Chapter 354 Assignment of work
"You are just a lazy girl!"

"I'm not busy!"

If it's like the previous life, if you don't do anything every day and only care about spending money, you will naturally have time to toss your face.

While talking, the two had already stepped into the threshold of the duck shop.

The old lady glanced at it, what a grand!

When Qi Sheng and Gou Sheng saw someone coming in, they were about to stop them, but they saw a somewhat familiar person.

There is still a big difference between Lu Jiu's makeup today and when she was without makeup.

She looked a lot more mature, not like a teenage girl.


After Qi Sheng recognized him for a long time, he still recognized Lu Jiu.

"it's me."

Hearing Lu Jiu's voice, both of them couldn't believe it.

The lady in brocade clothes in front of me, who looked like a lady from everyone, turned out to be their boss?

I can't believe it.

Lu Jiu introduced the two of them: "Qi Sheng, Gou Sheng, this is my mother."

"Hi old lady!"

The two bowed slightly to salute.

The old lady straightened her back and began to look at the two of them with a straight face.

This is the guy her old girl hired?
Looking thin and weak, can you work?

"Mom, why don't you talk?"

It's been a long time, and the old lady didn't let them get up.

Although I didn't kneel down, I just bowed, but it was quite tiring.

The old lady whispered in Lu Jiu's ear: "I see that the old ladies in the city don't look at people seriously. I can't give them a good face, otherwise it will be easy to bully you. I want them to You know, my daughter is so easy to be bullied, my wife is not easy to mess with!"

Lu Jiu chuckled, and felt that her mother was so cute!

However, Niang is not a city dweller with eyes above her head.

"Mother, that's someone else, not you, you can just be a little stricter, there's no need to ignore people."

After thinking about it, the old lady thought it made sense, and said coldly, "Get up."

"Thank you, old lady."

While talking, Lu Sidong and the people from Sanfang also came in.

"Let me introduce to you, this is the shop of the duck shop... the shopkeeper, Qi Sheng, this is the guy of the duck shop, Gousheng!"

Lu Jiu introduced the Lu family to the two of them.

After seeing the ceremony, Lu Jiu let them go to work.

"Jiumei, your restaurant is bigger than the restaurant where the fourth brother worked!"

"That's right!" Lu Sanqiu nodded with satisfaction: "This is a county town, and the small restaurants in the town are not worth mentioning at all!"

Sun asked: "Jiumei, when will it officially open?"

"It's still early, don't worry."

"Why early? Can't you prepare in advance?" Lu Sidong rolled up his sleeves and asked directly: "Jiumei, look at arranging some work for Fourth Brother."

"And I."

"And I……"

Everyone said.

On the first day, it must be too busy.

Lu Jiu did not refuse the family's kindness and began to arrange work.

"Fourth brother, you can read and write, and you will help distribute the gifts later."

"What gift?"

Lu Jiu took out a leaflet and said to him, "Anyone who comes in with this paper will get a bowl for free."

A small gift given away for free is naturally not a good thing.

When Lu Jiu bought the kiln factory, there were still two or three hundred bowls left, and now they are just as gifts.

"What?" Lu Sidong couldn't believe it: "If you don't buy anything, you will give away a bowl for nothing?"

Lu Jiu nodded: "Yes."

"Are you crazy?"

Lu Sidong blurted out directly.

(End of this chapter)

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