the girl herself.

Fu Lanqing took off the calf that was on the brocade quilt, but she didn't feel anything special. If she had to say yes, it would be that her skin was far less delicate than his, but her heartbeat became more and more rapid, which even made her feel He had a sense of being in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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