Chapter 370
Everyone followed the voice and found that it was a beautiful girl.

The girl is none other than Lu Jiu.

After Lu Jiu made it clear to Fu Lanqing, Fu Lanqing carried her down from the roof.

As a result, as soon as she reached the gate of the duck shop, she saw a lot of people gathered at the gate.

There is a difference between a booming business and a lot of accidents.

The atmosphere is different.

As soon as Lu Jiu approached, she heard something about Bawang's restaurant reporting to the official, who dares to eat and drink for free in her shop?

Are you really not afraid that you will eat it if you die, but you will not digest it if you die?

When she passed through the crowd, she saw the old lady warmly greeted Lu Dachun.

Great my mother!

When Lu Dachun saw Lu Jiu appearing, he instinctively shrank back in fright.

She obviously picked this dead girl to come here when she wasn't around, so how could she be caught by this dead girl?

For Lu Jiu, Lu Dachun still had an instinctive fear.

Lu Jiu looked at Lu Dachun, with a bloodthirsty arc on his lips: "I really regret that, why didn't I break up with you back then!"

"You..." Lu Dachun pointed at Lu Jiu, and said sternly: "You are just a girl, and you will always marry someone. If you break the relationship with me, who will support you when I see it!"

"Back me up?" Lu Jiu smiled softly when she heard the words: "Brother will be fine if he doesn't drain my blood, so how dare sister ask Big Brother to support me?"

Lu Dachun was stunned and had nothing to say.

Lu Jiu said again: "Even without you, I still have three good brothers. They don't look like big brothers. They always deliberately grab things from me and repay their kindness. With them, I, a girl, can rest easy Worry free!"

This sentence moved not only Lu Sidong's expression, but even Lu Sanqiu who followed the old lady couldn't help crying.

My sister is kind-hearted, cute, and capable, so why doesn't my elder brother like my sister?

If there is no sister, their Lu family is still living a life of rough clothing and food.

Especially Lu Sanqiu, at this moment he finally understood how much the elder brother went too far. Originally, he would sometimes secretly help the elder brother, but now that he thinks about it, his behavior is really ridiculous!

The elder brother is no longer their relative.

"If it's just stealing something, it's over if you lose some money, but you dare to spread rumors that I poisoned the food. Do you know what the crime is?"

As soon as Lu Jiu's words fell, Fu Lanqing's voice rang out: "There are eight punishments in the Zhou Rites, and the one who makes words is one."

Everyone made way for Fu Lanqing.

Fu Lanqing walked slowly to Lu Jiu's side. He was tall and tall, and he looked tall and handsome, without the enchanting charm of the past. At this time, he was upright and serious: "To spread rumors is to spread rumors, Qin Mie After the Six Kingdoms period, the imperial court expressly enacted legislation to prevent and control rumors. Widely spread rumors have serious harm to daily order, public sentiment, national stability and social trust system. Therefore, according to the degree of rumors, there will be different punishments. Cut off!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was so frightened that they sweated all over, especially some gossiping women were so frightened that they trembled all over and did not even dare to raise their heads.

Most people in ancient times were legally illiterate, and they didn't know the law at all. They only understood some relatively simple laws, such as killing with life, stealing with imprisonment and so on.

 Hui Zhongru's "On false rumors (false rumors, rumors)".Zhou Li stipulated eight crimes to be punished, and spreading rumors was one of them.

  The crime of spreading rumors was not made up by my little brother, it was really a crime in ancient times~
  Because it is too long, I will briefly say it here, lest some readers say that I made up the word count QAQ!

(End of this chapter)

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