Chapter 355
"What nonsense are you talking about!" The old lady slapped Lu Sidong on the head... No, because he is too tall, this slap can only land on his shoulder: "Your sister must have her own plan for doing this, you Just do as she says!"

The old lady also felt that her daughter was a little silly, but she could say it, but others couldn't, not even her own brother.

Lu Sidong kept saying yes, but he didn't dare to say a word.

The old lady asked with some distress: "Girl, we definitely won't trade at a loss, right?"

"Yes." Lu Jiu added: "I only sent out one hundred leaflets, at most one hundred."

One... a hundred?

This is really a big deal.

The old lady choked with distress.

Sanlang opened his mouth even more. He accidentally broke a bowl last year, and was scolded by his grandma for several days by pointing at his head. Just let him eat at the table.

Now the old aunt actually sent out a hundred bowls. Although I don't know how much a hundred is, it must be a lot.

While the old lady was talking, Lu Jiu said, "Let's go and have a look at the back."

A group of people walked towards the backyard.

In the backyard, there are quite a few people who are processing the ingredients. They are hired temporarily, otherwise, they would not be busy at all.

Lu Jiu just gave a brief introduction and let them continue to work.

Sun took a look and said, "Jiumei, your third brother and I will help here."

"Sister-in-law three, you'd better go to the kitchen."

"No need!" Now that the family has been separated, the kitchen is an important place, how can she let her in, she whispered to Lu Jiu: "If you invite outsiders to handle food, you must be watched, otherwise what should you do if it is not clean? ?”

When Lu Jiu thought about it, it was also the same reason, so she didn't object: "Then I'll have Mrs. Lao take care of it for me."

"no problem!"

Although he brought a large family with him today, Koshiro did not bring him with him, but entrusted Aunt Lin to take care of him.

Mrs. Sun rolled up her sleeves and started to work, and Lu Sanqiu also started to help butcher the live ducks.

"Mom, let's go to the kitchen."

The old lady didn't want to go to the kitchen very much, for fear of getting her clothes dirty, but Lu Jiu had said so, and she could only agree.

"You little ones are helping pluck duck feathers outside. I'll go in with your aunt to have a look."

After the old lady said this, she lifted her skirt and walked towards the kitchen.

After entering the kitchen, the old lady realized that the kitchen was really big, bigger than her room, and it was not at all the same as the dirty kitchen she imagined, it was very clean and bright.

Lu Jiu led the old lady around the kitchen. As soon as the two of them exited, Gou Sheng ran towards the backyard: "Boss, there are guests here!"


Lu Jiu was taken aback, her first reaction was——

It's not open yet, and no customers are accepted.

"It's not a customer, but your friend." Gou Sheng added, "He came with a gift."

"Mother, you rest here, I'll go out and have a look."


Lu Jiu asked Gou Sheng to arrange for the old lady to rest before going to the lobby.

"Miss should be Boss Lu now, congratulations!"

"Congratulations Boss Lu, business is booming!"

"Congratulations to Boss Lu, the wealth is coming in!"

"Happy together."

Lu Jiu looked at the people who appeared suddenly. They were shopkeepers whom she had met or worked with before, some of whom she couldn't even name.

(End of this chapter)

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