Chapter 333 How to Retain
Fu Lanqing snorted angrily: "Go to your senior brother!"

Fu Yi: "???"

Doesn't the master hate him the most when he comes into contact with Miracle Doctor Valley? Why now...

Fu Yi reacted belatedly, the master seemed to be angry.

But why?

"What are you still doing in a daze, don't hurry up!"


Fu Yi took the order to retreat.

He hadn't walked out of the door when he was suddenly stopped by Lu Jiu: "Wait."

Fu Yi turned around with a look of surprise, he must have offended the master, otherwise, he would not have sent him to find the elder brother.

God knows where the big brother is?
God knows if Miss Lu is already married when he comes back QAQ!

If Miss Lu gets married, wouldn't the master want to be a bachelor for the rest of her life?
Then when will his little master be born!

He discussed with Fu You for a long time, and in the end he still felt that if the master wanted to move his heart, Miss Lu must be the first choice.

If even Miss Lu can't do it, then no one in the whole world can get into the eyes of the master.

Fu Yi asked very attentively: "Miss Lu, what are your orders?"

"There is no order." Lu Jiu clutched his stomach, a little pitifully: "I'm just hungry, I'm super hungry!"

Originally, she was looking for Fu Lanqing to have lunch with her, but she discussed the medical skills assessment all afternoon. Now it was getting dark, and she just drank three big pots of tea. Fortunately, she was not lying on the bed, otherwise it would be difficult to turn over. It's the sound of water.

Fu Lanqing was inexplicably guilty. The conversation was too excited just now, and she completely forgot about this matter.

He glared at Fu Yi who was still stunned on the spot: "Hurry up and get meals on time!"


Fu Yi moved very quickly, because the meals were made very slowly, so he brought a lot of food and asked Lu Jiu to fill his stomach first.

Because he had been hungry for too long, it was almost a dish, so Lu Jiu emptied the dish.

Fu Lanqing was also a little hungry, looking at the empty plate with doubts about life.

The two started a fight for food again.

After dinner, Lu Jiu took a flower bath in a good mood and fell asleep comfortably.

As for Fu Lanqing, he was eating hawthorn and pacing slowly in the yard of the Houya to help him digest.

Fu Lanqing's body is weak, and his digestive system is not very good. When he had dinner tonight, he accidentally overfed, so of course he needed to digest.

Lu Jiu has lived outside for too long and hasn't returned to the village for a long time. She is a little worried about her old lady at home and wants to go home and have a look.

The reason why Fu Yi dared to leave was because the two sick patients in the family had almost recovered.

Lu Jiu needs to drink medicine for another day, pay attention to rest, and supplement nutrition is enough.

Fu Lanqing still needs to drink half a month's decoction, and he must pay attention to self-cultivation on weekdays. Anyway, he has poor bones and has been drinking medicine since he was a child. Bed rest is commonplace, but it is not a big deal.

The next day, Lu Jiu said goodbye to Fu Lanqing, wanting to go home and have a look.

When Fu Lanqing heard that Lu Jiu was leaving, she felt extremely reluctant.

But Fu Lanqing thought for a long time, but found that he had no reason to keep her.

Fu Lanqing sighed and asked, "Is your shop about to open?"

"That's right." Lu Jiu said with a smile, "It's almost time to open after tidying up."

Speaking of opening, Lu Jiu was full of heartache.

She only has two and a half dollars now, and she can't even pay the employees' wages. How can she start a business? QAQ!

The most urgent thing is to make money.

(End of this chapter)

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