Chapter 334
"When the time comes, remember to send me an invitation card." Fu Lanqing looked at Lu Jiu, with a hint of reluctance hidden in his words: "No matter how busy I am, I will come to the appointment on time and congratulate you."

Sisters are so generous! !

Lu Jiu nodded: "Okay."

She looked at Fu Lanqing again, and waved goodbye to him: "I'm leaving!"

Fu Lanqing hummed: "I'll send someone to take you back."


Fu Lanqing immediately sent someone to prepare the carriage.

Just when Lu Jiu was about to get into the carriage, Fu Lanqing said again: "I asked the kitchen to make your favorite pastry, and it will be out of the cage in half an hour, wait a little longer?"


Lu Jiu smiled sweetly, she could still afford to wait seven or eight minutes.

Take the pastry home and give it to the old lady to try.

"It's very sunny outside, why not come in for shade?"

"You're still thoughtful!"

Lu Jiu and Fu Lanqing entered the main hall, and the two chatted one after another.

Time slipped away little by little, and half a quarter of an hour passed quickly.

Fu Lanqing made a gesture, and a black shadow suddenly disappeared in the dark.

Lu Jiu suddenly said, "Is the pastry almost ready?"

Fu Lanqing recruited a servant and went to the kitchen to ask what was going on.

The servant quickly came to reply: "I want to report to the master, as soon as the pastry came out of the cage, a stray cat who didn't know where it came from, just kicked it over with one hoof!"

Lu Jiu: "..."

Fu Lanqing pretended to be angry and said: "Where did the little bastard come from so hard to open his eyes, pull me down and beat him twenty big boards!" At least twenty small dried fishes will be rewarded! !

Are you a stray cat and a criminal?And hit the [-]th board again, thank you for thinking it out!
Lu Jiu quickly stopped Fu Lanqing, and said speechlessly: "Forget it, don't argue with a cat, I won't eat it!"

"Wait..." Fu Lanqing replied respectfully, and then said, "Let the cook make another cage."

"No need." Lu Jiu politely refused: "It's getting late, I should go home!"

“Pastry is quick.”

Fu Lanqing's brows and eyes were stained with eagerness that even he hadn't noticed.

"I don't want to eat it."


Fu Lanqing suddenly felt very uncomfortable, and his heart was uncomfortable.

Seeing that Lu Jiu was about to leave soon, he was quick to think, and suddenly said: "You haven't taught me a lesson for a long time, if you don't teach me again, I'm afraid you will forget it all!"

Classes = money money.

Lu Jiu did not refuse: "Okay, then go to class!"

Seeing this, Fu Lanqing breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, people are left behind.

Fu Lanqing is too smart, and his learning progress is very fast, and now he is almost at the last step, which is the sketching training.

The sketching training is divided into still life sketching and figure sketching training, which mainly trains the composition ability, the ability to understand the shape, the grasp of the relationship between light and shade, the relationship between space and the relationship between reality and reality, etc.

The previous ones are all to lay the foundation for the last step.

Fu Lanqing was distracted throughout the morning class.

Lu Jiu was so eager to return home, he just wanted to go home and see his old lady, but he didn't notice it.

Fu Lanqing is not the kind of obvious distraction, he will answer when it is time to answer, and he has heard every word Lu Jiu said, but he has not thought about it.

Because his mind was completely filled with Lu Jiu's voice and smile, and there was no room for other things.

After two classes, it was almost noon.

Lu Jiu bid farewell again.

Fu Lanqing directly threw out the reasons she had prepared a long time ago.

A reason that Lu Jiu could not refuse.

(End of this chapter)

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