Chapter 332 My Love Ci Mirror
The co-author is also a selfless and dedicated holy father!

Lu Jiu thought, this kind of person must be even more prodigal than Fu Lanqing!

Fu Lanqing, a prodigal son, spent the money on himself anyway, but this great holy father spread the money to the whole world, making the world full of love.

It's not that such a person is bad. After all, Lu Jiu is a layman with selfish nature. He is obviously not the same as this kind of holy father.

Ci Jing never thought that one day he would lose to Fu Lanqing in the way of prodigal.

He won the world, but lost her.

The name Cijing sounds nice, but isn't this surname a little weird?
"Wei...cijing?" Lu Jiu tasted it carefully: "This surname doesn't match the first name."

Fu Yi was not afraid of death again to justify Ci Jing's name: "Brother's surname is not Wei, but his surname is Wuai."

Lu Jiu: "..." I love Ci Jing?
This name is a bit of an advantage~
"Fu Yi!!"

Fu Lanqing finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Master, what are your orders?"

Fu Yi quickly stood up straight, as if waiting for orders.

What can I order! !

Do you fucking listen to my orders?

You bitch who eats inside and out!

Fu Lanqing snorted coldly: "Usually, you can't get a fart out with half a stick, why are you talking so much today?"

In the end, it was full of gnashing of teeth.

Fu Yi still didn't feel the danger coming, and said solemnly: "This subordinate is just helping to answer Miss Lu's questions."

- need you say?

Fu Lanqing took a deep breath, and said a famous saying in a strange way: "If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb!"


Very aggrieved, "Yes."

Seeing that the master and servant were about to quarrel, although she still didn't know why, she had to stop them, and there was still business to discuss.

Lu Jiu said directly: "Next, let's talk about the details of the assessment."

Fu Lanqing didn't argue with Fu Yi any more. Facing Lu Jiu, he had a bad temper. He nodded and signaled Lu Jiu to continue.

"Although there are not many doctors in Donglin Kingdom, there are quite a few. If we have to review them all, I'm afraid we won't be able to pass the review, so we have to set a threshold to brush off those charlatans who are not skilled in medicine and swindle!"

"Just like the calligraphy competition last time?"

"Yes." Lu Jiu continued: "This threshold can be a written test, with a full score of [-], and those who score less than [-] will be eliminated!"

"That's right, keep talking."

Lu Jiu thought for a while, and then said: "We can also classify doctors into three grades, well, for the time being, there are three grades, junior doctor qualification certificate, intermediate doctor qualification certificate, and senior doctor qualification certificate."

Fu Lanqing wrote down one by one and asked, "Is there any more?"

"I think we can divide into departments."

"What is a department?"

"It's the field of expertise, such as gynecology, pediatrics, internal medicine, surgery..."

Although the doctors in ancient times were omnipotent, the cost of cultivating an all-round doctor is too high, so it is better to separate them, have specializations in surgery, and perform their own duties.

Inspired by Lu Jiu, Fu Lanqing also put forward a lot of ideas, many of which coincided with Lu Jiu's.

A plan was written quickly, and Fu Lanqing handed it directly to Fu Wei: "Write it into an official document, and send it to the capital in eight hundred li urgently!"


Fu You directly took the order and left.

Fu Yi asked in a daze: "Then what should this subordinate do?"

(End of this chapter)

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