Chapter 335
"Ms. Lu taught me two classes. I must be very hungry. The students have prepared lunch, and I would like to ask Mr. Lu to give me a favor!"

Lu Jiu really couldn't refuse this reason.

Lu Jiu stayed for lunch again.

The lunch was hearty and hearty. There were [-] dishes, all of which were Lu Jiu's favorite.

After lunch, Lu Jiu bid farewell again: "Thank you for your hospitality, I'm going home!"

"The sun is shining right now, why not wait..."

Before Fu Lanqing finished speaking, he heard Lu Jiu say sincerely: "I'm not afraid."


"No but." Looking at Fu Lanqing, Lu Jiu always felt that the current sisters were a little strange, but she didn't think too much about it, but said directly: "I miss my mother, I want to go back and see her."

Once this reason is thrown out, no matter what great truth Fu Lanqing says, it will look so pale and powerless.

Fu Lanqing opened her lips lightly, and it took a long time before she said a word: "I have prepared some supplements for my aunt, please say hello to my aunt by the way."

Lu Jiu smiled and nodded: "Yeah."

Fu Lanqing watched Lu Jiu get into the carriage, smiled and waved goodbye to her.

When the carriage passed the corner and completely disappeared from his sight, Fu Lanqing felt that his heart seemed to be empty.

Even though he tried his best to persuade her to stay, he still couldn't keep her.

Fu Lanqing returned to the room, picked up a pencil, and drew the lines.

The light gray lines gradually became clear and changed into the appearance of a girl.

This girl is cute with a .., fierce with a .., and a little violent with a ..

Until the girl is vivid on the paper.

Fu Lanqing seemed to have come to his senses, and directly crumpled the painting into a ball and threw it on the ground.

He leaned his head on the desk, clenched his fists tightly.

I do not know how long it has been.

Fu Lanqing stood up, there was no expression on that enchanting and beautiful face, and there was no trace of life in those peach blossom eyes.

Like a puppet controlled by someone, he squatted down stiffly and picked up the crumpled painting.

Stretch it slowly, and smooth out the wrinkles on the screen little by little.

However, even if he tried his best, the painting still had wrinkles.

It simply cannot be healed.

It's like living in a certain person in my heart, even if I drive that person out, there are still traces of that person's existence in my heart.

Fu Lanqing put the painting casually into a book, out of sight.

Fu Lanqing, who has a slight obsessive-compulsive disorder, would not let a wrinkled painting appear in front of him, obstructing his eyes.

Fu Lanqing took out a piece of sketch paper again, holding the pencil with her slender fingers, making a rustling sound.

If one picture is not finished well, another one will do.

Where is it so troublesome.

Half an hour later, balls of paper appeared on the ground.

They are all unformed paintings.

Fu Lanqing's face was a little gloomy, and he couldn't draw it no matter what.

Obviously it was just fine.

Why can't it work now?

Fu Lanqing doesn't believe in this evil, it must be because he has just learned sketching and is not yet proficient.

He laid out the rice paper, picked up the brush, and started painting.

Half an hour later, there was another pile of paper balls on the ground.

I can't draw it!

I can't draw anything! !

He slammed his fist on the desk.

The desk shattered.

The inkstone was overturned and the carpet was stained.

Fu Lanqing caressed her heart lightly and let out a long sigh.

His heart was messed up.

 On the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, there are eight more.

  Four chapters will be released first, and the rest will be written after the little brother wakes up.

  emmmmm ask for a ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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