Chapter 307 The Hand of Sin
Fu Lanqing simply calmed down, then put Lu Jiu's legs into the brocade quilt, then put her arms in, and covered her with the brocade quilt.

The girl was still sleeping, her small face was dyed with a faint blush, and her eyelashes were very long. Fu Lanqing stretched out her sinful hand and touched the long eyelashes by mistake.

The girl seemed to feel something, and stretched out her arm again, and slapped Fu Lanqing's hand away, with a soft voice: "I hate it, go away~"

After saying this, he burrowed into the pillow again and continued to sleep.

Fu Lanqing was not annoyed, but felt a little itchy.

He couldn't help stretching out his hand again, and touched the girl's face, it was soft and had a scent.

That feeling of heart attack is getting stronger and stronger.

In order to avoid the messy hand, the girl arched her head into the pillow again, and her pink lips brushed against his palm, leaving a ripple in his heart.

Fu Lanqing's face was flushed with embarrassment, and he covered his heart with one hand, and the feeling of heart attack became more and more obvious.

The pink lips exude a faint luster.

Fu Lanqing suddenly felt thirsty.

At this moment, the eyelashes trembled slightly, and it was very likely that he would wake up in the next second.

Fu Lanqing slipped away again like a thief.

However, the girl just rubbed her eyes, found a comfortable position, exposed her arms and thighs, and continued to sleep soundly.

Fu Lanqing only felt that he was very hot all over. After drinking a large pot of herbal tea, his body temperature dropped a little, but it was still higher than usual.

After drinking the herbal tea, Fu Lanqing took the medicine and went to the kitchen.

There are nine small paper packets in a large package of medicine, and one small paper packet is one dose.

Fu Lanqing found the medicine jar, poured a dose of medicine into the medicine jar, and then put three bowls of water into it.

The next step is to light the fire.


The fire suddenly jumped so high that it almost burned Fu Lanqing's hair. Fortunately, he escaped quickly enough.

Fu Lanqing has a sense of accomplishment, at least he still lit the fire.

I heard that it was the first time that Ci Jing went into the kitchen to boil medicine, and he couldn't even light a fire, and he made a lot of smoke, almost choking himself to death.

Although Ci Jing was only three years old at the time.

But it didn't prevent Fu Lanqing from having a sense of accomplishment, but soon the fire spread more and more, like a monster that devoured everything, and the whole kitchen burned up.

Fu Lanqing found a jar, found that it was full of water, and threw it directly at the fire.


The fire suddenly burst into flames, and instead of extinguishing, it became more and more intense.

Only then did Fu Lanqing realize a problem belatedly.

Judging by the situation, it is very likely that the jar contains oil.

This jar is clearly an oil jar.

At this moment, Fu You rushed in, took Fu Lanqing's hand and ran out.

Fu Lanqing shook off Fu You's hand, and quickly picked up the medicine jar.

"Master, when is it all, what are you doing with these things?" Fu You was a little puzzled: "I'll just buy them later!"


"What medicine?"

It was just a small county office, and the kitchen wasn't very big, so the two rushed out. Although they were in a mess, they didn't suffer any injuries.

After coming out, Fu Lanqing didn't look like a half-beauty, she was all dirty, but she kept holding the medicine jar, and even the back of her white hand was burned a lot, but he didn't care, and said solemnly: "Lu Jiu medicine."

 After the pregnancy oolong was untied, there was another small orgasm, and Jiaohua sent out her first kiss, and then she got out of the misunderstanding.

  Not to mention the slow progress of the little brother, with the male lead's face, he doesn't have the basic conditions to fall in love with others at first sight!

  Love at first sight is not very reliable, and a long-lasting relationship is more suitable. Today's update is over, good night baby!

(End of this chapter)

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